Kasich says he cried after losing nomination to Trump, hoped people would "come to their senses"

Sorry bout that,

1. Cry me a fucking river Katshit!
2. No one sane gives you a flying fuck of a thought, at any time, unless they are looking right at your sniveling puss.
3. Then we look away and tell ourselves, "I didn't see that!"
4. Say: "I eat green donkey dicks and no one loves me!" ,..boo hoo!!!!!
5. Say it Katshit!!!!!!

Please take a moment to ponder that John Kasich cried tears of joy because the New York Times endorsed him, then he cried after losing to Trump

Trump did a much better job than that establishment rino could have ever dreamed of.

Lenny...to Deplorables like you...anyone who doesn't bend over for Trump is as RINO

Please take a moment to ponder that John Kasich cried tears of joy because the New York Times endorsed him, then he cried after losing to Trump

Kasich was never going to be the nominee.The NYT endorsement was the nail in the coffin that secured his defeat.
Sorry bout that,

1. Katshit is not a good person by any means.
2. Where ever he comes from that place must be a shithole, if he's the best they can come up with.
3. I'm saying he is likely the worst person on the GOP side, not one person rises to half way up the shit pipe Katshits rose up.
4. He's got to know this, and should fall on his sword asap, resign in shame.
5. There's no remedy for Katshit, just to be thrown out in the weekly trash sack with the kitty litter.
6. Thank G-D when thats out of the house, amiright? lol
7. There is no way to clean the stink off Katshit, it runs clean through his veins, he permeates stink!
8. Retire pile of Katshit, your not wanted anymore.
9. Katshit go home.
10. Katshit for the landfill.

Please take a moment to ponder that John Kasich cried tears of joy because the New York Times endorsed him, then he cried after losing to Trump

I cried a little bit too. Mostly from laughing at Kasich.
Sorry bout that,

1. My Kasich thread was silenced!
2. I'm being told what to say again.
3. Free Speech is being curtailed again.
4. It was a barn burner too! lol!


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