Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Merely stating the obvious. I don't favor vigilantism.
I do now, after this disaster.

Honest to God, if some white person that murdered a wetback or a POS gangbanger asked me to protect him or cover for him I would do it in a heart beat after today.

Fuck the law, and the God damend frauds that run it.
You alt right scum bags are going to have to accept we are country that goes by Rule of Law.

Step back.
You are a dick. This was a straight liberal jury freak decision. San Francisco is a fucking shit hole!
The prosecution failed, and your Rule by Man paradigm is long gone. Having said that, I would not live in SF either.
Give this to the piece of shit...

Always loved that video. But how do you "murder" a Vietcong?

All I saw was "self defense".

When did you serve in Viet Nam?
Merely stating the obvious. I don't favor vigilantism.
I do now, after this disaster.

Honest to God, if some white person that murdered a wetback or a POS gangbanger asked me to protect him or cover for him I would do it in a heart beat after today.

Fuck the law, and the God damend frauds that run it.

Yes throw out law and fairness because you hate mexicans.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.
Spoken like a true normie fucktard.

If not being an uneducated slob like you who thinks with his colon makes me "normal"... then I'm good with being normal.

You are in irregular, simpleminded, ignorant fool who has to hide on the internet to be himself. And thank goodness for that.
You're a welfare recipient most likely.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
But after a bullet that had been flattened on one side was extracted from Steinle’s body, Evans and his team of crime scene investigators returned to the pier, determined through an “exhaustive search” to find the place where the bullet struck before it hit Steinle in the back.

And on July 5, 2015, investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.

A chip in the concrete!!!!!!
I can go out into my driveway and find you a chip in the concrete.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.

Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear

How does one "stare" their case?

I asked a fucking question and you answered it! Thank you!

He was found not guilty of murder probably because there was no intent to murder her. That sucks!

I knew this was a possibility as soon as I learned the bullet ricocheted before striking her. Too bad the prosecution did not take that into account and drop the murder charge.

Is the illegal guilty of murder? No. He was acquitted.

Is he guilty of something else? Damn straight, but they didn't charge him with that, so he walks.

At least they got him on something! Thank God!
Thanks for pointing out my spelling error. I bet you think OJ was innocent too. Or that lying asshole who killed her baby and stuffed her body in the trunk. Casey Anthony! Yep, that’s why we call you libtards.

Why are you accusing me of more shit I did not say?

You need professional help for either psychiatric care or this substance abuse problem you appear to have.
I asked you to state your case, instead you chose to insult me so go fuck yourself some more!
The illegal stole the gun, he fired the gun. He intended to kill Kate. He might have missed, but a fortuituate riccochet gave him his goal.

This case informs Californians that they are nothing more than prey for whatever hunter wants to come here and get a pelt.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
But after a bullet that had been flattened on one side was extracted from Steinle’s body, Evans and his team of crime scene investigators returned to the pier, determined through an “exhaustive search” to find the place where the bullet struck before it hit Steinle in the back.

And on July 5, 2015, investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.

A chip in the concrete!!!!!!
I can go out into my driveway and find you a chip in the concrete.
And can forensics match it to your gun?
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco is a criminal who supports sanctuary city status for San Francisco. Lock his ass up.
The best thing that could come out of this, is that America will not forget what San Francisco, California did.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
But after a bullet that had been flattened on one side was extracted from Steinle’s body, Evans and his team of crime scene investigators returned to the pier, determined through an “exhaustive search” to find the place where the bullet struck before it hit Steinle in the back.

And on July 5, 2015, investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.

A chip in the concrete!!!!!!
I can go out into my driveway and find you a chip in the concrete.
And can forensics match it to your gun?
Or find the residue that shows it was hit by a recently fired bullet?
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Correct. Fuck it. Let the race war commence.
The illegal stole the gun, he fired the gun.

According to his testimony, he found the gun and shot it at some seals on the beach.

He intended to kill Kate. He might have missed, but a fortuituate riccochet gave him his goal.

Well, no, it was never his intent to hit her or anyone else.

This case informs Californians that they are nothing more than prey for whatever hunter wants to come here and get a pelt.

well, it the NRA would let them get the guns off the street like they want to,maybe they could fix that.
The government failed Kate twice.

Dear Grampa Murked U

1. If it is a felony to re-enter after being deported:
Illegal Immigration is a Crime | Federation for American Immigration Reform

2. And if such an offender "kills (regardless of intent to kill)" in the commission of a felony:

The rule of felony murder is a legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder: when an offender kills (regardless of intent to kill) in the commission of a dangerous or enumerated crime (called a felony in some jurisdictions), he/she is guilty of murder.

3. Can that person be prosecuted for "felony murder" as a capital crime?

NOTE: I understand this case is different because of California laws
and the lax enforcement in certain "sanctuary" cities.

but even in Texas, there was a capital murder case of an illegal immigrant,
previously deported with a criminal record, who killed the police officer who
stopped him for drunken driving (and likely saved the lives of the teenagers in the car).
He got life in prison instead of the death penalty or deportation.
And this happened in TEXAS, a red state with the worst death penalty record.
The murder victim was a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.
And the killer did so intentionally out of fear he would get deported again
because of his criminal record.

Jurors sentence HPD officer's killer to life

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