Karl Rove rips Trump’s ‘stupid’ ad jab at DeSantis: He’s ‘worried’

In the unlikely event DeSantis commits political suicide by going against Trump, the media would sing his praises.
Precisely. I think he's smarter than to run against Trump so if he does, I'll be convinced he's a tool of the RINOs. All he could accomplish is to make it easier for the Left to cheat Trump out of another election and end his own potential career.
LMAO... Look closely at what you just said. Trump spends his own money to put out ads against someone he's not scared of. Trump isn't scared of me, and he's not paying for ads about me. That's exactly what not being scared of looks like.
Bashing someone means you are scared. And with DeSantis's record, Trump should be.
Yes, but I only said that because I fell for the OP's lie that it is an ad by Donald Trump. Turns out Trump did not authorize that ad, so what are we even talking about?


I didn't say anything close to that.
You said:
Trump is the only one attacking.
Your memory is pretty short. Are you at that stage where you remember clearly the time when your brother picked the Kool-Aid flavor when it was your turn, but don't remember whether you ate breakfast this morning?
I'm ONLY going to vote for a fiscal conservative. Trump isn't one. And never has been. He's a moderate democrat at best.
Yeah, who?
Even numbered years? Good grief. WTF are you even talking about. You think elections are ran on a timeline of even and odd numbered years?
I guess you flunked math? Having congressional - both house and senate - elections every two years, means that they will always be either on even or odd number years.

BTW: It's "elections are run" not "elections are ran." The present continuous tense passive voice example are "is given" not "is gave" "are taken," not "are took."

It is not just you, lots of people have started using the present perfect tense with irregular verbs like "run" and "take" incorrectly. You did the same with the present continuous and the passive voice which is also annoying.

"They have ate the last donut." I weep for the future.
Trump is skewing his competitor, the one who is stabbing him in the back by publicly not stating he’s not considering running.
Yes, but I only said that because I fell for the OP's lie that it is an ad by Donald Trump. Turns out Trump did not authorize that ad, so what are we even talking about?

View attachment 777356

You said:

Oh good lord. I forgot to use that two page disclaimer.

Trumps the only one between Trump and DeSantis that's attacking.
Yeah, who?

So far there are no fiscal conservatives running. Ask me in a year.
I guess you flunked math? Having congressional - both house and senate - elections every two years, means that they will always be either on even or odd number years.

BTW: It's "elections are run" not "elections are ran." The present continuous tense passive voice example are "is given" not "is gave" "are taken," not "are took."

You're down to grammar corrections.

You lose. I win.
Oh good lord. I forgot to use that two page disclaimer.
A simple "It's not actually Trump's ad, but . . . " and you're an honest man.
Trumps the only one between Trump and DeSantis that's attacking.
Ok, fair. It would be suicide for DeSantis to run this year. Painful suicide for DeSantis to attack Trump.
So far there are no fiscal conservatives running. Ask me in a year.
Which fiscal conservative are you hoping will run? Name one prominent politician who is a fiscal conservative who might consider running? If there is none, again what are we even talking about?

No president can be fiscal conservative if by "not fiscal conservative," you mean "not willing to veto a huge spending bill that nobody has read if it means defunding the United States." You should focus on filling the House and Senate with fiscal conservatives. You can tell the real ones, because they don't just advocate a balanced budget, they have one to present.
You're down to grammar corrections.
Sorry, it's a pet peeve. Withdrawn.
You lose. I win.
Enjoy your victory, then!
Ok, fair. It would be suicide for DeSantis to run this year. Painful suicide for DeSantis to attack Trump.

Not suicide for Trump. I hate to break it to you, but Trumps not going to get any votes except his worshippers and GOP party loyalist.
Which fiscal conservative are you hoping will run? Name one prominent politician who is a fiscal conservative who might consider running? If there is none, again what are we even talking about?

I don't know any that would consider running. The GOP has virtually allowed fiscal conservatism. The last one that ran, Rand Paul, or his daddy before that, were all thrown under the bus by their own party. Imagine, picking Mitt Romney over Ron Paul. LMAO..

Some of the ones I know about, that would definitely get my vote would be Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Justin Amash and Thomas Massie.
No president can be fiscal conservative if by "not fiscal conservative," you mean "not willing to veto a huge spending bill that nobody has read if it means defunding the United States." You should focus on filling the House and Senate with fiscal conservatives. You can tell the real ones, because they don't just advocate a balanced budget, they have one to present.

Sorry, it's a pet peeve. Withdrawn.

Enjoy your victory, then!

A fiscal conservative, at least a principled one, would veto this bloated pork filled bills, then get on national TV and explain who filled the bills with pork, what the pork was for, and name the name of the lobbyist that got the congressman to insert that crap in the bill.

If the House over rode the veto, then the law would rest squarely on the swamp creatures that voted to override it. Not the president.

As it should be.
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Not suicide for Trump. I hate to break it to you, but Trumps not going to get any votes except his worshippers and GOP party loyalist.
GOP Party loyalists are the ones who hate Trump the worst. Are you a sock of GG? Just curious, I'm not kaltsaphobic.
I don't know any that would consider running. The GOP has virtually allowed fiscal conservatism. The last one that ran, Rand Paul, or his daddy before that, were all thrown under the bus by their own party. Imagine, picking Mitt Romney over Ron Paul. LMAO..

Some of the ones I know about, that would definitely get my vote would be Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Justin Amash and Thomas Massie.
I've heard of three of them, and I like them also. But if they don't even have the courage to run in the first place, how are they going to have the courage to follow your next suggestion:
A fiscal conservative, at least a principled one, would veto this bloated pork filled bills, then get on national TV and explain who filled the bills with pork, what the pork was for, and name the name of the lobbyist that got the congressman to insert that crap in the bill.

If the House over rode the veto, then the law would rest squarely on the swamp creatures that voted to override it. Not the president.

As it should be.
Under that scenario, the bloated pork filled bill gets passed anyway.

What is your plan for presidential action that leads to congress passing a balanced budget one year, and the next, a budget with a surplus dedicated to paying down the national debt? Do you think the voters will be outraged that the congress over-rode the veto and funded the government over the head of the president? Of course not. Each voter will be glad that their congressperson saved their little seat on the government gravy train.

I'm libertarian, also. I believe that Republicans are not much better than Democrats when it comes to putting America first and not spending like drunken sailors.

But I can see the difference between Donald Trump, who does not fear the Dems even when they literarally arrest and charge him, and the GOP leadership that maintains its position by excoriating Dems during election years and kowtowing to them during budget fight years.
GOP Party loyalists are the ones who hate Trump the worst.

That's false. Every GOP party loyalist I know, in person or online, is a Trump supporter.

Are you a sock of GG? Just curious, I'm not kaltsaphobic.

I have no idea what you're talking about here
I've heard of three of them, and I like them also. But if they don't even have the courage to run in the first place, how are they going to have the courage to follow your next suggestion:

I meant to say "outlawed" in my statement. Not "allowed."
Not running for POTUS has nothing to do with courage. Especially if you've been in government long enough. People like Massie and Amash are on the record of exposing how our government works. So for a fiscal conservative, where conservatism has been outlawed, it's more than an uphill battle. It's a pack of armed swamp creatures wall, then it's chained steal doors, then it's it's a piranha filled mote. And then it's the mountain.

And example: A bill with $100 billion in useless pork and a 0.01% pay raise for the military. If you veto that bill, then you're against the military.
Fiscal conservatives would veto the bill. But the media would hammer him for doing so. And wouldn't air the POTUS explaining that he'd sign a bill that included a 10% pay raise bill if it didn't have a lot of useless pork in it.
Under that scenario, the bloated pork filled bill gets passed anyway.

And that's what's wrong and corrupted about our government. There's too many RINO's who go along just to get along. I'm not sure if Trump fits that or not. But I do know he has a HUGE spending problem. That was proven even before the democrats took the House in 2018.
What is your plan for presidential action that leads to congress passing a balanced budget one year, and the next, a budget with a surplus dedicated to paying down the national debt? Do you think the voters will be outraged that the congress over-rode the veto and funded the government over the head of the president? Of course not. Each voter will be glad that their congressperson saved their little seat on the government gravy train.

Fiscal conservatives wouldn't be glad. This CINO type GOP we have, thanks to the media, have dumbed down the American voters. The proof is the amount of party loyalist and lesser of two evils voters, who simply do not understand that when the printing presses stop, so does inflation.
I'm libertarian, also. I believe that Republicans are not much better than Democrats when it comes to putting America first and not spending like drunken sailors.

I was a Libertarian. But those progressives came in and made the LP all about tranny and druggy rights. Two demographics that only garner a small % of the vote. A miniscule amount of those people vote.
They stopped talking about the working class stiffs like me, as if trannies and druggies were more important.
If the Mises Caucus can get rid of those people, I'll rejoin. Maybe even head up an LP headquarters in my district.

But I can see the difference between Donald Trump, who does not fear the Dems even when they literarally arrest and charge him, and the GOP leadership that maintains its position by excoriating Dems during election years and kowtowing to them during budget fight years.

Agreed. This is what gets me about those die hard Trump supporters. They hardly said a word about things like Trumpcare or the debt ceiling increases (or eliminating it) when Trump was in office. Almost nothing about the 3 omnibus bills he signed into law. Not a peep about his "Platinum Plan." ($500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities)

But now that Biden is POTUS, suddenly the debt ceiling and spending are important.

Can you imagine what they'd be saying if Biden had been the one to ban bump stocks?
That's false. Every GOP party loyalist I know, in person or online, is a Trump supporter.

I have no idea what you're talking about here

I meant to say "outlawed" in my statement. Not "allowed."
Not running for POTUS has nothing to do with courage. Especially if you've been in government long enough. People like Massie and Amash are on the record of exposing how our government works. So for a fiscal conservative, where conservatism has been outlawed, it's more than an uphill battle. It's a pack of armed swamp creatures wall, then it's chained steal doors, then it's it's a piranha filled mote. And then it's the mountain.

And example: A bill with $100 billion in useless pork and a 0.01% pay raise for the military. If you veto that bill, then you're against the military.
Fiscal conservatives would veto the bill. But the media would hammer him for doing so. And wouldn't air the POTUS explaining that he'd sign a bill that included a 10% pay raise bill if it didn't have a lot of useless pork in it.

And that's what's wrong and corrupted about our government. There's too many RINO's who go along just to get along. I'm not sure if Trump fits that or not. But I do know he has a HUGE spending problem. That was proven even before the democrats took the House in 2018.

Fiscal conservatives wouldn't be glad. This CINO type GOP we have, thanks to the media, have dumbed down the American voters. The proof is the amount of party loyalist and lesser of two evils voters, who simply do not understand that when the printing presses stop, so does inflation.

I was a Libertarian. But those progressives came in and made the LP all about tranny and druggy rights. Two demographics that only garner a small % of the vote. A miniscule amount of those people vote.
They stopped talking about the working class stiffs like me, as if trannies and druggies were more important.
If the Mises Caucus can get rid of those people, I'll rejoin. Maybe even head up an LP headquarters in my district.

Agreed. This is what gets me about those die hard Trump supporters. They hardly said a word about things like Trumpcare or the debt ceiling increases (or eliminating it) when Trump was in office. Almost nothing about the 3 omnibus bills he signed into law. Not a peep about his "Platinum Plan." ($500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities)

But now that Biden is POTUS, suddenly the debt ceiling and spending are important.

Can you imagine what they'd be saying if Biden had been the one to ban bump stocks?
Your post starts with a huge lie. The GOP establishment hates Trump. Who do you know? Got any names?
Your post starts with a huge lie. The GOP establishment hates Trump. Who do you know? Got any names?

If they hated Trump, he wouldn't get near the amount of free news coverage. In fact, they'd simply ignore him. That in itself would diminish Trumps candidacy.
Who do you think pays the MSM?
If they hated Trump, he wouldn't get near the amount of free news coverage. In fact, they'd simply ignore him. That in itself would diminish Trumps candidacy.
Who do you think pays the MSM?
All the coverage is negative you stupid bag of shit. Think before you post. Stop wasting my time.
That's false. Every GOP party loyalist I know, in person or online, is a Trump supporter.
Most of them are very likely people who only became Republicans When Donald Trump ran in the primary. The GOP establishment has never liked Trump. They would love to be rid of him.

In fact they would be happier than the democrats if he were gone, because the Democrats lives will become very meaningless once Trump is finally gone.
I have no idea what you're talking about here
GG is a fake libertarian, who pretends to hate both parties but only bashes Trump. He refuses to name a candidate he would support, and he never ever ever speaks badly of any democrat.
I meant to say "outlawed" in my statement. Not "allowed."
Okay, I agree. Thanks.
Not running for POTUS has nothing to do with courage. Especially if you've been in government long enough. People like Massie and Amash are on the record of exposing how our government works. So for a fiscal conservative, where conservatism has been outlawed, it's more than an uphill battle. It's a pack of armed swamp creatures wall, then it's chained steal doors, then it's it's a piranha filled mote. And then it's the mountain.
Someone has to bell the cat. But, as in the parable, when hearing that the mice just look at each other.
And example: A bill with $100 billion in useless pork and a 0.01% pay raise for the military. If you veto that bill, then you're against the military.
Fiscal conservatives would veto the bill. But the media would hammer him for doing so. And wouldn't air the POTUS explaining that he'd sign a bill that included a 10% pay raise bill if it didn't have a lot of useless pork in it.
Absolutely correct.
And that's what's wrong and corrupted about our government. There's too many RINO's who go along just to get along. I'm not sure if Trump fits that or not. But I do know he has a HUGE spending problem. That was proven even before the democrats took the House in 2018.
It is really not possible to veto a spending bill, for the exact reasons you named. However, I will agree that if anyone could do it it would be trump. The media is so busy criticizing him for mean tweets, they don't really allow themselves time for any substantive criticism like cutting the military weather true or not.

I also fought Trump for not building the wall. And because he gives his political enemies so much ammunition. So I'm not a quote Trump worshiper unquote. I've never met someone who was, to be honest. That every Trump supporter is a trump worshiper is a shorthand for people too lazy to actually debate.
Fiscal conservatives wouldn't be glad. This CINO type GOP we have, thanks to the media, have dumbed down the American voters. The proof is the amount of party loyalist and lesser of two evils voters, who simply do not understand that when the printing presses stop, so does inflation.
Correct on all counts.
I was a Libertarian. But those progressives came in and made the LP all about tranny and druggy rights. Two demographics that only garner a small % of the vote. A miniscule amount of those people vote.
A Libertarian doesn't base a demographic group's rights on how many votes they are able to cast. Because I'm libertarian I believe that trannies have rights. I also believe that children have not only rights but entitlement to protection, so the transgenderization movement needs to be stopped from harming them.

I know I know that sounds like the no true Scotsman fallacy, but you seem like the model of the fiscally conservative / socially conservative Republican more so than libertarian.
They stopped talking about the working class stiffs like me, as if trannies and druggies were more important.
If the Mises Caucus can get rid of those people, I'll rejoin. Maybe even head up an LP headquarters in my district.
The libertarian party, as opposed to the concept of libertarianism will always struggle with the fact that the two parties have such a strong lock on the system. There's no point in them reaching out to working people, because working people know their vote will only count if they cast it for the party that supports the working person. More and more of them are realizing that that party is the Republican Party as exemplified by Donald trump. Libertarians May reach out to trannies, because who else will be interested in them? Well obviously Democrats feel they can get a lot of political mileage from them. But it's crazy how the Dems are cutting their own throats with that issue.
Agreed. This is what gets me about those die hard Trump supporters. They hardly said a word about things like Trumpcare or the debt ceiling increases (or eliminating it) when Trump was in office. Almost nothing about the 3 omnibus bills he signed into law. Not a peep about his "Platinum Plan." ($500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities)

But now that Biden is POTUS, suddenly the debt ceiling and spending are important.

Can you imagine what they'd be saying if Biden had been the one to ban bump stocks?
More later. Got to go.
People like Rove and Bolton and GWB and Paul Ryan are the reason DeSantis shouldn't be nominated. Too many neocons hovering around DeSantis. He'll turn, sure as shit. 4 years as Trump's VP would be the best outcome for our country and DeSantis.
Dear Karl

Thank you for helping to save us from Presidents Gore or Kerry.
Your time is up
Republicans have moved past you.
Take your white board and insert it up your ass and STFU.
Look, idiot, running the primaries is a total waste of money. Trump is SO FAR AHEAD that DeSantis has not one chance in hell of catching him. The GOP would be far smarter to invest all their time and money instead into building an effective plan for ensuring a fair and honest election this time because Trump is their man.

And Rove is a horse's ass RINO Never-Trumper who sucks Fox's dick.
It means he (Rove) is trying to drive a wedge between MAGA

No it doesn't. He's trying to help Trump stop with the stupid attacks on fellow republicans. Rove isn't saying anything different than most Republicans are saying. Most of them like DeSantis. And wished Trump would just shut up and campaign on the issues. But his narcissism just won't let him.

When DeSantis announces, Trumps going to get even more childish.
No it doesn't. He's trying to help Trump stop with the stupid attacks on fellow republicans. Rove isn't saying anything different than most Republicans are saying. Most of them like DeSantis. And wished Trump would just shut up and campaign on the issues. But his narcissism just won't let him.

When DeSantis announces, Trumps going to get even more childish.
Rove is a globalist piece of shit. Why would you care what this neocon says?
Rove is a globalist piece of shit. Why would you care what this neocon says?

I care about the truth, regardless of who says it. I'm not so bias that I'm going to dismiss truth. That's retarded.
What's even more retarded is trying to cancel someone for something that happened 20 years ago.
Rove was just an advisor. That's it. What happened 20 years ago, has nothing to do with what he's saying in the video.

But you can overlook or ignore what he said, which is the same thing a lot of other people (including Trump supporters) are saying. That Trump needs to stop bashing other Republicans. Especially the best governor in the USA right now.

BTW, you make globalism out to be a bad thing. Because we trade with countries all around the world, we are a globalist country. Trump was a globalist when he attacked Syria. When he brokered a deal between US MIC companies and Saudi Arabia. When he brokered an oil production reduction deal with Saudi Arabia in 2020. And several other instances.

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