Kari Lake warns repubs candidates who will not say she was cheated in governor's race.

It's their M.O. Just wait a little while in any thread where they aren't doing well and BOOM! out comes the sexual/scatological fantasies.
Yeah, it does get creepy. The cult has made projection an art form.

You'll also notice that most of the rank and file communicate as if they're doing a radio talk show or internet podcast. Saturated in talking points, deflection, comical hyperbole and personal insults. They've learned to address people by mimicking those sources, because they lack the skills otherwise. MTG is essentially the full manifestation of that.

The rank & file are largely hopeless. They think they're Rush Limbaugh. That's not where this gets fixed.
The right even tells us they were planning this deceptive course of action BEFORE the election but the loons believe they were robbed anyway.

Yep. They have everything they need to know that they've been conned.

They're just too emotionally invested now to admit it. This is about far more than politics for them.
"It was your brain that was stolen, not the election."

Well, poster Faun, that particular poster you are referencing has been whining and weeping over the 2020 election since it happened.

Yet, when queried as to what he has actually done to propel his argument of 'theft'......gone to the FBI, gone to his State election authority, gone to any authority whatsoever with his evidence or even his argument, well, he goes AWOL.

In my personal opinion, he's an empty whiny suit. We all have those folks in our life....full of complaints, and grievances.....but never put their shoulder to the wheel and try to change things.

At a minimum, has that poster contributed to Trump's 'Stop the Steal' funding?
When queried on his cash outlays to Trump he goes into deep radio silence.

IMHO..... there is no there there with that good ----but very whiny ---poster.

Despite that, his whining, and those like him, are doing America no good service. They are undermining us. Their thinking and communicating is corrosive to America. They are not patriots. They are un-American Americans.
Here she is in drag...

Yea, she dressed like Elvis once. That totally makes her a trans.
Well ... it is clear that she was robbed of that election. The evidence is overwhelming. I'd be angry, too. I do like her ability to fight. Something really needs to be done about all the election fraud of recent years, but I have a feeling that the slobs at the top of the political food chain will turn a blind eye.
This is a country of laws...not..."I think this happened." Both lake and trump are delusional LOSERS.

AND IT SEEMS YOU ARE ALSO A LOSER. SAD...as your LOSER cult leader says.
This is a country of laws...not..."I think this happened." Both lake and trump are delusional LOSERS.

AND IT SEEMS YOU ARE ALSO A LOSER. SAD...as your LOSER cult leader says.
It is a country of laws which the Dems clearly broke. Just acknowledge it and move on. You should be happy that your party indulges in practices that further their cause, regardless of their legality. Don't Marxists agree that "the end justifies the means?"
It is a country of laws which the Dems clearly broke. Just acknowledge it and move on. You should be happy that your party indulges in practices that further their cause, regardless of their legality. Don't Marxists agree that "the end justifies the means?"
It's not for her to make that call.

And with what do you insist they aren't cooperating?

Lake was largely rebuffed by the court.
She threatened the NFL about the Super Bowl...then she loses. What a Giant Loser she is.

She is the perfect running mate for trump in 2024.

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