Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Politics. Politicians like to tell Us what to think, but isn't this supposed to be the other way' round? But now illegals can vote, and motor-voter laws We didn't want or ask for can now dictate this. To who's benefit is this? Not us american born voters, but I am sure I will get a lecture about that.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
But after a bullet that had been flattened on one side was extracted from Steinle’s body, Evans and his team of crime scene investigators returned to the pier, determined through an “exhaustive search” to find the place where the bullet struck before it hit Steinle in the back.

And on July 5, 2015, investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.

A chip in the concrete!!!!!!
I can go out into my driveway and find you a chip in the concrete.
And can forensics match it to your gun?

So explain to me how thats done.
And I'm serious. Did they get matching materials from the firearm and the divot?
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.

You're more likely to be shot by a white person with a gun than a minority with a gun. Probably someone you know.

Now, here's the thing. If you guys want to have a discussion about how ICE handles these cases and what the requirements are on local law enforcement, that's another issue.

But you guys have used this tragic ACCIDENT to stir up hatred, and a jury threw it back in your faces when the facts were considered.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:

Nazis weren't really socialists, though. Damn why is it you dumb focks can't even learn the most basic facts about reality? Damn you are stupid.

Yes, you are ignorant and functionally illiterate, it's why you are a Stalinist.

The National Socialist with their centrally managed economy in a totalitarian state were so different than you Stalinists who advocate a centrally manage economy in a totalitarian state,

Yer a fucking genius, sploogy....
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.
So I'm the racist Nazi, but you're the one throwing racial slurs around?

Hypocrite much, faggot?

Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.
Spoken like a true normie fucktard.

If not being an uneducated slob like you who thinks with his colon makes me "normal"... then I'm good with being normal.

You are in irregular, simpleminded, ignorant fool who has to hide on the internet to be himself. And thank goodness for that.

Did you complete second grade, sploogy? You calling others "uneducated" is a bit beyond the pale.
The illegal stole the gun, he fired the gun.

According to his testimony, he found the gun and shot it at some seals on the beach.

He intended to kill Kate. He might have missed, but a fortuituate riccochet gave him his goal.

Well, no, it was never his intent to hit her or anyone else.

This case informs Californians that they are nothing more than prey for whatever hunter wants to come here and get a pelt.

well, it the NRA would let them get the guns off the street like they want to,maybe they could fix that.

So you believe the word of a,what was it,a five time deporte?
That pistol was stolen out of the vehicle of a Federal agent if I remember correctly.
So, here’s the deal. The libtards take the Mexicans side, they believe him. So he walks, our Democrat rats voted down Steinle’s law. . The outrage felt by her murder will surfaceadain. Illegal immigration will be a major impact on upcoming elections/
I will never understand this Mexican hate. They are some of the most Christian people in the world.
So, here’s the deal. The libtards take the Mexicans side, they believe him. So he walks, our Democrat rats voted down Steinle’s law. . The outrage felt by her murder will surfaceadain. Illegal immigration will be a major impact on upcoming elections/

Here's the real deal. He was given a fair trial and found not guilty.
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Correct. Fuck it. Let the race war commence.

We can do better OffensivelyOpenMinded.
By investing all labor, all resources, and all energy into building our own
programs, cities, and states UNDER THE POLICIES WE BELIEVE IN
we can deduct that from taxes and redirect everything we can,
like voting for that DIRECTLY, and "boycotting" anything that doesn't deserve our support.

We can essentially "secede" FINANCIALLY.
Now, if the tax laws change and don't allow maximum deductions for business
expenses and investments, as wealthy investors have been using to minimize taxes,
there's also the alternative of managing "independent currency" based on local labor
and using that to buy out control of local property and community programs.

We can re-organize civilly. No race war needed.
Just separation of beliefs, where we choose where we invest our labor and resources.
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Correct. Fuck it. Let the race war commence.

We can do better OffensivelyOpenMinded.
By investing all labor, all resources, and all energy into building our own
programs, cities, and states UNDER THE POLICIES WE BELIEVE IN
we can deduct that from taxes and redirect everything we can,
like voting for that DIRECTLY, and "boycotting" anything that doesn't deserve our support.

We can essentially "secede" FINANCIALLY.
Now, if the tax laws change and don't allow maximum deductions for business
expenses and investments, as wealthy investors have been using to minimize taxes,
there's also the alternative of managing "independent currency" based on local labor
and using that to buy out control of local property and community programs.

We can re-organize civilly. No race war needed.
Just separation of beliefs, where we choose where we invest our labor and resources.
You think that the federal government would let that happen? Peacefully?
If you accidentally killed someone, you'd get a lengthy stay in the ass-pound prison.

Not necessarily true at all.

And the jury did not find cause to convict him of involuntary manslaughter, a conviction for which means that it is shown beyond any reasonable doubt that the perpetrator acted with criminal negligence or recklessness, resulting in a homicide.

You don't see a previously convicted felon having a firearm in his hand as being "criminal negligence or recklessness"?

What kind of a fucking moron are you? Gawd, the stupidity of you leftards is staggering. Do me a favor: Go punch yourself in the face until you pass out and get back to me tomorrow, if you're not on my ignore list.
The time for discussion with these pieces of human debris has been over for awhile now.
So....don't just sit there and talk. Take action.
As I said on the other thread...

Disappointing. But I was not on the jury and did not have the benefit of hearing all of the testimony and seeing all of the evidence. The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they must not have convinced the jury. :dunno:

I trust the jury system, even when the jurors are drawn from San Francisco..
Then you are a fool if you trust a nonwhite jury to provide justice.

Remember how all the black people cheered when OJ was pronounced innocent?

this is the wetbacks version of the OJ trial.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

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