Kari Lake schools NYT and WAPO on gender

Answer the question. How many genders are there?
I did answer it, you just weren't bright enough to understand. Gender exists on a spectrum, like color, and so there are an infinite number of them.
Did you evolve from a monkey?
No you dumb Bingo, no human did. We share a common ancestor with great apes and chimpanzees that lived about 8 to 6 million years ago. We all evolved from her. Apes are our distant cousins, not our forebearers. Read a book for fucks sake. 😄
I did answer it, you just weren't bright enough to understand. Gender exists on a spectrum, like color, and so there are an infinite number of them.

No you dumb Bingo, no human did. We share a common ancestor with great apes and chimpanzees that lived about 8 to 6 million years ago. We all evolved from her. Apes are our distant cousins, not our forebearers. Read a book for fucks sake. 😄
So the B in LGBTQ stands for what?
I did answer it, you just weren't bright enough to understand. Gender exists on a spectrum, like color, and so there are an infinite number of them.

No you dumb Bingo, no human did. We share a common ancestor with great apes and chimpanzees that lived about 8 to 6 million years ago. We all evolved from her. Apes are our distant cousins, not our forebearers. Read a book for fucks sake. 😄
Eve was a chimpanzee? Are you sure? Maybe your ancestors were baboons. Is that possible?

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