Kari Lake warns repubs candidates who will not say she was cheated in governor's race.

Yet not ONE shred of credible PROOF to verify this.

So wrong yet again. Here is the latest irrevocable proof. Of course, you won't find these findings published in any leftist MSM trying to cover for the election frauds they are helping to perpetuate!

Why does the MAGA cult think that a pathological liar like trump is telling the truth? Mind Boggling....

I've posted this many times. My apologies in advance if you've already seen it...

the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted ... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... Lin Wood can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... the Racine board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the pillow guy can't be trusted ... Cyber Ninja's can't be trusted ... the Arizona audit can't be trusted ... the Wisconsin audit can't be trusted ... the Wisconsin Attorney General can't be trusted ... state authorities can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...

But Donald Trump can be trusted.
So wrong yet again. Here is the latest irrevocable proof. Of course, you won't find these findings published in any leftist MSM trying to cover for the election frauds they are helping to perpetuate!

You must be the only person on this forum to not know Lake challenged this in court already -- and lost.
You must be the only person on this forum to not know Lake challenged this in court already -- and lost.

Really? New testimony announced and released to the media just SIX days ago has already been adjudicated in court? Wow, that must be some kind of record! :lmao:
  • Most legal actions have been taken.
  • But with the Dimwit Party and their RINO puppets
  • working in collusion to keep Trump out of office ...
  • a wall of red tape has been erected.

Action Jackson?
The new Roseanne Roseannadana?

It's.... a-l-w-a-y-s.... s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g !!!!!

"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it’s not one thing, it's another."
So wrong yet again. Here is the latest irrevocable proof. Of course, you won't find these findings published in any leftist MSM trying to cover for the election frauds they are helping to perpetuate!

Not credible proof of election fraud and/or disenfranchisement of Republican (Lake supporting) voters.
They may have been slightly inconvenienced but every single one of them had the very SAME opportunity to cast a ballot as anybody else.

This is just more fake news snowflake whining.
Really? New testimony announced and released to the media just SIX days ago has already been adjudicated in court? Wow, that must be some kind of record! :lmao:

It was already adjudicated, numbnuts.

It doesn't matter if some loon, without standing, wants a judge to reconsider his decision.

And btw, the judge accepted her claims about ballots being improperly printed. She lost anyway because she couldn't prove that enough ballots weren't counted to affect the outcome of the election.

She lost. Get over it.

Action Jackson?
The new Roseanne Roseannadana?

It's.... a-l-w-a-y-s.... s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g !!!!!

"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it’s not one thing, it's another."
Yet true! But "you can't handle the truth" (in the famous words of Tom Cruise).
It was already adjudicated, numbnuts.

It doesn't matter if some loon, without standing, wants a judge to reconsider his decision.

And btw, the judge accepted her claims about ballots being improperly printed. She lost anyway because she couldn't prove that enough ballots weren't counted to affect the outcome of the election.

She lost. Get over it.
She is as stupid as her mentor, trump. The more election deniers who raise their voice, the more the GOP loses the independent voters.
Yet true! But "you can't handle the truth" (in the famous words of Tom Cruise).


Tom Cruise didn't say that, ya flamin' imbecile.

You can't even get that right, but we should believe you when you cry about debunked election fraud you can't prove??


Tom Cruise didn't say that, ya flamin' imbecile.

You can't even get that right, but we should believe you when you cry about debunked election fraud you can't prove??

Ease up on the MAGA crew. They can't help that ignorance is their best asset.
Not credible proof of election fraud and/or disenfranchisement of Republican (Lake supporting) voters.
An expert analyst is not credible proof because YOU say so? I bet it would be if they AGREED with you that Lake was not cheated!

They may have been slightly inconvenienced but every single one of them had the very SAME opportunity to cast a ballot as anybody else.
Except democrat voters who were not singled out, so long as they could stand around for four hours hoping to get the chance to actually vote and their second ballot was actually counted?
It was already adjudicated, numbnuts.

That was way back in February. Lake has had several cases, and will be appealing all the way to the Supreme Court until she proves that Hobbs who ran her own election where she was also one of the two candidates, is no governor.
The topic is Kari Lake and what she did. I’ve expressed my thoughts on her and what she’s doing. Your issue with that isn’t my problem.
No. You keep regurgitating you mindless and unestablished claims about Lake. Your alleged “thoughts” are irrelevant. Your problem is your tendency to say stupid shit.

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