Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Catholic, not Christian.

Dude, 'Catholic' = Christian churches God adds people to

outside of the catholic Churches, there is nothing but heresy, confusion and perversion
I recently convicted an illegal man of a felony. He didn't murder anyone, though. He had been here 20 years or so, he had a house and children, he was convicted of a felony assault, and then he was deported, No if and or butts.he had kids and wow, that's the law. Justice is often depicted as blind and with a sword.

He committed a crime and got away with it for 20 years. Then he was caught.

Whitey Bulger lived in Santa Monica for 16 years. He owned a house. He was a good neighbor. Now he's in prison.

Do you see a difference because I don't.
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Correct. Fuck it. Let the race war commence.

We can do better OffensivelyOpenMinded.
By investing all labor, all resources, and all energy into building our own
programs, cities, and states UNDER THE POLICIES WE BELIEVE IN
we can deduct that from taxes and redirect everything we can,
like voting for that DIRECTLY, and "boycotting" anything that doesn't deserve our support.

We can essentially "secede" FINANCIALLY.
Now, if the tax laws change and don't allow maximum deductions for business
expenses and investments, as wealthy investors have been using to minimize taxes,
there's also the alternative of managing "independent currency" based on local labor
and using that to buy out control of local property and community programs.

We can re-organize civilly. No race war needed.
Just separation of beliefs, where we choose where we invest our labor and resources.
You think that the federal government would let that happen? Peacefully?

Dear OffensivelyOpenMinded
Whoever stands on the Constitution would unite in investing directly in reforms
and corrections. Whoever isn't enforcing the Constitution won't have the
authority of law to organize the people around. If this is set up right, conflicts would be resolved in the process, because everyone would have vested interest in making their own programs SUCCEED they are voting for with their money and labor.

When everyone is busy building what each group believes in, respectively, state by state, there's nobody left behind to oppose it. If they are against one plan, that means they are focused on investing in and developing their own plans. Everyone wins.
Read this whol;e thread and now I am more convinced than ever that 'diversity' = 'genocide for white people'.

That topic is dead to me from here on out.

America must remain a predominately white country or we will all be Katied, that much is clear now.

the god damned wetbacks dont give a flying shit about justice or the law, that is indisputable.
Correct. Fuck it. Let the race war commence.

We can do better OffensivelyOpenMinded.
By investing all labor, all resources, and all energy into building our own
programs, cities, and states UNDER THE POLICIES WE BELIEVE IN
we can deduct that from taxes and redirect everything we can,
like voting for that DIRECTLY, and "boycotting" anything that doesn't deserve our support.

We can essentially "secede" FINANCIALLY.
Now, if the tax laws change and don't allow maximum deductions for business
expenses and investments, as wealthy investors have been using to minimize taxes,
there's also the alternative of managing "independent currency" based on local labor
and using that to buy out control of local property and community programs.

We can re-organize civilly. No race war needed.
Just separation of beliefs, where we choose where we invest our labor and resources.
You think that the federal government would let that happen? Peacefully?

Dear OffensivelyOpenMinded
Whoever stands on the Constitution would unite in investing directly in reforms
and corrections. Whoever isn't enforcing the Constitution won't have the
authority of law to organize the people around. If this is set up right, conflicts would be resolved in the process, because everyone would have vested interest in making their own programs SUCCEED they are voting for with their money and labor.

When everyone is busy building what each group believes in, respectively, state by state, there's nobody left behind to oppose it. If they are against one plan, that means they are focused on investing in and developing their own plans. Everyone wins.
Sounds great, but realistically I don't see that happening.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Don't put illegal aliens on a jury.

There were three illegals on this one.

How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.
Yes you're the idiot Nazi. Mutt is a slur? I'm a proud mutt. Doesn't bother me.
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:

Nazis weren't really socialists, though. Damn why is it you dumb focks can't even learn the most basic facts about reality? Damn you are stupid.
Oh man...one of these idiots who denies the Nazis were socialist AGAIN?

And these idiot libtards have the nerve to call us uneducated?

They were socialists, just not of the internationalist/Marxist sort.

Your dumb ass doesn't know there has been non-marxian forms of socialism since before Marx was even born, do you?
NAZIs were fascists.
As I said on the other thread...

Disappointing. But I was not on the jury and did not have the benefit of hearing all of the testimony and seeing all of the evidence. The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they must not have convinced the jury. :dunno:

I trust the jury system, even when the jurors are drawn from San Francisco..
Then you are a fool if you trust a nonwhite jury to provide justice.

Remember how all the black people cheered when OJ was pronounced innocent?

this is the wetbacks version of the OJ trial.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Oops! Now you have done it! They will be calling you a libtard in response to that post!

No, a fool is still several step above a libtard, so I doubt it.

To be a libtard you have to think that white people are evil even while you yourself are a white person.

People like You, otsifer.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Don't put illegal aliens on a jury.

There were three illegals on this one.

How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.

I recently convicted an illegal man of a felony. He didn't murder anyone, though. He had been here 20 years or so, he had a house and children, he was convicted of a felony assault, and then he was deported, No if and or butts.he had kids and wow, that's the law. Justice is often depicted as blind and with a sword.

We need to stop deporting these crimnals and make them do hard time breaking rocks into pebbles.
A fair trial is a fair trial. We can't make it unfair just because he's hispanic
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA

Well that would fix nothing. Now countries with strong gun control don't have these types of accidental shootings. Now that would really be doing something big.

......i bet you have an hispanic surname.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

It's time for a 'White Lives Matter' movement in honor of Kate Steinle

Enough is Enough!

Yes fight for more gun controls so these types of accidental shootings don't happen.

Dear Brain357 the solution in both cases is
consistent law enforcement on the local community level,
where all residents agree to uphold laws, learn procedures, and
comply with authorities.

This would solve BOTH the problem of immigration violations
AND gun safety, as well as preventing other crimes and abuses.

It's not "either or" fixing one or the other, but fixing both with the same solution!
By community based law enforcement where residents AGREE to follow laws,
and work together WITH police and govt instead of working against each other.
This helps the people check and prevent abuses by police and govt as well.
It's a two-way street, so everyone benefits where there is united agreement
on law enforcement which strengthens the safety and security for everyone.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

Our glorious leader has just responded to this travesty of a verdict.


Donald J. Trump
A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.
9:30 PM · Nov 30, 2017
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

Our glorious leader has just responded to this travesty of a verdict.


Donald J. Trump
A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.
9:30 PM · Nov 30, 2017
I think we are about to see the deportation forces unleashed.

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