Kari Lake deletes tweet claiming judge's verdict was not written by him, but by "top left-wing attorneys" who emailed it to him

Yes. If you’re going to accuse someone of violating the law, it’s necessary to prove it.

Moreover, the ballot printer issues didn’t preventing people from voting. So what are we really arguing about?
Debating not arguing.. There is a difference.
Yes! 100% certain! The judge was 100% certain as well!
Say's you... You thought that about Russian collusion also didn't you ? Swore Twitter was clean too didn't you ? What else are you so certain about ? Not a good record that you are sporting there. Just sayin.....
Say's you... You thought that about Russian collusion also didn't you ? Swore Twitter was clean too didn't you ? What else are you so certain about ? Not a good record that you are sporting there. Just sayin.....
I don't tweet, and could care less what Twitter CHOSE to do.... I have no problems with the FBI informing them and other businesses on what they know or presume regarding Intel on foreign entities.

On the laptop, inside emails show Twitter made the decision themselves on the banning... Wise or not wise, it was their decision.

The Mueller Investigation PROVED Russians were heavily involved in trying to affect our election, in favor of Donald Trump.

The investigation also PROVED the Trump campaign was heavily involved with welcoming all the Russian help they could get.

The Investigation could not prove that the trump campaign coordinated with the Russians ahead of the Russian illegal actions, or conspired together on what to do....the report just shows the Trump campaign used the Russian Interference to their advantage later.... Like trump had no qualms with seeking out the Russian hacked and stolen emails of the Dnc and Podesta, and using them in his rally.

The report did also show, Trump campaign manager, meeting regularly with a Russian operative to give them Trump internal polling and information on the swing states. Mueller could not show what the Russians did with this campaign info, so no charges were brought....

I could go on and on and on what the Mueller Investigation reported....

But all of this is OFF the thread TOPIC.....

Please read the entire 10 page verdict, the judge recaps each and every witness and what was found out in court and why he determined.....the way he did.

These people talk of Patriotism and respet for law. The claim to Love America respect for the Democracy, when all they are is Fascist. Covering their hate with empty words and slogans.
No, your sides fascism has caused the loss of respect for the institution's that were supposed to hold up when attacked by leftist fascism in these ways... They broke from the inside out. Infiltrated.
You know.........the evidence that wasn't admitted........

Evidence was not presented because the evidence did not exist. All Lyng Lake ever had were allegations, conjecture, contention, hyperbole, innuendo and supposition.

Lying Lake did not have evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud because no such evidence existed. You people do not respect American Democracy or the American Electoral System. The only elections you deem as real are elections you win, other wise it's fraud or it's rigged.
Evidence was not presented because the evidence did not exist. All Lyng Lake ever had were allegations, conjecture, contention, hyperbole, innuendo and supposition.

Lying Lake did not have evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud because no such evidence existed. You people do not respect American Democracy or the American Electoral System. The only elections you deem as real are elections you win, other wise it's fraud or it's rigged.

I think you missed the sarcasm in my post. Lol
Conservatives are scrambling to concoct the right kooky theory. A commenter above said she didn't tweet that at all. This one says she's being intimidated to delete the tweet that never existed. Here's live video of the two commenters trying to get on the same page.
She was cheated but that doesn't excuse her buffonery lol.

The judges ruling was wrong. Her reaction via this tweet was stupid.

Everyone loses
No, your sides fascism has caused the loss of respect for the institution's that were supposed to hold up when attacked by leftist fascism in these ways... They broke from the inside out. Infiltrated.

Your avatar is one of Man, who while Marines and Cowboys never once served a single day in uniform. Fuck off. Marion Morrison was full fledged Draft Dodger.

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