Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Conservative ladies and gentlemen, when dealing with a liberal, this is the brain you're dealing with:

Trump will ram this up the Moon Bat asses. He will get his wall and few million more votes.

The queer Moon Bat jury in that filthy ass sanctuary city fucked up real bad.

And these people are such fucking nitwits they have no clue the visibility this trial had with average Americans.

I know every white father saw his daughter in Katy unless they are wretched shit bags.

Two hundred years from now, historians will be talking about this trial and the OJ trial, and how they were the turning point in race relations going bad..

Trump and the conservative media were wrong

They misrepresented the case

What are they wrong about shitflinger? Wrong that white lives matter? Wrong that American lives matter?

Illegals are too important to the cause to be held responsible for their acts. You have a country to overthrown you can't be bothered with the murder of some white woman...

The case failed to meet the standard for murder. The prosecution was pressured by the rightwing media to over prosecute the case

The evidence indicated manslaughter

The jury was correct

The illegal shot a woman and killed her.

Second degree murder, open and shut.

But the perp is illegal, so all is forgiven,

You have a government to overthrow, you can't be concerned with minor things like dead Americans.
it is a crime that Kate is dead because she went for a walk in a popular destination in her own city, and she will never see anybody convicted for that crime!
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
You are the fucking liar, you puss bucket.

That was no accidental shot, idiot.
The bullet ricocheted on the pier's concrete walkway before it struck Steinle, you can't get more accidental than that.

No, it grazed something, they dont know what, but it did not alter the bullets trajectory, numbnuts.

God defend your murderous racist wetbacks if you want, but I am through with you jack off pervs.
The court testimony says otherwise.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:
Ahem...I am the furthest thing from a socialist.

Yeah, I know - but Nazis are socialists, so calling you a Nazi was really stupid.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer doesn't get a pass for sexual harassment, maybe illegal aliens shouldn't either, for sexual assault and MURDER?

But Lauer is a white guy, so he gets the fucking while the Mexican gets to walk ...then swim back across the border again.
The illegals sonofabitch shot that White girl with a stolen firearm. The queers on the jury let the sonofabitch off because they didn't have the moral courage to do the right thing in that filthy ass politically correct sancuary city. Disgusting, isn't it?

Trump will shove this up the Libtards asses. It will be his mantra for the next couple of months. Funding for the wall will pass and he will get tougher on these cities that refuse to abide by Federal laws.

One filthy murderous Mexican got off free but many more will pay for it.

Trump basically shattered the illusion of NFL supremacy, and now he will go after the judges too. You watch.
While it is fun to watch the Right Wing go nuts over this verdict, the problem is that the charge of murder never was supported by the facts of the case. He didn't intend to kill Steinle. the elements of homicide or involuntary manslaughter were not there.
Last time I shed a tear was Election Night last year, those were tears of joy though, these tears are the gut wrenching knot in the back of your throat kind.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
But after a bullet that had been flattened on one side was extracted from Steinle’s body, Evans and his team of crime scene investigators returned to the pier, determined through an “exhaustive search” to find the place where the bullet struck before it hit Steinle in the back.

And on July 5, 2015, investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.
Oh, your spot on impression fooled me, Herr Mutt.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:

Nazis weren't really socialists, though. Damn why is it you dumb focks can't even learn the most basic facts about reality? Damn you are stupid.
Oh, your spot on impression fooled me, Herr Mutt.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.
Spoken like a true normie fucktard.

If not being an uneducated slob like you who thinks with his colon makes me "normal"... then I'm good with being normal.

You are in irregular, simpleminded, ignorant fool who has to hide on the internet to be himself. And thank goodness for that.
Apparently Willowtree has lost all sense in his rage and needs to go take a cold shower.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.

Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear

How does one "stare" their case?

I asked a fucking question and you answered it! Thank you!

He was found not guilty of murder probably because there was no intent to murder her. That sucks!

I knew this was a possibility as soon as I learned the bullet ricocheted before striking her. Too bad the prosecution did not take that into account and drop the murder charge.

Is the illegal guilty of murder? No. He was acquitted.

Is he guilty of something else? Damn straight, but they didn't charge him with that, so he walks.

At least they got him on something! Thank God!
Thanks for pointing out my spelling error. I bet you think OJ was innocent too. Or that lying asshole who killed her baby and stuffed her body in the trunk. Casey Anthony! Yep, that’s why we call you libtards.

Why are you accusing me of more shit I did not say?

You need professional help for either psychiatric care or this substance abuse problem you appear to have.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:

Nazis weren't really socialists, though. Damn why is it you dumb focks can't even learn the most basic facts about reality? Damn you are stupid.
Oh man...one of these idiots who denies the Nazis were socialist AGAIN?

And these idiot libtards have the nerve to call us uneducated?

They were socialists, just not of the internationalist/Marxist sort.

Your dumb ass doesn't know there has been non-marxian forms of socialism since before Marx was even born, do you?

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