Karl Rove rips Trump’s ‘stupid’ ad jab at DeSantis: He’s ‘worried’

I don't personally support trump, But I doubt anyone is going to take karl rove, A man who intentionally ousted an undercover c I a agent because her husband refused to lie for george w bush, Seriously.
I care about the truth, regardless of who says it. I'm not so bias that I'm going to dismiss truth. That's retarded.
What's even more retarded is trying to cancel someone for something that happened 20 years ago.
Rove was just an advisor. That's it. What happened 20 years ago, has nothing to do with what he's saying in the video.

But you can overlook or ignore what he said, which is the same thing a lot of other people (including Trump supporters) are saying. That Trump needs to stop bashing other Republicans. Especially the best governor in the USA right now.
I've said many times that Trump needs to stop bashing DeSantis. I've said he did it because Ron won big election night. That night is exactly when Rove and Paul Ryan started with this bs cause they know Trump's ego can't handle someone else getting the press and Trump will do their job for them, dividing MAGA

Ron still should wait to run in 28. Trump was cheated out of his full 8 years. Ron running now against Trump will turn off many.

But I'm not listening to any globalist Rino faggot piece of shit who helped lie us into the Iraq war
I don't personally support trump, But I doubt anyone is going to take karl rove, A man who intentionally ousted an undercover c I a agent because her husband refused to lie for george w bush, Seriously.

Rove said Trump needs to stop bashing fellow republicans. And he's correct.
That has nothing to do with what happened 20 years ago.
Rove said Trump needs to stop bashing fellow republicans. And he's correct.
That has nothing to do with what happened 20 years ago.
I disagree. I think the political opinions of a piece of s*** like rove should never be taken seriously.

He's already proven he's willing to undermine national security over political disagreements.
People like Rove and Bolton and GWB and Paul Ryan are the reason DeSantis shouldn't be nominated. Too many neocons hovering around DeSantis. He'll turn, sure as shit. 4 years as Trump's VP would be the best outcome for our country and DeSantis.
Trump/DeSantis ticket would be the dream but yeah Ron is letting the globalist stick around too much
Rove said Trump needs to stop bashing fellow republicans. And he's correct.
That has nothing to do with what happened 20 years ago.
So we can't judge a politician by their record twenty years ago but you can judge Trump for his?
I've said many times that Trump needs to stop bashing DeSantis.

Then you agree with Rove. Does that make you a POS for doing so? Not in the least.
Well, it may make you a POS to Trumpbots and their "cancel culture."

I've said he did it because Ron won big election night. That night is exactly when Rove and Paul Ryan started with this bs cause they know Trump's ego can't handle someone else getting the press.

I haven't heard Rove bash Trump on anything other than Trumps very own bashing.
You might as well get used to the fact that there are people on the right, who just don't like Trump. His childish bashing is just one of the reasons.
Ron still should wait to run in 28. Trump was cheated out his full 8 years. Ron running now against Trump will turn off many.

Cheated? That's craps been debunked so many times now. Even by Trumps own people.

But I'm not listening to any globalist Rino faggot piece of shit who helped lie us into the Iraq war

Then don't listen to his statements on why we needed to go to war. I agree, the war and the lies built into those reasons, were all BS. And I despise Rove for his "advisement" on it. But again, that was 20 years ago and has nothing to do with what Rove is saying in the video. Which is something you just admitted to agreeing to.
Republican infighting will probably end up losing them the election. Just like trump refused to promise that he wouldn't run as a third party candidate if he didn't get the nomination in twenty sixteen, Old ronnie is just as vindictive as he is and he'd probably do the same.

I don't think it's possible for republicans to actually win in twenty four just for that reason. You have 2 complete batshit crazy egotistical. Narcissists Who both think they are the greatest people to ever live. Which either of them loses the republican primary, They will run as a third party candidate and steal votes from the other and cause the republicans to lose in the general election
Trump/DeSantis ticket would be the dream but yeah Ron is letting the globalist stick around too much

Trump is a globalist. And DeSantis is like a lot of us fiscal conservatives. He just don't agree with all the big spending that Trump is guilty of. He's not pro-vax like Trump is. He doesn't let the left dog pile him like Trump does, and get caught up in all that leftist drama like Trump does.
He damn sure wouldn't ban bump stocks or spend $8 trillion in 4 years. Or shove the Platinum Plan down our throats.

You like Trump. But at the same time you have to swallow a LOT of liberal crap that Trump forced on is. And for what? Because of Trumps speaking abilities? Because that's all Trump has. He's a good salesman. He's sold his supporters a bag of liberal goods, labeled it "conservative." And you don't even realize it.

At the moment, DeSantis not only cut taxes in FL. But he also eliminated some. Trumps tax cuts only eliminated some tax deduction, then devalued the USD so much that the tax cuts were useless.

Trump is a globalist north eastern liberal.
Then you agree with Rove. Does that make you a POS for doing so? Not in the least.
Well, it may make you a POS to Trumpbots and their "cancel culture."

So because Rove says 1 thing we are suppose to ignore his whole globalist record? What sense does that make?

Debunked by who? The MSM? 8 states swung the election and all had fraud. Trump outperformed his 2016 numbers. He won 18 of 19 Bell weather counties a loss is mathematically impossible. Ergo fraud

It means he's still an establishment shill hoping to divide the base and poach people to the RINO globalist side you moron

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Republican infighting will probably end up losing them the election. Just like trump refused to promise that he wouldn't run as a third party candidate if he didn't get the nomination in twenty sixteen, Old ronnie is just as vindictive as he is and he'd probably do the same.

I don't think it's possible for republicans to actually win in twenty four just for that reason. You have 2 complete batshit crazy egotistical. Narcissists Who both think they are the greatest people to ever live. Which either of them loses the republican primary, They will run as a third party candidate and steal votes from the other and cause the republicans to lose in the general election

Ron doesn't have an narcissistic attitude. I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Maybe you're just bias against anyone on the right.
Trump is a globalist. And DeSantis is like a lot of us fiscal conservatives. He just don't agree with all the big spending that Trump is guilty of. He's not pro-vax like Trump is. He doesn't let the left dog pile him like Trump does, and get caught up in all that leftist drama like Trump does.
He damn sure wouldn't ban bump stocks or spend $8 trillion in 4 years. Or shove the Platinum Plan down our throats.

You like Trump. But at the same time you have to swallow a LOT of liberal crap that Trump forced on is. And for what? Because of Trumps speaking abilities? Because that's all Trump has. He's a good salesman. He's sold his supporters a bag of liberal goods, labeled it "conservative." And you don't even realize it.

At the moment, DeSantis not only cut taxes in FL. But he also eliminated some. Trumps tax cuts only eliminated some tax deduction, then devalued the USD so much that the tax cuts were useless.

Trump is a globalist north eastern liberal.
I support Trump cause his mission act changed my life and many other veterans lives for the better something you'll never understand you also don't understand what loyalty or gratitude means
So because Rove says 1 thing we are suppose to ignore his whole globalist record? What sense does that make?

Debunked by who? The MSM? 6 states swung the election and all had fraud. Trump outperformed his 2016 numbers. He won 18 of 19 Bell weather counties a loss is mathematically impossible. Ergo fraud

It means he's still an establishment shill hoping to divide the base and poach people to the RINO globalist side you moron

No, you don't have to ignore what he did 20 years ago. But it's not relevant in this thread. You're only making it relevant because you're part of the Trumps cancel culture. And that's what the cancel culture does. Pick out something that happened 20 years ago, to discredit them for something from today.

So what if Trump got more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. Biden still won. Trump still handed over the white house keys to Biden. And Biden is still the president. Crying about it, after 2 years is just crying about it.

The only thing left to do is try to beat Biden in 2024. And that should be an easy job. But Trump wants to bash every republican who's not in lock step with his BS. Especially the bashing.
Especially when you're going to bash good Republicans like DeSantis, and then buddy up with people like Graham and McCarthy. That's fucking stupid on Trumps part.

And now, coming out with lies that are so obvious, like "I'm going to build new cities" or "I'm going to end the deep state." Those things sound great. But they're not possible in the least. And anyone with two brain cells knows it.
Especially after all the lies he told to get elected in 2016. "Pay the national debt down to zero, in 8 years?" Make Mexico pay for the wall. Lock her up.
People with the ability to think for themselves knows Trump is just a salesman. A lying salesman.
Republican infighting will probably end up losing them the election. Just like trump refused to promise that he wouldn't run as a third party candidate if he didn't get the nomination in twenty sixteen, Old ronnie is just as vindictive as he is and he'd probably do the same.

I don't think it's possible for republicans to actually win in twenty four just for that reason. You have 2 complete batshit crazy egotistical. Narcissists Who both think they are the greatest people to ever live. Which either of them loses the republican primary, They will run as a third party candidate and steal votes from the other and cause the republicans to lose in the general election

A note to add. If Trump can't beat DeSantis, $1 says he runs as a 3rd party candidate and splits the vote. And the dems take the white house again.
But if that happens, it'll be because of the loyalist Trump supporters. Not Trump himself.
I care about the truth, regardless of who says it. I'm not so bias that I'm going to dismiss truth. That's retarded.
What's even more retarded is trying to cancel someone for something that happened 20 years ago.
Rove was just an advisor. That's it. What happened 20 years ago, has nothing to do with what he's saying in the video.

But you can overlook or ignore what he said, which is the same thing a lot of other people (including Trump supporters) are saying. That Trump needs to stop bashing other Republicans. Especially the best governor in the USA right now.

BTW, you make globalism out to be a bad thing. Because we trade with countries all around the world, we are a globalist country. Trump was a globalist when he attacked Syria. When he brokered a deal between US MIC companies and Saudi Arabia. When he brokered an oil production reduction deal with Saudi Arabia in 2020. And several other instances.

Here is the deal.

Example - everyone that promotes Socialism in The US does so because they don't know what Socialism is..
They always give examples that are not Socialism.

You all that keep saying President Trump is a Globalist, keep using examples that prove you don't know what a Globalist is.
Rust_Cohle , you can disagree all you want. It's not going to change the fact that Trump cannot win in 2024. His only support is from Trump loyalist.
Few independents, no moderate democrats.

Right now, Trumps polling is higher than normal because people feel sorry for him for what Bragg and the left are doing to him. But within a month or so, especially after DeSantis enters the race, people will find something else to care about.
And if Trump keeps bashing more democrats, and buddying up to more swamp creatures, his poll numbers will fall.

In fact, because of the way the media wants to turn all elections into a sporting event, they'll make sure DeSantis's number rise to match Trumps. That way they can sell more ads. You know, keep the peoples interest. Because we love drama and competition.
Here is the deal.

Example - everyone that promotes Socialism in The US does so because they don't know what Socialism is..
They always give examples that are not Socialism.

You all that keep saying President Trump is a Globalist, keep using examples that prove you don't know what a Globalist is.

I do know what globalism is. It's simply dealings with other countries. Sometimes, as in W's case (20 years ago) it went too far. But so did Trumps version, when he struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production.
Socialism you say? How about Trumps Platinum Plan. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. Is that not socialism?
I do know what globalism is. It's simply dealings with other countries. Sometimes, as in W's case (20 years ago) it went too far. But so did Trumps version, when he struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production.
Socialism you say? How about Trumps Platinum Plan. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. Is that not socialism?


followed by
I do know what globalism is. It's simply dealings with other countries. Sometimes, as in W's case (20 years ago) it went too far. But so did Trumps version, when he struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production.
Socialism you say? How about Trumps Platinum Plan. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. Is that not socialism?

It's not
Not in any way.

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