Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

If you accidentally killed someone, you'd get a lengthy stay in the ass-pound prison.

Not necessarily true at all.

And the jury did not find cause to convict him of involuntary manslaughter, a conviction for which means that it is shown beyond any reasonable doubt that the perpetrator acted with criminal negligence or recklessness, resulting in a homicide.

You don't see a previously convicted felon having a firearm in his hand as being "criminal negligence or recklessness"?

What kind of a fucking moron are you? Gawd, the stupidity of you leftards is staggering. Do me a favor: Go punch yourself in the face until you pass out and get back to me tomorrow, if you're not on my ignore list.
The time for discussion with these pieces of human debris has been over for awhile now.
So....don't just sit there and talk. Take action.
I do what I can for now. You guys are doing most of the work for us, and you don't even realize it.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA

Well that would fix nothing. Now countries with strong gun control don't have these types of accidental shootings. Now that would really be doing something big.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA

He can't. Only Congress can end DACA, and those worthless bastards sure the hell won't.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA
It's quite possible these bleeding heart SF sodies just handed 2018 to the Republicans, and 2020 to Trump.
Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear

How does one "stare" their case?

I asked a fucking question and you answered it! Thank you!

He was found not guilty of murder probably because there was no intent to murder her. That sucks!

I knew this was a possibility as soon as I learned the bullet ricocheted before striking her. Too bad the prosecution did not take that into account and drop the murder charge.

Is the illegal guilty of murder? No. He was acquitted.

Is he guilty of something else? Damn straight, but they didn't charge him with that, so he walks.

At least they got him on something! Thank God!
Thanks for pointing out my spelling error. I bet you think OJ was innocent too. Or that lying asshole who killed her baby and stuffed her body in the trunk. Casey Anthony! Yep, that’s why we call you libtards.

Why are you accusing me of more shit I did not say?

You need professional help for either psychiatric care or this substance abuse problem you appear to have.
I asked you to state your case, instead you chose to insult me so go fuck yourself some more!

When did you stop beating your wife?

That's the kind of question you just asked dumb ass!

I never typed the words Casey Anthony before now. Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it along with whatever else is causing your mental incompetence.
The illegal stole the gun, he fired the gun.

According to his testimony, he found the gun and shot it at some seals on the beach.

He intended to kill Kate. He might have missed, but a fortuituate riccochet gave him his goal.

Well, no, it was never his intent to hit her or anyone else.

This case informs Californians that they are nothing more than prey for whatever hunter wants to come here and get a pelt.

well, it the NRA would let them get the guns off the street like they want to,maybe they could fix that.

Dear JoeB131
In some states and some cases, even if you do not mean to cause death,
if someone dies during the commission of a felony, this can be charged as
felony murder. Even if it is accidental and unintended.

Here, it's not like that the man's illegal re-entry and presence counts as "committing a felony."
If he was previously deported, then his "re-entry" may be punishable as a felony,
but not necessarily his "presence" in the US.

However if anyone was ENABLING him to stay in the US illegally, certain actions such as employing or assisting someone to violate immigration laws could be charged as a felony.

Depending on the situation, and the laws of that state, perhaps the other people who enabled this man to violate immigration laws could be charged with felonies,
and if the death of this woman occurred during the commission of such a felony,
then the enabling parties could be charged with felony murder!

Do you think Trump or any attorneys are mean enough to push for that argument?
As I said on the other thread...

Disappointing. But I was not on the jury and did not have the benefit of hearing all of the testimony and seeing all of the evidence. The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they must not have convinced the jury. :dunno:

I trust the jury system, even when the jurors are drawn from San Francisco..
Then you are a fool if you trust a nonwhite jury to provide justice.

Remember how all the black people cheered when OJ was pronounced innocent?

this is the wetbacks version of the OJ trial.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?
Kill all the bastards.
Just think of all these stupid Moon Bats that hate the Confederacy for not wanting to be a part of the Union but support these red states and their massive opposition to Federal law.

One thing about it. These Moon Bats have shot themselves in the foot by being politically correct. Trump will get his permission from Congress to defund Sanctuary cities now. That will fuck up a lot of Moon Bats.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA
It's quite possible these bleeding heart SF sodies just handed 2018 to the Republicans, and 2020 to Trump.

I think Matt Lauer already did.

Kill all the bastards.

I wonder if we could get Rocket Man to take care of the Kalifornia problem for us? He wants to nuke America so why not commie Kalifornia?

Hell, the fat little bastard could probably launch a Fund-me site and make billions right now.

I think at this moment California is likely the single most hated and despised state in the Union.

I know I hate the bastards.
As I said on the other thread...

Disappointing. But I was not on the jury and did not have the benefit of hearing all of the testimony and seeing all of the evidence. The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they must not have convinced the jury. :dunno:

I trust the jury system, even when the jurors are drawn from San Francisco..
Then you are a fool if you trust a nonwhite jury to provide justice.

Remember how all the black people cheered when OJ was pronounced innocent?

this is the wetbacks version of the OJ trial.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Oops! Now you have done it! They will be calling you a libtard in response to that post!

Kill all the bastards.

I wonder if we could get Rocket Man to take care of the Kalifornia problem for us? He wants to nuke America so why not commie Kalifornia?

Hell, the fat little bastard could probably launch a Fund-me site and make billions right now.

I think at this moment California is likely the single most hated and despised state in the Union.

I know I hate the bastards.

Curse them and their fair trials.
I recently convicted an illegal man of a felony. He didn't murder anyone, though. He had been here 20 years or so, he had a house and children, he was convicted of a felony assault, and then he was deported, No if and or butts.he had kids and wow, that's the law. Justice is often depicted as blind and with a sword.

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