Kari Lake deletes tweet claiming judge's verdict was not written by him, but by "top left-wing attorneys" who emailed it to him

Her followers are paying for it all, with their donations, which I assume will continue.

Unfortunately she's not actually punished, nor discouraged from future frivolous law suits by these sanctions, because it's her followers paying for it, not herself. Her lawyers need harsh punishment from disciplinary division of the Bar imo....

Sadly this is true. The one reason she had for taking her actionable tweet were further sanctions and the threat of legal action against her. Lying Lake knows she has lost her election, but like the Traitor she will milk that loss for as much money as she scam.
Careful traitor, your lies don't have any impact here. In fact, we all know you're lying. It's all you do. Now, spew

The shit flows from your mouth like water. Last I checked, this was still the United States and in the United States we have what is called "Freedom of Speech". If you are confused about that please consult the First Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, it begins with, "Congress Shall Make No Law" you MAGA MAGGOT butt boy.
It's too late for her. Her tweet reached 453,000 views, and that was only at the time of the screenshot.
Sounds like you support criminalizing the mere questioning of election irregularities. The facts around her case are indisputable. At least two AZ election laws were broken and that judge ignored those crimes and set a literally IMPOSSIBLE standard of proof for her side. The idea that anyone can prove the mental intent of a person is ridiculous. For her to win she'd have had to have evidence of Hobbs' campaign admitting verbatim that they intended to cheat.

I haven't heard yet but I think she'd have a pretty good chance of prevailing on appeal. There's a law in AZ concerning the positive chain of custody and if that chain is broken, one need not prove fraud occurred. Just the possibility that it might have happened is supposed to be sufficient to invalidate any ballots where the chain was broken. State's witness admitted that there was ZERO counting of the number of ballots prior to them arriving at a central location. The number of votes affected was 250 thousand in a race with a 17 thousand vote margin of victory.

All of those who are smirking and cheering over that judge's decision are going to get a harsh wakeup in the coming couple of years. It might seem great if your opponents give up on voting out of disgust at a corrupt system but once enough people walk away from faith in elections, pretty soon they'll also walk away from recognizing the legitimacy of those who "win" elections. It takes an idiot to think that that kind of disenfranchisement can be ignored without serious consequences. You can't arrest hundreds of thousands of citizens who tell government to GF themselves ;)
Kari isn't my fantasy girlfriend but her winning her stolen election back is exactly in my best interests.

Why is it always you trolling and you who is always accusing others of trolling?
What's in it for you Donald H ??
Dreamer.... She may have eeked it out due to a judge ignoring the irregularities in the case, but that's going to come to an end in this country, and hopefully soon order will be restored in the court's and in the nation. There has become a pattern with these judge's shutting down conservative voice's, and we'll probably soon find out the same things that were found out about Twitter, the FBI, the CIA and the rest of the alledged MSM along with their allies on the socially corrupt media platforms.
Dreamer.... She may have eeked it out due to a judge ignoring the irregularities in the case, but that's going to come to an end in this country, and hopefully soon order will be restored in the court's and in the nation. There has become a pattern with these judge's shutting down conservative voice's, and we'll probably soon find out the same things that were found out about Twitter, the FBI, the CIA and the rest of the alledged MSM along with their allies on the socially corrupt media platforms.
Arizona election law, says irregularities without intentional malice, is NOT a reason to invalidate the voices and votes of their citizens.
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There was a two day trial. Most of the evidence wasn't even allowed to be admitted. As soon as the trial, such as it was, was concluded the judges rendered his opinion which just happened to exhibit many of the expressions and word usage as used by Mark Elias.

Nothing fake about this, nossir.
Probably was like this too, otherwise how would you like to be the first judge to go against the leftist cabal juggernaut that's been in action since before 2016 ?? Right now I bet these judge's are seriously thinking about how lonely they are when looking at the big picture of it all. No single judge at this moment wants to break out and put himself and family into the sick situation that occurred when the supreme court justices took the proper stance against roe-V-wade.

In summary - So the intimidation of the highest court in the land had a chilling effect, and now all judge's have since put themselves on notice "not to go against the mob" at this juncture, so justice is done... The court's have now failed.
Arizona election law, says irregularities without intentional malice, is NOT a reason to invalidate the voices and votes of their citizens.
Without intentional malice, so are we truly satisfied that her case didn't show that ?
The shit flows from your mouth like water. Last I checked, this was still the United States and in the United States we have what is called "Freedom of Speech". If you are confused about that please consult the First Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, it begins with, "Congress Shall Make No Law" you MAGA MAGGOT butt boy.
Hmmm, last you checked we had freedom of speech eh ? When was that 1945 to 1957 ? During the 60s it was becoming lost, and we haven't truly gained it all back yet. Sadly stay tuned, because apparently you know not what you do. It's only going to get worse.
Without intentional malice, so are we truly satisfied that her case didn't show that ?
Yes. If you’re going to accuse someone of violating the law, it’s necessary to prove it.

Moreover, the ballot printer issues didn’t preventing people from voting. So what are we really arguing about?
FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Considering all evidence presented, the Court finds as follows:
As to Count II – Illegal BOD Printer/Tabulator Configurations:

a. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct in violation of A.R.S. § 16-672(A)(1).

b. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was committed by “an officer making or participating in a canvass” under A.R.S. § 16- 672(A)(1).

c. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was intended to affect the result of the 2022 General Election.

d. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact affect the result of the 2022 General Election.

As to Count IV – Chain of Custody Violations:

a. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct in violation of A.R.S. § 16-672(A)(1).

b. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was committed by “an officer making or participating in a canvass”

c. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was intended to affect the result of the 2022 General Election.

d. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact affect the result of the 2022 General Election.

Therefore: IT IS ORDERED: confirming the election of Katie Hobbs as Arizona Governor-Elect pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-676(B).

The Court notes the representations of the County Defendants that a motion for sanctions would be forthcoming and the Court also considers the need of this Court to enter an Order under Rule 54(c), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure so that an appeal on all issues might be taken in a timely fashion.

Therefore: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: that a statement of costs including compensation of inspectors under A.R.S. § 16-677(C) must be filed by 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022. Failure to do so by the deadline will be deemed a waiver of those costs. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: any motion for sanctions must be filed by 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022, and any response by Plaintiff must be filed by 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 26, 2022. The Court will not consider a reply. After consideration of any sanctions motion, or the failure to file such a motion, and the presentation of costs to be assessed, the Court will enter a signed judgment under Rule 54(c). R ETRIEVE D FR O M D E M O C R A C Y D O C KET.

The shit flows from your mouth like water. Last I checked, this was still the United States and in the United States we have what is called "Freedom of Speech". If you are confused about that please consult the First Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, it begins with, "Congress Shall Make No Law" you MAGA MAGGOT butt boy.
Freedom of speech doesn't apply to MAGAt idiots.
If you don't have anything factual, accurate, and (at least somewhat) intelligent to say, you are required by law to keep your mouth shut so you do not poison the environment.
It's in The Constitution!
No "freedom" to try making others as DUMB as you.


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