Karl Rove: Obama 'In Desperate Shape'

Newsmax? Romney is tanking and Rove says Obama in desperate shape? So funny...

Evidence of Romney tanking? If you are referring to polls like Gallup who happens to have Obama up 1% point while polling 41% more democrats than republicans....only.up 1% while polling 41% more democrats?

I think some of the polls and the MSM are the ones in desperate shape.

Source please.
Most of the swing state polls released this week completely contradict Rove. What is he looking at?

Probably the data itself...

Do you believe 0bama will get the turnout he got in 2008?

If you do, we need to talk about a bridge that's just what you've been looking for.. got it real cheap for ya...

After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin.

It was very much along those lines. Touche! Made perfect sense...to those of us that have sense that is. I guess Obama's supporters wouldn't get it anyway, Breath saved. :D They wouldd find some excuse to mock Rove instead of proving the data wrong.
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Karl Rove: Obama 'In Desperate Shape'
Thursday, 20 Sep 2012 10:42 AM

By Greg McDonald

Political strategist Karl Rove Wednesday said recent polls show President Barack Obama in "desperate shape" in some key states he carried in 2008 and urged Republicans not to be discouraged by polls suggesting Mitt Romney has been wounded too severely by campaign missteps to recover.
"The swing state poll shows the president in desperate shape in territory he carried with ease in 2008," Rove said told Fox News' Neil Cavuto Wednesday evening, referring to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll showing Obama up by 48 percent to 46 percent over Romney.

Rove, a Fox News contributor and the founder of the Republican super PAC Crossroad GPS, said a closer look at the poll, however, indicates trouble ahead for the president in many of the 11 key battleground states when compared to a similar poll from the 2008 presidential race.

Rove noted that Obama was ahead of Sen. John McCain then with 55 percent of likely voters, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted in mid-September of that campaign.

"So Mitt Romney is already running ahead of the pace of John McCain. And President Obama is running . . . over six points behind where he did in these states in 2008," Rove told Cavuto.

"It's amazing to me," Rove said, adding that he would be worried "if I were in the White House and looking at this."
Rove said the media tends to "endow" political polls "with a false scientific precision that they do not have. They do not necessarily predict the outcome of an event that`s going to take place 49 days from now."

As an example, Rove pointed to the 1980 Reagan-Carter campaign, noting that Ronald Reagan was down significantly in the polls through September and October and came back in the final days to beat President Jimmy Carter.
He said that election was similar to the one playing out now between Obama and Romney.

"People were saying, 'You know what, this guy [Carter] is so bad. We have got double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment, we got double-digit interest rates. . . Why is Ronald Reagan losing to Jimmy Carter?'" Rove said, adding: "Everyone said, 'Oh my God, we are going to lose. And, of course, we didn't."

Karl Rove: Obama 'In Desperate Shape'

Factually, the takeaway is this:

"The swing state poll shows the president in desperate shape in territory he carried with ease in 2008," Rove said told Fox News' Neil Cavuto Wednesday evening, referring to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll showing Obama up by 48 percent to 46 percent over Romney.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Karl Rove: Obama 'In Desperate Shape'
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

The President carried some states easily in 08. He'll likely carry most of them again in '12; just not easily. But he's there. This is where the electoral genius that is Rove is wrong.

Obama 300-320 EVs, 5M+ votes over Romney.
Talk about spin....but that is what Rove is paid to do

Even at best, Rove is saying Obama is in "desperate shape" in a few formerly swing states

I must have missed the part where he said Mitt is actually winning
Talk about spin....but that is what Rove is paid to do

Even at best, Rove is saying Obama is in "desperate shape" in a few formerly swing states

I must have missed the part where he said Mitt is actually winning

You didn't miss it; Rove isn't dumb enough to say that. Berretta/TPS is too dumb to comprehend what he/she read though.
Most of the swing state polls released this week completely contradict Rove. What is he looking at?

Probably the data itself...

Do you believe 0bama will get the turnout he got in 2008?

If you do, we need to talk about a bridge that's just what you've been looking for.. got it real cheap for ya...

After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin.

A fact lost on the goofy liberals...

They can pretend Barry will outdraw republicans by 7-10 percent this november, but we all know that is just silly....
Probably the data itself...

Do you believe 0bama will get the turnout he got in 2008?

If you do, we need to talk about a bridge that's just what you've been looking for.. got it real cheap for ya...

After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin.

A fact lost on the goofy liberals...

They can pretend Barry will outdraw republicans by 7-10 percent this november, but we all know that is just silly....

You are correct

In 2008 Obama beat McCain 365 to 173

This time it will only be around 325 to 213

Republicans should be proud of their showing
After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin.

A fact lost on the goofy liberals...

They can pretend Barry will outdraw republicans by 7-10 percent this november, but we all know that is just silly....

You are correct

In 2008 Obama beat McCain 365 to 173

This time it will only be around 325 to 213

Republicans should be proud of their showing

You can pretend all you want... Turnout is going to crush your hero zero...

The enthusiasm just isn't there.... Oh sure, you fluffers will show up, but the others are dropping Barry like a brick...

Here, enjoy this:

Analysis of election factors points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder

After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin.

A fact lost on the goofy liberals...

They can pretend Barry will outdraw republicans by 7-10 percent this november, but we all know that is just silly....

You are correct

In 2008 Obama beat McCain 365 to 173

This time it will only be around 325 to 213

Republicans should be proud of their showing

Didn't you say in the other thread you were a republican?
Newsmax? Romney is tanking and Rove says Obama in desperate shape? So funny...

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD...........is this cheesdick not the most naive asshole on these forums?

s0n........hate to break it to you but your guy is going down HARD in about 50 days. I suggest you really start looking at another place to blog on after November 6th because you are going to be beyond fubar'd.

Election model with 100% success rate for past 30 years predicts Romney victory | The Raw Story

LOL.....and they have it 320-211 Romney and that was BEFORE the September economic #'s came in.


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Bush was NEVER elected - either time!

Oh, man.....I LOVE doin' this:

1. In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.
Online NewsHour: Media Recount: Bush Won

2. The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, “Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed,” by reporter Dennis Cauchon:
George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes -- more than triple his official 537-vote margin -- if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election....

3. New York Times headline clearly stated, "Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote,
Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote - NYTimes.com
A fact lost on the goofy liberals...

They can pretend Barry will outdraw republicans by 7-10 percent this november, but we all know that is just silly....

You are correct

In 2008 Obama beat McCain 365 to 173

This time it will only be around 325 to 213

Republicans should be proud of their showing

You can pretend all you want... Turnout is going to crush your hero zero...

The enthusiasm just isn't there.... Oh sure, you fluffers will show up, but the others are dropping Barry like a brick...

Here, enjoy this:

Analysis of election factors points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder



I've got it 325 Obama to 213 Romney

How bout you? Oh yea....I forgot
When it comes to put up or shut up.....You run away
How many remember this classic Karl Rove prediction, which, according to some, may have been the inspiration for the invention of the now worn out phrase 'epic fail'.

Washington, D.C.; October 24, 2006 -

Karl Rove, White House Deputy Chief of Staff and President Bush's chief strategist, says he doesn't believe the public polls that claim the Republicans are likely to lose the House and possibly the Senate on Election Day.

Rather, he explains in an interview with Robert Siegel airing today on NPR's All Things Considered today, he's looking at other polls that combined with the Republicans large financial advantage over the Democrats, could point to a Republican victory.


The worst prediction EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about spin....but that is what Rove is paid to do

Even at best, Rove is saying Obama is in "desperate shape" in a few formerly swing states

I must have missed the part where he said Mitt is actually winning

"I must have missed the part where he said Mitt is actually winning."---Asswinger

Saying he is winning wasn't the point of what the discussion was about. It was about how polls were formulated and the misconception that Obama leads in swing states if one takes polls at face value. Read the first few sentences.

See assclown:

"Political strategist Karl Rove Wednesday said recent polls show President Barack Obama in "desperate shape" in some key states he carried in 2008 and urged Republicans not to be discouraged by polls suggesting Mitt Romney has been wounded too severely by campaign missteps to recover."

"The swing state poll shows the president in desperate shape in territory he carried with ease in 2008," Rove said told Fox News' Neil Cavuto Wednesday evening, referring to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll showing Obama up by 48 percent to 46 percent over Romney."

"Rove said the media tends to "endow" political polls "with a false scientific precision that they do not have."

But naturally a spinmeister like yourself...oh excuse me...a moderate spinmeister masquerading as the voice of reason when it's convenient couldn't pay enough attention to the thread 2 sentences in to realize that.

You need to thrive on cheap shots and smart-aleck remarks.

The premise was that the polls are skewered and are based on incorrect assumptions and inaccurate data.

See, another poster tried to help you with your ignorance:

"After the raw data is collected, it is weighted according to the last election. If obama won the state by 10 points, then raw data collected in this election will be weighted to reflect that previous ten point margin."----Katzndogz

Now spin some more. Maybe you will spun enough that you'll get dizzy and fall on your ignorant fucking face. You're a shill and a sham!:lol:
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"So Mitt Romney is already running ahead of the pace of John McCain. And President Obama is running . . . over six points behind where he did in these states in 2008," Rove told Cavuto.

Rove is lying outright.

Over the same past week in 2008 in North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio for example, McCain was leading in most of the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - North Carolina: McCain vs. Obama

I just looked at your link. Where are those particular states outlined in that link? All is see if North Carolina. I also see McCain leading in many polls in your link as well. Count em.
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