Kasich: This chaos, both foreign & domestic, is putting America in danger & must stop immediately

Right, because Americans want to send their sons and daughters to fight in Syria.

Neocons are a woot.
Remember under Obama? It was about whether he was born here or in Kenya.

Some people didn't want healthcare.

The was pretty much it.

Now it's about:

the president being a criminal

The president's boss being Vladimir Putin

The stock market


The Trump shutdown

Going it alone


Criminal investigations

and on and on............

and it used to be if Obama was born in Kenya.

How things have changed.
Obama had plenty of his own scandals, but the media didn't harp on them like they harp on the phony Russian collusion thing.
Remember under Obama? It was about whether he was born here or in Kenya.

Some people didn't want healthcare.

The was pretty much it.

Now it's about:

the president being a criminal

The president's boss being Vladimir Putin

The stock market


The Trump shutdown

Going it alone


Criminal investigations

and on and on............

and it used to be if Obama was born in Kenya.

How things have changed.
And it all started over liberal leftist butthurt.

Who knew that if the other huge part of the dormant American electorate was to be represented in an election again, that it would make the left go slam jam crazy over it ??? Pathetic.
Remember under Obama? It was about whether he was born here or in Kenya.

Some people didn't want healthcare.

The was pretty much it.

Now it's about:

the president being a criminal

The president's boss being Vladimir Putin

The stock market


The Trump shutdown

Going it alone


Criminal investigations

and on and on............

and it used to be if Obama was born in Kenya.

How things have changed.

Actually under the Hussein, it was about his Marxist Agenda, using identity politics to divide the nation, starting unnecessary wars in Libya and Syria, being the de facto leader of ISIS, Fast & Furious gun running to cartels, Solyndra swindling half a billion tax dollars, causing the refugee crisis for Europe, lying about Benghazi, lying about “you get keep your doctor”, lying about “it’s not a tax” until “it is a tax so SCOTUS wouldn’t overturn it”, using the FBI to spy on the opposition party during elections, delivering billions to Iran in secret, and making NASA a glorified Muslim outreach program.
Yeah because all the "professional" political whores did such a great job getting us to the point where the world's richest professional clown is preferable to any of them.

Fuck Kasich and his globalist asshole masters. Trump running the WH like a fuckin Tasmanian devil has been the best two years of government we've had since Jackson threw out the old Fed.

Who ever runs on legalizing marijuana is my candidate..
Why does that not surprise me.
Because you've seen the narrative about the upcoming green rush to wealth.

You are the King of stupid pothead comments. And falsely proud about it, too!
Dude I built my house with weed profits...Don't turn your nose up at it and soon to be a hemp farmer...

Go refill your bong, Junior.
Who ever runs on legalizing marijuana is my candidate..
Why does that not surprise me.
Because you've seen the narrative about the upcoming green rush to wealth.

You are the King of stupid pothead comments. And falsely proud about it, too!
Dude I built my house with weed profits...Don't turn your nose up at it and soon to be a hemp farmer...

Go refill your bong, Junior.
Already did it..But I'd never vote for Kasich he's a Yankee.
someone's getting a primary challenge!

John Kasich on Twitter

Well the only way to stop it is for Senate Republicans to get a back bone and remove the Ass Clown from the Oval office.


Trump is a real security threat to this country, and who knows if we'll survive another 2 years of the dickhead?

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