Karen Upset That Son Comes Home With Haircut

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Even though the school told her that he did it himself as little kids can and a lot of the time do. I mean I agree with her on the fact that somebody should have been watching him and stopping him but hey, sometimes things like this happen.

As for him never doing it himself, it sounds like he's severely autistic and on top of that he's a little kid so either way he probably didn't know any better.

Keep your kids out of public school.

For the most part I agree with you but for one, Ohio doesn't appear to tolerate this crap and for two, I don't blame the school for this as accidents happen sometimes whether kids are being watched or not.
Even though the school told her that he did it himself as little kids can and a lot of the time do. I mean I agree with her on the fact that somebody should have been watching him and stopping him but hey, sometimes things like this happen.

As for him never doing it himself, it sounds like he's severely autistic and on top of that he's a little kid so either way he probably didn't know any better.

The kid is Native. Not that you would understand any culture other than your own but in our culture long hair is sacred. Whoever did this should be fired.
I also think someone like you would be sympathetic to a child with special needs.
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Even though the school told her that he did it himself as little kids can and a lot of the time do. I mean I agree with her on the fact that somebody should have been watching him and stopping him but hey, sometimes things like this happen. As for him never doing it himself, it sounds like he's severely autistic and on top of that he's a little kid so either way he probably didn't know any better.

Non-verbal or not, the kid isn't an idiot, right? He is going to school so he must understand English, right? So he knows how to nod his head yes or no, then.

So why can't they just ask the kid: "Did you cut your hair?" "Did the teacher cut your hair?"
Meantime, it would only take 3-4 seconds to cut your hair as a bang.
Is the school really responsible for not letting him out of their sight for 3-4 seconds?
If so, this kid needs more than special education.
Even though the school told her that he did it himself as little kids can and a lot of the time do. I mean I agree with her on the fact that somebody should have been watching him and stopping him but hey, sometimes things like this happen.

As for him never doing it himself, it sounds like he's severely autistic and on top of that he's a little kid so either way he probably didn't know any better.

maybe he was bullied into it? some parents think that bullying can toughen their more sissified boys into real men?.
Even though the school told her that he did it himself as little kids can and a lot of the time do. I mean I agree with her on the fact that somebody should have been watching him and stopping him but hey, sometimes things like this happen.

As for him never doing it himself, it sounds like he's severely autistic and on top of that he's a little kid so either way he probably didn't know any better.

When I was in school the worst thing that happened to me was getting SUSPENDED for WASHING MY HANDS. In both cases it is dumb and should't happen. I was also SUSPENDED for attacking my bully IN SELF DEFENSE. That is also dumb. For the second one, that happened first in third grade. My father said "let's go home and you can play on your Wii" my principal looked at my father with disgust. The washing my hands incident was the last straw for my father and that happened before the Christmas break. I switched schools in January of the following year and no incidents happened there.
When I was in school the worst thing that happened to me was getting SUSPENDED for WASHING MY HANDS. In both cases it is dumb and should't happen. I was also SUSPENDED for attacking my bully IN SELF DEFENSE. That is also dumb. For the second one, that happened first in third grade. My father said "let's go home and you can play on your Wii" my principal looked at my father with disgust. The washing my hands incident was the last straw for my father and that happened before the Christmas break. I switched schools in January of the following year and no incidents happened there.
Sorry that had to happen to you. It just goes to show how schooling has been for a very long time in the US. I don't know about other countries. But we rank very low when it comes to Education worldwide.
Having said that, Bullying needs to stop! By teachers and students.
The kid is Native. Not that you would understand any culture other than your own but in our culture long hair is sacred.

I never argued that it wasn't all I said is that it appears to have been an accident.

When I was in school the worst thing that happened to me was getting SUSPENDED for WASHING MY HANDS. In both cases it is dumb and should't happen. I was also SUSPENDED for attacking my bully IN SELF DEFENSE. That is also dumb. For the second one, that happened first in third grade. My father said "let's go home and you can play on your Wii" my principal looked at my father with disgust. The washing my hands incident was the last straw for my father and that happened before the Christmas break. I switched schools in January of the following year and no incidents happened there.

That's completely ridiculous. Especially the washing your hands part. 🙄
Again normally I would agree with you but Ohio has great schools for the most part. We aren't a woke state thank God.
I am sure Ohio does. But do you know we ranked very low when it comes to Education worldwide?

The reason?

It has to due mostly the way teacher are teaching these days. Yeah, I get it isn't an easy job. I never said any job is easy. But when you see that the US is almost at the bottoem of the Education bottom....makes you wonder and think of some of the reasons why the US is almost at the bottom.

I was taught in a public school (until I went into a private high school). I had a hard time learning in grade school. When I was in high school, it was much better. Yes, my parents paid for it. I rather have been home schooled though. But I took the latter.
I never argued that it wasn't all I said is that it appears to have been an accident.

That's completely ridiculous. Especially the washing your hands part. 🙄
Oh and that isn't close to the worst thing done by my first elementary school principal. My mother said this when the principal was in her face. "If you don't get out of my face, I'll shove it out" then the principal lied to the security officer and said my mother was going to blow up the school. She was banned from the premises. But that didn't stop her from "trespassing" on school grounds to pick me up. My father slept during the day due to him working a night shift. So he couldn't pick me up. But when he heard that I was suspended for washing my hands, he took the night off and picked me up. He also had to take the night off when I attacked my bully.
Oh and that isn't close to the worst thing done by my first elementary school principal. My mother said this when the principal was in her face. "If you don't get out of my face, I'll shove it out" then the principal lied to the security officer and said my mother was going to blow up the school. She was banned from the premises. But that didn't stop her from "trespassing" on school grounds to pick me up. My father slept during the day due to him working a night shift. So he couldn't pick me up. But when he heard that I was suspended for washing my hands, he took the night off and picked me up. He also had to take the night off when I attacked my bully.

My philosophy is did they start it or did they finish it?


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