Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

The message board is about everybody's opinion. I so happen to have both experience (lead systems analyst for both municipal and corporate elections back when I was 27 and 29) and mental capacity to form my own opinion. Other poor souls are simply left to echo the trash they see in the Pundit and such. The bull about any felony in the OP's linked article is a hoot.

It may carry 0 weight to you now, but hopefully as you mature a light of understanding will come on for you.
That election was run like shit.
The judges are paid off or are terrified of being attacked.
This is what the US has become when Liberals are invulnerable to the law.

Or.....Kari had a dogshit argument and failed to meet the standards of Arizona Caselaw.
There were some printer problems. Everyone who wanted to have a vote cast got their vote cast by one of the backup means.

You didn't like the election's outcome.
Bullshit. That election was a joke and you encourage it.
Bullshit. That election was a joke and you encourage it.

I accept the election outcome, even if I don't like it.

You're hamstrung by this false sense of entitlement, where you feel you deserve power you haven't earned.

Your ilk have no right to office. You have to earn it. And Kari Lake failed miserably.
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They weren't printed off-site. They were printed for each voter. You guys can't even keep your fake theories right.
Duh, if they were printed off-site Hobbs couldn't ensure that only Republican districts were impacted.

Who provided the stock, the printer, and the voting machines?

Katie Hobbs

Who benefited from disenfranchising Republican voters?

Katie Hobbs

Quite the coincidence.
Duh, if they were printed off-site Hobbs couldn't ensure that only Republican districts were impacted.

Who provided the stock, the printer, and the voting machines?

Katie Hobbs

Who benefited from disenfranchising Republican voters?

Katie Hobbs

Quite the coincidence.
Yet again, another losing lawsuit by the election deniers. How many is that? Someone should be keeping score.
Merry Christmas Farouk.

May Jesus double your IQ to 40.

Thanks for proving you can't prove it, nazi.
Quit talking and bring it. On Jan 6 March with all your people at every state capital to demonstrate your numbers.

Ahhhhh, look at the cute little leftist calling for violence.

That's you Infants shtick.

Not ours.

You want violence, just go to any Democrat run city and knock yourself out.
That will be up to the judge - who does not appear to be a minion of your Reich.
Perfect! Well your judge ruled against her.

Now do the respectable thing and admit you’ve been duped by propaganda and have been spreading lies.

Merry Christmas

Perfect! Well your judge ruled against her.

Now do the respectable thing and admit you’ve been duped by propaganda and have been spreading lies.

Merry Christmas

Be nice. In their reality Lake won.
That’s bullshit. If you can’t show the damages then you’re just making them up. Maybe these disenfranchised voters were Dems and maybe they should do mail in for future elections if they don’t have the time or patience to wait.
Damage was shown; intent was not shown because there's no video or audio of anyone planning this scheme.
Damage was shown; intent was not shown because there's no video or audio of anyone planning this scheme.

Yup, the judge basically set up a set of requirements that were impossible to meet without access to Hobbs email, and text accounts

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