Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.


I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Don't put illegal aliens on a jury.

There were three illegals on this one.

How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.


Retard, "immigrant" is California speak for illegal, shit fer brains,
“Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.”

Such is the right’s bigotry and contempt for the rule of law.

None of the conservatives subscribing to this thread who are exhibiting their ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate were on the jury, none saw the evidence presented, none hear the arguments made during the trial.

The right’s outrage is predicated solely on lies, misinformation, and their unwarranted bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA

Well that would fix nothing. Now countries with strong gun control don't have these types of accidental shootings. Now that would really be doing something big.

......i bet you have an hispanic surname.
He is in country illegally...justify that and reconcile that in your own way. But think about the father that held his little girl as she died
while you do that.

Look at how many dead toddlers you ignore in accidental shootings. Now you suddenly care about gun deaths when there is a mexican to blame?

He was found innocent in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Again, it wasn't a fair trial. It was a political trial to send a message to Trump that illegal aliens will be protected in California.

There are many pissed off democrats too from what I was reading.....I expect Trump to do something big....aka end DACA

Well that would fix nothing. Now countries with strong gun control don't have these types of accidental shootings. Now that would really be doing something big.

......i bet you have an hispanic surname.

Roosevelt Lincoln Ford Washington III?
“Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.”

Such is the right’s bigotry and contempt for the rule of law.

None of the conservatives subscribing to this thread who are exhibiting their ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate were on the jury, none saw the evidence presented, none hear the arguments made during the trial.

The right’s outrage is predicated solely on lies, misinformation, and their unwarranted bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.
Not immigrants but illegal Wetbacks.
“Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.”

Such is the right’s bigotry and contempt for the rule of law.

None of the conservatives subscribing to this thread who are exhibiting their ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate were on the jury, none saw the evidence presented, none hear the arguments made during the trial.

The right’s outrage is predicated solely on lies, misinformation, and their unwarranted bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.

She deserved to die for being white, right sploogy?
I'm not a Nazi, I'm a propertarian and neo-reactionary. You're a normie fucktard that probably has no idea what any of that means....but oh well.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a Nazi.

He is a socialist retard just like you? :eek:

Nazis weren't really socialists, though. Damn why is it you dumb focks can't even learn the most basic facts about reality? Damn you are stupid.
Oh man...one of these idiots who denies the Nazis were socialist AGAIN?

And these idiot libtards have the nerve to call us uneducated?

They were socialists, just not of the internationalist/Marxist sort.

Your dumb ass doesn't know there has been non-marxian forms of socialism since before Marx was even born, do you?
NAZIs were fascists.
Fascism or corporatism was a form of national syndicalism, syndicalism is a form of socialism.
When we need Spanish interpreters in the courtroom, when most of the jurors speak English, something seems broken here. We can't expect immigrants to acclimate, or accept English common laws, I don't know who "we" are anymore.

I remember. I was disappointed then too.

But I still believe in the Jury system, and part of that is Jury nullification.

What is the alternative?

Don't put illegal aliens on a jury.

There were three illegals on this one.

How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.


Retard, "immigrant" is California speak for illegal, shit fer brains,

Dickhead II

Legal immigrants are not illegal in any language.

Moron II
Don't put illegal aliens on a jury.

There were three illegals on this one.

How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.


Retard, "immigrant" is California speak for illegal, shit fer brains,

Dickhead II

Legal immigrants are not illegal in any language.

Moron II

Retard, when people are legal, their status is not mentioned. These three were illegals from the sanctuary city.

No doubt you grasp this, but as a Maoist you advocate for anything that damages the nation you engage in treason against.
If you guys were so passionate about all gun deaths we could really save some lives. Accidental shooting deaths are rare with strong gun control.
You guys care about the law when it comes to being legal or illegal immigrant. But when the guy gets a fair trial and is found innocent you throw out the law. Put some consistency in your crazy.
How do you know this?

By reading;

{Six men and six women — three of whom are immigrants — will decide the fate of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who allegedly shot 32-year-old Steinle while she was sitting with her father on San Francisco’s Pier 14 in July 2015. Five alternate jurors, four men and one woman, were also chosen on Wednesday.}
Jury selected in Kate Steinle shooting trial

Three illegals were on the jury.

It was a kangaroo court that would NEVER convict a fellow illegal.


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.


Retard, "immigrant" is California speak for illegal, shit fer brains,

Dickhead II

Legal immigrants are not illegal in any language.

Moron II

Retard, when people are legal, their status is not mentioned. These three were illegals from the sanctuary city.

No doubt you grasp this, but as a Maoist you advocate for anything that damages the nation you engage in treason against.

Dickhead III

Illegals cannot serve on juries, not even using your conservabonics.

And if you like Mao so much, why don't you marry him.

Moron III
I recently convicted an illegal man of a felony. He didn't murder anyone, though. He had been here 20 years or so, he had a house and children, he was convicted of a felony assault, and then he was deported, No if and or butts.he had kids and wow, that's the law. Justice is often depicted as blind and with a sword.

We need to stop deporting these crimnals and make them do hard time breaking rocks into pebbles.

Do BOTH JimBowie1958
When Arnold Schwarzenegger was CA Gov, he proposed building prisons in Mexico
for deporting illegals who were costing the state billions in public resources a year.

What I have suggested is creating a "prison exchange" program, where sweatshops and factories in Mexico are run through prison programs; so people who commit capital felonies can 'trade their citizenship" with immigrants on the waiting list who want to work an honest living in America as law abiding citizens.

That way, we reward law abiding productive workers with citizenship, while those who choose to abuse their rights and freedoms to commit premeditated crimes depriving others of rights and liberty would get their citizenship privileges revoked. And the people convicted of repeat offenses and organized trafficking can do the sweatshop work as restitution, and pay restitution to help crime victims get education and training for jobs.

www. earnedamnesty.org

As for how to build facilities to manage such an exchange, for all the trafficking crime and govt corruption for which taxpayers are owed billions if not trillions, we can organize legal teams to assess the debts and damages to the public, claim tax credits and create federal reserve accounts holding land along the border as collateral on these debts,
and issue notes against those debts to finance development of military bases, campus housing and jobs, factories, teaching hospitals, where restitution for crime can be invested in creating safe sustainable communities for workers to claim legal residency.

Both inmates and immmigrants who want to restore equal status in society could enroll in educational programs, where they can work for credits and share ownership in building their own schools, campus towns, and city states. If there are 12-20 million Mexican nationals living on US soil, why not set aside land for 4-5 cities the size of Houston along the border, for these Mexican citizens to claim as their legal home base; then once they are registered legally, under a sponsoring university, church or business program, they can apply for a "transfer" or "guest visa" to study, work or live in other places in the US as long as they are in good standing with their sponsoring program. This would reward immigrants and workers for enrolling legally, and screen out criminals with illicit intent.

If Clinton, Sanders and now the Workers Unions want to take leadership roles, they can take on this challenge of building and governing city-states along the border. Why not invest campaign money for party leaders candidates into building solutions directly?

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