Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

The trial isn't over. They only did one day......it's not over...so stop claiming it's over.

The correct way to say it is "clearly you haven't been watching the trial".
Well now I know you are not following the actual trial. The TWO DAY trial was over Thursday, and we're awaiting verdict.
The trial isn't over. They only did one day......it's not over...so stop claiming it's over.

The correct way to say it is "clearly you haven't been watching the trial".
Uh… I don’t know what to say here. It’s done and the Judge is writing up his ass whipping indictment of the plaintiffs. Book it.
There is no question that the Hobbs machine broke numerous laws, that was clear in court.
Well there is question which is why it’s in court. You’ve apparently already made up your mind because you believe whatever you hear from your propaganda media. I’ll wait and see how it goes in court and respect the turn out.
You discard every fact of sworn testimony and simply anchor your perspective on the fact that you don’t like liberals so they must be cheating to win election. Your posts above claim all the Republicans running elections are RINO secret Democrats. It’s disconnected from reality or you are just trolling. I hope it’s the second because if you really believe the BS you’re typing you need support and some help.
No.....that's what you do.
Because you always have lived in a fantasy that the commies have created for you, you simple ignore the facts and make up what they call "THEIR TRUTH" to fit the agenda.
No.....that's what you do.
Because you always have lived in a fantasy that the commies have created for you, you simple ignore the facts and make up what they call "THEIR TRUTH" to fit the agenda.
What happened on day Two of this one day trial?
Plaintiff's called no one in the company they said they had heard from.

Plaintiff called no witnesses to say they were disenfranchised.

Plaintiff called no witnesses to say lines were long and they didn't vote.

Plaintiff's called no witnesses to show there were illegal ballots added.

Plaintiff's called no witnesses to show intent, which THEY HAD TO PROVE.

Plaintiff's didn't call any supportive witnesses. The didn't present a case, just a defense as if the defendants had the burden of proof.

Instead they introduced a pollster who said blah because he said so. That's hearsay and shouldn't have been there.

Then they called a chick not related to anything hired by the plaintiff who said someone at the company said 50 votes, BUT DIDN'T CALL THAT SOMEONE. So that's hearsay too.

That's it.
Well now I know you are not following the actual trial. The TWO DAY trial was over Thursday, and we're awaiting verdict.
I haven't heard a decision so the trial isn't over till the judge renders a decision. They've simply finished testimony.

BTW, do you seriously believe that they're even going to attempt to find out what really happened during the election in two friggen days, and not make a predetermined judgement?

Newsweek claims the decision has already been made. According to them Kari Lake didn't have to just prove voter fraud.....but she had to prove that someone changed the result on purpose....not by mistake.

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I haven't heard a decision so the trial isn't over till the judge renders a decision. They've simply finished testimony.

BTW, do you seriously believe that they're even going to attempt to find out what really happened during the election in two friggen days, and not make a predetermined judgement?

Newsweek claims the decision has already been made. According to them Kari Lake didn't have to just prove voter fraud.....but she had to prove that someone changed the result on purpose....not by mistake.
Newsweek is irrelevant. The Judge said they needed to prove intent as step one.
You really are clueless.
More threats. Form your militias at every capital on Jan 6, 2023 to show us your awesome might.

Bring all your friends. Bring all your guns. Show us how badass you are.
All ballots cast last election day went through the tabulation process. Affected ballots from the Oki printers were batched and tabulated at the main election headquarters. The resulting chaos at local voting centers was compounded by the distrust over elections which had many voters insisting that their ballot be tabulated immediately. On election day I heard some voters had poll workers trying their ballots through the tabulator over-and-over again without luck. Kari Lake not only shot herself in the foot by advising her supporters to forgo mail-in voting but also struck herself squarely in the other foot with her continued bellyaching over election dishonesty. It was a card she played even in the primary when initial results weren't going her way. I can imagine what those poll workers had to put up with.

Some 30 years ago I had a problem voting caused by Maricopa County's mistake and had to cast a provisional ballot. When permanent mail-in voting became available I immediately signed up to avoid any other last-minute issue at the polling place. It's definitely the way to go despite what any candidate says. It sure is easier for me spending a few hours on the desktop researching candidates and issues while filling out my ballot. I always hated that feeling in the voting booth questioning what made me decide for this guy or that.
This is not about your experience or your opinion. It carries 0 weight. So you know.
Newsweek is irrelevant. The Judge said they needed to prove intent as step one.
Proving intent rather than purposeful incompetence is next to impossible.
But you folks will claim there's no evidence of fraud, which they proved, and no evidence that Republican voters were disenfranchised, which there was.
The Maracopa election board intentionally fudged the election to change the election results....and the person who benefitted from it was Katie Hobbs. This election never should have taken place while she was running it.
It is not a fantasy. Those machines failed. 19 inch ballots will be rejected every time.
They weren't. They were retained and then scanned in after recopy under the direction of a bipartisan team. All ballots were counted.

Plaintiff submitted NO testimony from voters that they were disenfranchised.
They weren't. They were retained and then scanned in after recopy under the direction of a bipartisan team. All ballots were counted.
Those ballots could have been changed by poll workers. That is a fact. The election ballots on demand were made that way on purpose.
Proving intent rather than purposeful incompetence is next to impossible.
But you folks will claim there's no evidence of fraud, which they proved, and no evidence that Republican voters were disenfranchised, which there was.
The Maracopa election board intentionally fudged the election to change the election results....and the person who benefitted from it was Katie Hobbs. This election never should have taken place while she was running it.
No evidence of fraud was submitted either.
More threats. Form your militias at every capital on Jan 6, 2023 to show us your awesome might.

Bring all your friends. Bring all your guns. Show us how badass you are.

Militias? What militias. You have to worry about the hundreds of thousands of former veterans who are getting ever more pissed about this treasonous government.

Remember, dummy, they swore an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION, not some piece of shit politician, from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Never, ever, forget that.
Militias? What militias. You have to worry about the hundreds of thousands of former veterans who are getting ever more pissed about this treasonous government.

Remember, dummy, they swore an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION, not some piece of shit politician, from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Never, ever, forget that.
Cool. Let's see em Jan 6. Terrify us with your awesome power.
Wasn't what they were trying to prove.

Proving you were not watching the trial at all.
They had to prove intentional efforts to to disenfranchise. They found neither intent nor disenfranchisement.
Cool. Let's see em Jan 6. Terrify us with your awesome power.

When you see them, that will be the last thing you ever see. So be careful what you wish for.

Not one of them, or us is advocating violence, but you leftist scum yearn for it.

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