Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

They didn't call them so cannot prove it.

They did prove it.

Katie Hobbs printed the ballots on the wrong size stock in Gilbert, Scottsdale, and Paradise Valley - all heavily Republican - but managed to get them right in deep blue Phoenix.

Just a happy coincidence though.

Fraud was proven in the trial - the question is remedy. I expect that the usual bullshit of "yes there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcome" will be used. I expect a reprimand of Hobbs with no teeth and not much else.

What SHOULD happen is the election should be invalidated, a special election held and Hobbs disqualified from running. Sadly there is little chance that will happen.
They did prove it.

Katie Hobbs printed the ballots on the wrong size stock in Gilbert, Scottsdale, and Paradise Valley - all heavily Republican - but managed to get them right in deep blue Phoenix.

Just a happy coincidence though.

Fraud was proven in the trial - the question is remedy. I expect that the usual bullshit of "yes there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcome" will be used. I expect a reprimand of Hobbs with no teeth and not much else.

What SHOULD happen is the election should be invalidated, a special election held and Hobbs disqualified from running. Sadly there is little chance that will happen.
They weren't printed off-site. They were printed for each voter. You guys can't even keep your fake theories right.
They weren't printed off-site. They were printed for each voter. You guys can't even keep your fake theories right.

Why print them in the first place? Why print them off size so that the machines can't read them?


You aren't helping yourself in the slightest.

No wonder you call yourself zinc warrior. Zinc is a very weak, exceptionally brittle metal that is only useful to make cheap novelty items.
And like clockwork and *exactly* as predicted, Kari's idiot legal argument failed spectacularly in court....

......and her ilk start weaving brand new conspiracy theories, pulled sideways out of their asses.

Of course. It was a stupid fucking conspiracy to start. And when held to legal standards of evidence collapsed as thoroughly as all the other Big Lie fever dreams and desperate fantasies.

Leaving the tinfoil faithful with no alternative but to invest all NEW conspiracies to explain away the spectacular failure of their OLD idiot conspiracy.

You can't fix stupid.
I haven't heard a decision so the trial isn't over till the judge renders a decision. They've simply finished testimony.

BTW, do you seriously believe that they're even going to attempt to find out what really happened during the election in two friggen days, and not make a predetermined judgement?

Newsweek claims the decision has already been made. According to them Kari Lake didn't have to just prove voter fraud.....but she had to prove that someone changed the result on purpose....not by mistake.

Mud, the Lake campaign asked for a speedy trial, and judicial determination, so that she could have time to appeal before the swearing in of the new governor on January 2 or 3rd.
Mud, the Lake campaign asked for a speedy trial, and judicial determination, so that she could have time to appeal before the swearing in of the new governor on January 2 or 3rd.

The youtube occultist that Independant and his ilk love to cite!

I fucking love that guy! I was wondering where he went.
You're a lying asshole.
They found a ton of evidence of fraud.
They just can't prove it was intentional.
That's the standard these people keep getting away with.
They found that the people running the polling stations fucked up royally.
Whether it was on purpose or because of incompetence is next to impossible to prove (in only two days), which is why Democrats are doing it.

The judge only allowed 2 issues to be explored. 8 other issues were thrown out for some stupid reason, only the judge knows why.

The judge certainly didn't think so. They had one guy flown in by the My Pillow whackjob who insisted that a mistaken printer setting was 'impossible'. A setting that didn't forbid a single person from voting.

You had four standards to meet. Your ilk failed to meet one.

Time for MAGA tears and brand new tinfoil!
Mud, the Lake campaign asked for a speedy trial, and judicial determination, so that she could have time to appeal before the swearing in of the new governor on January 2 or 3rd.
Yeah.....I'm sure. You people always have some sort of excuse.
The fact is....they weren't allowed to prove their case thanks to the narrow guidelines the judge laid out during this trial.
Yeah.....I'm sure. You people always have some sort of excuse.
The fact is....they weren't allowed to prove their case thanks to the narrow guidelines the judge laid out during this trial.

Yup. It was a forgone conclusion how it would turn out. The fuze to civil war gets ever shorter.
They found that the people running the polling stations fucked up royally.
You fucked up because you foolishly, stupidly, and carelessly strayed from your preapproved script. Unintentionally. One simply does not "fuck up" intentionally. Royally or no. Sore loser.
Yup. It was a forgone conclusion how it would turn out. The fuze to civil war gets ever shorter.

The State of Arizona is not on your side here. No state is. And its the States that led the civil war.

What you call 'civil war' today....are just murders, thugs and traitors intent on killing cops and their families.


There is your 'civil war'. And if you think that real Americans are going to stand by while you and your ilk start targeting cops, you'll be posting with the same dismay and futility as Ricky Shiffer did.
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