Karl Rove rips Trump’s ‘stupid’ ad jab at DeSantis: He’s ‘worried’

DeSantis isn't Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio though and honestly some of the things Trump threw on him is complete BS and hitting way below the belt

And he's doing it because Ron won big midterm night

Me thinks he's doing it because he knows DeSantis is going to expose Trumps real (liberal) record. And when the people get the facts shoved in their faces, Trump won't stand a chance.

Seriously, 70% of Trump supporters don't even know that he only vetoed 1 spending bill. That he eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years. That he funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And they don't know what you and I just talked about (the oil deal with US oil companies to reduce oil production 7 months before the election).

That's the problem with political loyalist. (on both sides) they only listen to what who they're loyal to says. And rarely research what they actually do.

A good example of this is Biden supporters. Ask any Bidenbot how many times Biden has been sued by environmentalist groups for opening up oil leases? I guarantee you, 99% of them wouldn't even know he's been sued once, out of several.
Me thinks he's doing it because he knows DeSantis is going to expose Trumps real (liberal) record. And when the people get the facts shoved in their faces, Trump won't stand a chance.

Seriously, 70% of Trump supporters don't even know that he only vetoed 1 spending bill. That he eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years. That he funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And they don't know what you and I just talked about (the oil deal with US oil companies to reduce oil production 7 months before the election).

That's the problem with political loyalist. (on both sides) they only listen to what who they're loyal to says. And rarely research what they actually do.

A good example of this is Biden supporters. Ask any Bidenbot how many times Biden has been sued by environmentalist groups for opening up oil leases? I guarantee you, 99% of them wouldn't even know he's been sued once, out of several.
I have a very personal reason I'm voting Trump again. So really he would literally have to kill some innocent person for me not to vote him. I'll be happy to vote for DeSantis in 28
I have a very personal reason I'm voting Trump again. So really he would literally have to kill some innocent person for me not to vote him. I'll be happy to vote for DeSantis in 28

What, he's going to kill your dog if you don't vote for him?
Are you sure about that? Because I remember very well him aiding Trump with his campaign.

Question before I post the proof.
Is this going to change your idea of Trump?

Because me thinks your loyalty to Trump isn't going to change. And that you're just going to spin it somehow.
I am loyal to his policies. He comes with them. I do not have a problem with that.
I am loyal to his policies. He comes with them. I do not have a problem with that.

You didn't answer the question.

We all like Trumps supposed policies. But he didn't get any of them done. None of the real important ones. He caved to Pelosi and Ryan on every decent thing he tried. But my biggest qualm with Trump, is that real important stuff, he didn't even try.
Like his version of replacing Obamacare, was Obamacare on steroids. And remember the big thing about insurance crossing state lines? That wasn't even in the Trumpcare bill that Ryan was pushing for Trump.
And lets not even get into the whole eliminating the debt ceiling things. How fucking liberal can you get?

I've done got off on something else. Let's bring it back. Here's the link. Spin it if you want. I don't even care. Trump loyalist are going to support Trump regardless of how liberal he actually is.
Pick one, or two or three.

Trump campaign hires GOP strategist Trump called 'the worst in political history'

The mastermind of George W. Bush's White House victories is advising Trump's 2020 campaign, focusing on swing-state battlegrounds and Republican voter outreach

‘Complete Idiot’ Donald Trump and ‘Dope’ Karl Rove Now Working Together


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