Kari Lake warns repubs candidates who will not say she was cheated in governor's race.

It's a shame the cheating was allowed to happen. She'd make a great governor.

---The Arizona Republican also weighed in on Trump’s indictment, saying, “They’re going after President Trump for a nothing-burger.”---

---“I think her message and Trump’s are aligned really well, basically the same message,” Ortiz said. “They’re concerned about elections, they’re concerned about just all the corruption going on … plus conservative values.”---

What are the Dems doing? Should they sit around and let this lunatic continue to repeat her lies. I still say she and margie greene are trying to be trump's running mate in 2024. So they can lose again.

They have no problem with leftist lunatics repeating lies.
It is a country of laws which the Dems clearly broke.
I think the poster Jackson is referring to the 2020 election?
If, in fact, he is......well, what can anyone say but: Show us.

Show us that your allegation is true.
That you know what you are talking about.

Can you, will you....offer credible evidence from reputable reportage that there was 'theft' sufficient enough to alter in any jurisdiction the election of 2020 between Biden & Trump, or in the governor's race in Arizona.

So, poster Jackson, you alleged it. You prove it.

It's Adult Swim rules.
I think the poster Jackson is referring to the 2020 election?
If, in fact, he is......well, what can anyone say but: Show us.

Show us that your allegation is true.
That you know what you are talking about.

Can you, will you....offer credible evidence from reputable reportage that there was 'theft' sufficient enough to alter in any jurisdiction the election of 2020 between Biden & Trump, or in the governor's race in Arizona.

So, poster Jackson, you alleged it. You prove it.

It's Adult Swim rules.

If you choose to ignore the evidence, then that's on you ... not me.


Ok, back to the topic. Go.
When you keep going off topic. Seems pointless. But I’m a caring and giving kinda guy. Can’t help it. That’s part of being a conservative.

Go to the top of this page. There you will find the thread headline. There’s your clue. Now get to it.
I think the poster Jackson is referring to the 2020 election?
If, in fact, he is......well, what can anyone say but: Show us.

Show us that your allegation is true.
That you know what you are talking about.

Can you, will you....offer credible evidence from reputable reportage that there was 'theft' sufficient enough to alter in any jurisdiction the election of 2020 between Biden & Trump, or in the governor's race in Arizona.

So, poster Jackson, you alleged it. You prove it.

It's Adult Swim rules.
Chilliconfuzed. Practice what you preach. Go.

She is losing her mind. The repubs are intent on destroying our electoral system.
Lol, what is that dumb ass going to do brow beat them to death? No one is worried about that low pro ho.
If you choose to ignore the evidence, then that's on you ... not me.
With pics and video of actions that conspiracy theorist allege are wrong doing....no less.

However ------

  • ........ pics of the alleged 'ballots brought out late'.....has been refuted by none other than the Republican officials overseeing the Georgia count----Brad Raffensberg, and Gabriel Sterling. YouTube is full of their denunciations. Check it out.

  • The pic of a man allegedly covering windows to a counting center thus blocking the view by outsiders of the ballotcount (Detroit?).......has bee refuted as anu intent to conceal fraud.
    Rather it was an attempt to quell a raucous crowd of Trump supporters encouraged by Republican operatives to go to the counting center and to loudly make their concerns known. They did...by screaming and banging on the windows.
    It was so disruptive to orderly counting of ballots that measures were taken to block their intrusions and disruption of the counting.

  • And then, 2000 Mules?
    So widely refuted we need not detail it here. Nowhere does it show that someone illegally dropped off ballots . It does show what may be multiple ballots dropped off by individuals.....but they were shown to be staffers of nursing or care facilities assisting their patients or wards with getting their ballots to the mail in a timely fashion.
But, let's give the good poster ActionJackson his due in at least trying to buttress his charges.
At least he tried. So so many of the Q's and MAGA's who whine here refuse to back up their allegations.

Nonetheless, even with that he still raises questions about his effectiveness and his resolve.
I mean by that, he has this alleged 'proof' that he firmly believes shows fraud.....but then what?

  • What does Action Jackson do next?
  • Has he taken his 'proofs' to the FBI?
  • To his state's top election officials?
  • To his precinct?
  • To any authority?

Or, is the extent of his outrage easily pacified by simply whining anonymously under a fake name on internet social media?

So, AJ, are you just a complainer? Or are you a 'git-er-don' kinda guy?
What have you actually done to 'Stop the Steal'?
With pics and video of actions that conspiracy theorist allege are wrong doing....no less.

However ------

  • ........ pics of the alleged 'ballots brought out late'.....has been refuted by none other than the Republican officials overseeing the Georgia count----Brad Raffensberg, and Gabriel Sterling. YouTube is full of their denunciations. Check it out.

  • The pic of a man allegedly covering windows to a counting center thus blocking the view by outsiders of the ballotcount (Detroit?).......has bee refuted as anu intent to conceal fraud.
    Rather it was an attempt to quell a raucous crowd of Trump supporters encouraged by Republican operatives to go to the counting center and to loudly make their concerns known. They did...by screaming and banging on the windows.
    It was so disruptive to orderly counting of ballots that measures were taken to block their intrusions and disruption of the counting.

  • And then, 2000 Mules?
    So widely refuted we need not detail it here. Nowhere does it show that someone illegally dropped off ballots . It does show what may be multiple ballots dropped off by individuals.....but they were shown to be staffers of nursing or care facilities assisting their patients or wards with getting their ballots to the mail in a timely fashion.

Sadly, rightards are impervious to facts and reality.
When you keep going off topic. Seems pointless. But I’m a caring and giving kinda guy. Can’t help it. That’s part of being a conservative.

Go to the top of this page. There you will find the thread headline. There’s your clue. Now get to it.
I’ve addressed the topic. Kari Lake is an idiot and a conspiracy theorist sore loser crybaby. People like Lake and Trump are representations of what being a conservative is actually all about now - being sore loser crybabies whining idiotic conspiracy theories after they lose. You guys would be far more successful if you cut ties with these idiots and tried being sensible.
Sadly, rightards are impervious to facts and reality.

Oh, I know, poster Faun, I know.

But, I kinda look as this exercise as sorta like doing crossword puzzles, or Wordle.
And besides if the ne'er-do-well MAGA-Q's put out their flatulence-filled conspiracies....without pushback, well then, perhaps more dunderheads could be recruited into their cult. There are, after all, a lot of dunderheads out there.
So, a little..."on-the-other-hand" input ain't a bad thing.

And sometimes it is outright fun.
I love this bar.
All debunked bullshit.

Better luck next time.
Of course, it is!! Why? Because the guilty Party says so. But I already knew you Marxists wouldn't accept the evidence even if it was presented on a silver platter. Even the dude covering the windows, so nobody could witness the count, is just a cartoon character.
But, let's give the good poster ActionJackson his due in at least trying to buttress his charges.
At least he tried. So so many of the Q's and MAGA's who whine here refuse to back up their allegations.

Nonetheless, even with that he still raises questions about his effectiveness and his resolve.
I mean by that, he has this alleged 'proof' that he firmly believes shows fraud.....but then what?

  • What does Action Jackson do next?
  • Has he taken his 'proofs' to the FBI?
  • To his state's top election officials?
  • To his precinct?
  • To any authority?

Or, is the extent of his outrage easily pacified by simply whining anonymously under a fake name on internet social media?

So, AJ, are you just a complainer? Or are you a 'git-er-don' kinda guy?
What have you actually done to 'Stop the Steal'?
Most legal actions have been taken. But with the Dimwit Party and their RINO puppets working in collusion to keep Trump out of office ... a wall of red tape has been erected. What's more ... the FBI (the Dimwit Party's personal, bought-and-paid-for Gestapo) have no interest in truth or justice. If they did ... Biden, Clinton, and Obama (and perhaps Obama's husband, Mike) would all be in prison by now.
But I already knew you Marxists wouldn't accept the evidence even if it was presented on a silver platter. Even the dude covering the windows, so nobody could witness the count, is just a cartoon character.

That's simply utter nonsense. That you don't know that it's nonsense reveals just how disconnected from reality you really are and why your complaints of election fraud are worthless and easily debunked.

Case in point... that guy covering the windows so nobody could witness the count, as you ridiculously claim...

Utter bullshit. There were still Republican observers inside monitoring the count. Some, but not all, became unruly and were removed for disturbing the counting.

Completely legitimate.

They were sent outside where they joined a group of protesters already gathered outside. Because folks on the outside were taking pictures of what was going on inside, which is not allowed, the windows had to be covered to prevent them from doing so.
Of course, they were "debunked." Why? Because Faun says so.

Nope, I wasn't the one to debunk them. I'm merely one of the people echoing they've been debunked.

I already explained the gaping, sucking head wound to the claims set forth by 2000 Mules... 54,000 purported mules... 4,000,000 minutes of video... ZERO "mules" captured on video dropping off ballots more than once.

I just corrected your nonsense about windows being covered up to prevent counting ballots from being witnessed.

And here's your bullshit claim of ballots being pulled out to be illegally counted, thoroughly debunked...


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