Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

They had to prove intentional efforts to to disenfranchise. They found neither intent nor disenfranchisement.

They most certainly found disenfranchisement. So yeah, you lied. You WEREN'T watching as you claim.
Requirements to develop and launch contingency plans in certain circumstances, failure is a felony.

Elections Procedures Manual (EPM)
was to launch “Contingency Plans” if waits to vote went “significantly” over “30 minutes.” Penalty is a class 6 felony.

Below EPM “Contingency Planning” page 169:

–The officer in charge of elections must have a contingency plan ready to implement if wait times consistently or significantly exceed 30 minutes. The contingency plan must include, but need not be limited to, the following:

–A transfer plan for poll workers to move from a less busy location or from a reserve staging area;

–A plan to open alternate voting locations (including a plan to educate voters about the new location);

–A plan to add additional e-pollbooks (if used in the county);

— A plan to add voting/secrecy booths; and

–A plan to add accessible voting equipment.”
View attachment 740847


    AZ Statute 16-1010: “Refusal by election officer to perform duty; violation of election law; classification: A person charged with performance of any duty under any law relating to elections who knowingly refuses to perform such duty, or who, in his official capacity, knowingly acts in violation of any provision of such law, is guilty of a class 6 felony unless a different punishment for such act or omission is prescribed by law.”
  • Violated requirement to conduct AZ elections with the “maximum degree of correctness, impartiality, uniformity and efficiency.”

    AZ election statute, Title 16, 16-452, the duties of the AZ Secretary of State and boards of supervisors, regarding elections, include conducting elections with a “maximum degree” of “impartiality.”:

    “After consultation with each county board of supervisors or other officer in charge of elections, the secretary of state shall prescribe rules to achieve and maintain the maximum degree of correctness, impartiality, uniformity and efficiency on the procedures for early voting and voting, and of producing, distributing, collecting, counting, tabulating and storing ballots. “

    Title 16, 16-452, reads:

    “A person who violates any rule adopted pursuant to this section is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.”

    AZ state law 13-707 stipulates that class 2 misdemeanors may be punished by up to four months in prison.

    Polling location data shows clearly that impacted districts were overwhelmingly Republican-leaning.

    Arizona Sun Times :
View attachment 740849
View attachment 740850
View attachment 740851
The "Officer in Charge" is the SecState. Now the pig who got elected. Never had to campaign since the "Results" were controlled.
They had to prove intentional efforts to to disenfranchise. They found neither intent nor disenfranchisement.

And they did. 20 inch ballots copied on 19 inch proves intent. Dumbass. Add to that NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY ON THOSE FRAUDULENT BALLOTS.

You really are not good at this, are you.
And they did. 20 inch ballots copied on 19 inch proves intent. Dumbass. Add to that NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY ON THOSE FRAUDULENT BALLOTS.

You really are not good at this, are you.
Does it matter they were all counted?
No evidence of fraud was submitted either.
You're a lying asshole.
They found a ton of evidence of fraud.
They just can't prove it was intentional.
That's the standard these people keep getting away with.
They found that the people running the polling stations fucked up royally.
Whether it was on purpose or because of incompetence is next to impossible to prove (in only two days), which is why Democrats are doing it.

The judge only allowed 2 issues to be explored. 8 other issues were thrown out for some stupid reason, only the judge knows why.
You're a lying asshole.
They found a ton of evidence of fraud.
They just can't prove it was intentional.
That's the standard these people keep getting away with.
They found that the people running the polling stations fucked up royally.
Whether it was on purpose or because of incompetence is next to impossible to prove (in only two days), which is why Democrats are doing it.

The judge only allowed 2 issues to be explored. 8 other issues were thrown out for some stupid reason, only the judge knows why.
Well, I hate to put too fine a point on it, but to be fraud it has to be intentional.
Well, I hate to put too fine a point on it, but to be fraud it has to be intentional.
But if you aren't even allowed to prove it was intentional then what's the point.
They can prove it was with the witnesses that said it was....but the judge made sure that those issues were never addressed.

This is the way these cases have been going. The judges in these districts are hand-picked and refuse to allow testimony that proves anything.
When you see them, that will be the last thing you ever see. So be careful what you wish for.

Not one of them, or us is advocating violence, but you leftist scum yearn for it.
So they will send death rays through the TV to kill everyone? Zzap!
But if you aren't even allowed to prove it was intentional then what's the point.
They can prove it was with the witnesses that said it was....but the judge made sure that those issues were never addressed.

This is the way these cases have been going. The judges in these districts are hand-picked and refuse to allow testimony that proves anything.
They didn't call them so cannot prove it.
So they will send death rays through the TV to kill everyone? Zzap!

I mean, it's not like the Secretary of State was running in the election and intentionally printed the ballots - only in Republican districts - so that they fouled the machines.

Oh wait - that's exactly what she did....
They didn't call them so cannot prove it.
They weren't allowed to call them.
There were whistleblowers that said Runbeck's counting procedures destroyed the chain of custody by separating and destroying the envelopes the mail-in ballots were received in. They said that many voters were told to go to another polling-place to vote when their improper ballot couldn't be read by the machines...or they ran out of ink to print the improper ballots, knowing this was not legal.

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