Karl Rove op-ed addresses Jan 6

Odd, then, don't you think, why you keep advocating Communism? You know it doesn't work, but you keep demanding it.

And you have the nerve to criticize someone else's intellect?

Point out where I ever actually called for "communism". I mean, I know that any form of government that doesn't involve the rich abusing the rest of us is "communism" to you.

Oh, you're not at all concerned about the equality of voting power. You just want the liberal enclaves to run the country.

And seeing the condition they're in now, they can't even run their own cities.

The Majority of the country is liberal. If you had one person one vote, you'd probably have even more lopsided victories because votes would actually COUNT.

Going back to your silly map, (which isn't accurate, BTW) most of those states aren't in contention. Unless you live in one of the ten or so swing states, voting was largely a meaningless exercise.

The thing is, the Rural areas the vote Red aren't in any better shape than the Blue areas... in some ways they are worse. Yes, you have blue city ghettos and red county trailer parks, where there is no hope. This is the America Republicans have built by wrecking the middle class to make the investor class richer.
Who could have ever foreseen the day when Karl Rove and the wife of Dick Cheney were both regarded as Democrat heroes?

I think it's kind of the opposite. Why are they Republican Villains now?

Not only Cheney and Rove. Republicans now hate John McCain, Mitt Romney, the Bush Family, and anyone else who doesn't want to drink the Trump Bleach.


So-called "Family Values" types are okay with a guy who paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was at home with his fifth child.

So called "Security Hawks" are okay with abandoning our allies and sucking up to Putin and Kim Jong Un. (You mean we have other allies besides the Zionist Entity? Who knew!)

So-called "Fiscal Conservatives" were fine with running up 8 trillion in new debt and paying the unemployed $600.00 a week extra to keep them from being angry they lost their jobs under TRUMP PLAGUE.

Conservatives are like a battered housewife that has become so used to being beaten they now turn on anyone who criticizes it.
That's just silly. You folks use only the most extreme examples which are not actually representative of the nation as a whole. In fact what you want is tyranny by the minority by allowing a few very large population centers to dictate to all. No thanks.
No, it’s true.

States elect presidents, not the people; at times contrary to the will of the majority of the people.

Control of the Senate is determined by the states, not the people; often contrary to the will of the majority of the people.

The president nominates and the Senate confirms judicial appointments, not the people, where the president and Senate majority do not reflect the will of the majority of the people.

As a consequence, the tyranny of the minority manifests.
I disagree. If the EC is integral to the election process then it needs to be fair and transparent. Currently it is not. There is one EC vote for every 253,000 Alaskans. There is one for every 718,000 Californians. That is patently unfair. The Alaskan has three times the voting power when it comes to electing the president. Why should they get that?
It’s not so much unfair as it is anti-democratic, resulting in the tyranny of the minority.

That California has the same number of votes in the Senate as Wyoming is likewise anti-democratic.
Point out where I ever actually called for "communism". I mean, I know that any form of government that doesn't involve the rich abusing the rest of us is "communism" to you.

The Majority of the country is liberal. If you had one person one vote, you'd probably have even more lopsided victories because votes would actually COUNT.

Going back to your silly map, (which isn't accurate, BTW) most of those states aren't in contention. Unless you live in one of the ten or so swing states, voting was largely a meaningless exercise.

The thing is, the Rural areas the vote Red aren't in any better shape than the Blue areas... in some ways they are worse. Yes, you have blue city ghettos and red county trailer parks, where there is no hope. This is the America Republicans have built by wrecking the middle class to make the investor class richer.
Congratulations. You completely failed to understand everything.

That takes talent. But since you have none, retardery will have to do.
No, it’s true.

States elect presidents, not the people; at times contrary to the will of the majority of the people.

Control of the Senate is determined by the states, not the people; often contrary to the will of the majority of the people.

The president nominates and the Senate confirms judicial appointments, not the people, where the president and Senate majority do not reflect the will of the majority of the people.

As a consequence, the tyranny of the minority manifests.
It's as intended, we are not a direct democracy. I still can't understand how that eludes you folks after 2000 and 2016.
Hey, genius: LA County has a greater population than each of those states, not all of them combined.
Then I am faililng to see what your point is. First no one votes as a block in any of those places.

Do you need someone to explain the purpose of the Senate to you? Because it doesn't look like you know. At all.

Actually, it has no purpose, other than to be an obstruction to getting things done. Most countries have just a single house of congress or parliament, or if they have a Bicameral system it is with proportional representation.
This is why I'd support a ban on State-level winner-takes-it-all Electoral Vote allocation; every state should be proportional, the way Maine and Nebraska are now. That was the original intent, until the Jeffersonian ploy to give Virginia more power at voting time.
Totally agree. Have mentioned this several times on this board over the years.
You seem to believe the misconception that people elect the President. We don't, and never have; the States do. Each State's Electoral College votes are derived from a combination of their population, and their status as an admitted State, not just from their population alone.

Remember, we are not one country divided into fifty pieces; we are essentially fifty separate countries working together as one nation.
No, I know that the states decide. But the people decide what the states are going to do. And if one state - per proportion of the people - has more EC votes, then they have an advantage.
Hey, genius: LA County has a greater population than each of those states, not all of them combined.
Hey brain surgeon, it says, and I quote "That county has the same population as ALL of the blue sections". Note the capitalisation (the MEME's capitalisation, not mine). Where is the word 'separately' in there? Hint: it's not. Jaysus, you can't even pick a decent Meme to make your point....
And even then your point is a shit one. You somehow think that by putting a small little red dot showing LA county and its 10 million people vs, say, Alaska and its 730,000 people and its vast swathe of land somehow makes your point. The amount of land is irrelevant. Land doesn't vote, people do.
It's like those national maps of the US where it shows all these massive amounts of red in South and North Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Colorado etc. Unfortunately, nobody is living in most of those red parts of those states. Just massive deserts and huge corporate farms or ranches. You somehow think pretty little colours fool people. They do. They're called Trump voters.
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Then I am faililng to see what your point is. First no one votes as a block in any of those places.
:auiqs.jpg: Uh huh.

Los Angeles County General Election results:

Actually, it has no purpose, other than to be an obstruction to getting things done. Most countries have just a single house of congress or parliament, or if they have a Bicameral system it is with proportional representation.
Then you should move to one of them and stop stinking up my country.

Go. Now.
Hey brain surgeon, it says, and I quote "That county has the same population as ALL of the blue sections". Note the capitalisation (the MEME's capitalisation, not mine). Where is the word 'separately' in there? Hint: it's not. Jaysus, you can't even pick a decent Meme to make your point....
And even then your point is a shit one. You somehow think that by putting a small little red dot showing LA county and its 10 million people vs, say, Alaska and its 730,000 people and its vast swathe of land somehow makes your point. The amount of land is irrelevant. Land doesn't vote, people do.
It's like those national maps of the US where it shows all these massive amounts of red in South and North Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Colorado etc. Unfortunately, nobody is living in most of those red parts of those states. Just massive deserts and huge corporate farms or ranches. You somehow think pretty little colours fool people. They do. They're called Trump voters.
Chicks dig pedantry. No, really.

Meanwhile, you're not American. We don't have to change the way we do business to assuage your butthurt.

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