Kari Lake schools NYT and WAPO on gender

I ' m saying even stupid animals seem to know what they want / need to do. I doubt that they bother or are capable of trying to figure out why they do what they do
That behavior in the animal world isn't abnormal.
Two sexes ; many, many genders 107 are listed for 2023. Try to keep up. 1. There are only two sexes. 2. Sex and gender are different entries entirely. 3, There are many genders. Like species , they keep finding new ones.

Bullshit.....what you speak of wasn't created by God, but by man.
That behavior in the animal world isn't abnormal.
Actually it's not abnormal, just not as common as heterosexual relationships are. Butore common than you think. In sheep 8% of rams prefer mating with other rams even when given plenty of alternatives. They are many pemutations on the sex theme in the animal kingdom, just like US
Actually it's not abnormal, just not as common as heterosexual relationships are. Butore common than you think. In sheep 8% of rams prefer mating with other rams even when given plenty of alternatives. They are many pemutations on the sex theme in the animal kingdom, just like US
If you think before you post, that is exactly what I said.
That behavior in the animal world isn't abnormal.
Man can only define what GOD created.
Man should obey God's law.....not mans.
If you think before you post, that is exactly what I said.


Man should obey God's law.....not mans.
You cannot seem to understand the difference between uncommon and abnormal. That's your problem from the begining. And please stop bringing your god into the mix. Your false god started all this trouble in the first place.
You cannot seem to understand the difference between uncommon and abnormal. That's your problem from the begining. And please stop bringing your god into the mix. Your false god started all this trouble in the first place.
My God is the Alpha and Omega.
So you worship Satan and the democratic party is whet you're saying?
No such animal exists. I understand the nature of the Creator Entity - what most people on this planet call god attributing every imaginable attribute to it. All religious gods are of man's making, many even to liken it to their own image. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Even the most primitive of humans understood the difference between a man and a woman. That fact that so many of you are confused these days isn't a positive commentary on modern society.
Yeah, that's the standard we should go by. Things that primitive humans understood.... 😄

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