Karl Rove rips Trump’s ‘stupid’ ad jab at DeSantis: He’s ‘worried’

Well now I feel a whole lot better about it. Like Frank Luntz, if Rove says something is bad, it's probably good.
It's not
Not in any way.
a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world.

Yes it is. The example of globalism you're talking about is a radical one, based on lies.
And lies are something that Trump knows about. Like when he said he was taking all troops out of Syria and Afghanistan.
Trump didn't get us out of NATO, did he?

You really need to stop running cover for Trump. And for the love of God, stop trying to change the subject. In fact, the subject is closed, and has been. You and Rove agree on this.
So why not just admit that and move on? You're not getting any brownie points from Trump on this.
a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world.

Yes it is. The example of globalism you're talking about is a radical one, based on lies.
And lies are something that Trump knows about. Like when he said he was taking all troops out of Syria and Afghanistan.
Trump didn't get us out of NATO, did he?

You really need to stop running cover for Trump. And for the love of God, stop trying to change the subject. In fact, the subject is closed, and has been. You and Rove agree on this.
So why not just admit that and move on? You're not getting any brownie points from Trump on this.

Admit that you are a loser who doesn't know that the fuck he is talking about and that will be it.
Never been a fan of Rove. But he's right about this. Trump is scared to death of DeSantis. And should be. DeSantis has a lot better executive record than Trump. And D has class.
Trump's just a swamp creature.

Karl Rove rips Trump’s ‘stupid’ ad jab at DeSantis: He’s ‘worried’​

I despise Rove and don't give two hoots about what that RINO has to say. However, I will pull for DeSantis in the primaries, but will vote for Trump in the general. But when it's all said and done ... the Marx-O-Crats have gotten fraudulent elections down to a fine art, so America's votes probably won't have any bearing on who "wins" the next election. The "winner" has already been chosen.
Ron doesn't have an narcissistic attitude. I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Maybe you're just bias against anyone on the right.
He reported used to go on dates with women and intentionally state something that It wasn't true to test Them to See if they would correct him. If they corrected him he immediately walked out on the date because He hated being corrected by women and refuse to date anyone who would correct him when he's wrong. That sounds like a narcissist to me.
He reported used to go on dates with women and intentionally state something that It wasn't true to test Them to See if they would correct him. If they corrected him he immediately walked out on the date because He hated being corrected by women and refuse to date anyone who would correct him when he's wrong. That sounds like a narcissist to me.

That never happened
Of course.
He reported used to go on dates with women and intentionally state something that It wasn't true to test Them to See if they would correct him. If they corrected him he immediately walked out on the date because He hated being corrected by women and refuse to date anyone who would correct him when he's wrong. That sounds like a narcissist to me.

Ok, so he didn't like Karens. Who does?
Never been a fan of Rove. But he's right about this. Trump is scared to death of DeSantis. And should be. DeSantis has a lot better executive record than Trump. And D has class.
Trump's just a swamp creature.
"Class" is the last thing the New Right wants. They want slime, and lots of it. They want low brow. They want gutter humor and they want to be lied to.

Trump knows this.
The New Right wants to be treated like a cheap whore. They want their faces to be spit on. They want to crawl and lick the boots of their abusers. They want to be cucked.

Class?!?! CLASS?!?! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The New Right wants to be treated like a cheap whore. They want their faces to be spit on. They want to crawl and lick the boots of their abusers. They want to be cucked.

Class?!?! CLASS?!?! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Hilarious someone with a Ukraine flag says other people want to be lied to LOL

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

You all that keep saying President Trump is a Globalist, keep using examples that prove you don't know what a Globalist is.




Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE






Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE


Total fail fraud boy.
Really? It worked well for Trump in 2016.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
(without stuttering. lol)

Trump stuck us with an $8 trillion bill. Along with all the others.
He eliminated the debt ceiling, so there'd be very little record of his spending, because there'd be no debt ceiling increase debate.
The trade deficit with China was larger when he left, than when he came in.
Abortions were still legal in all states when Trump left office and Trump funded planned parenthood every time if came up.
He only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years.
He let the democrats dog pile him on every single issue.
He caved to gender studies.
He caved to simply rewording the NAFTA bill. (the name change was about the only thing that actually changed)

That's the short list. So I'm wonder why TF Trump still has any right wing supporters. Especially when DeSantis has a record 100 times more conservative than Trump.
Really? It worked well for Trump in 2016.
DeSantis isn't Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio though and honestly some of the things Trump threw on him is complete BS and hitting way below the belt

And he's doing it because Ron won big midterm night
He never helped Trump.

Are you sure about that? Because I remember very well him aiding Trump with his campaign.

Question before I post the proof.
Is this going to change your idea of Trump?

Because me thinks your loyalty to Trump isn't going to change. And that you're just going to spin it somehow.

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