Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

Use of a firearm resulting in death.

Florida's law against discharging firearms in public or on residential property stipulates: "any person who ... recklessly or negligently discharges a firearm outdoors on any property used primarily as the site of a dwelling ... or zoned exclusively for residential use commits a misdemeanor of the first degree." The penalties for first degree misdemeanors in Florida include up to 12 months in jail and/or up $1,000.00 in fines.

But it can be difficult for accidental shootings to be considered recklessness or negligence under the statute. In a tragic 2015 case, a man accidentally pulled the trigger of a gun while twirling it on his finger, fatally shooting a pregnant woman in the head. Prosecutors did not press charges because the unintentional shooting did not rise to the standard of "culpable negligence" or a "showing reckless disregard for human life." As Chief Assistant State Attorney Ric Ridgway told 48 Hours' Crimesider at the time, "If you're just being careless with a gun and it goes off, that's not a crime."

But the hunter who killed is charged with manslaughter. I agree, tough charge, will the NRA lobby for stricter laws now?
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

Intent is irrelevant for felony murder - that's the point of the laws.

It's the "during the commission of a felony" part that doesn't fit.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that
That doesn't have to be proved. That he intended to pull the trigger is all they need.

He says the gun went off when he stepped on it. Then he threw it off the pier into the ocean. Disposing of a murder weapon is consciousness of guilt. He would be guilty anywhere but California.

I hope that Judge Moore can use this in his own district so some good can be squeezed out of this tragedy. Jones is an open border advocate. This is where it leads.
So, your solution is.....If we did not have 10 million illegals in this country an accidental killing would not occur

How about we don't release illegal immigrants scheduled for deportation, that are convicted felons, in regards to numerous accounts, on multiple occasions, into the general public because some nit-wits think a sanctuary city for them is a good idea?

Why I am I not surprised you cannot come up with something as simple as that ... :dunno:

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on
The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.
So, your solution is.....If we did not have 10 million illegals in this country an accidental killing would not occur

How about we don't release illegal immigrants scheduled for deportation, that are convicted felons, in regards to numerous accounts, on multiple occasions, into the general public because some fucking nit-wits think a sanctuary city for them is a good idea?

Why I am I not surprised you cannot come up with something as simple as that ... :dunno:

Has nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

If you want to prosecute for illegal entry or prosecute those who released him...go at it
To me, the Monday Morning Quarterbacking should have been about the gun

A gun was stolen from a BLM agent and ended up killing someone. The agent should have secured his weapon, left it unloaded and had a trigger lock on it

If he had done so, that woman would be alive today
Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.

There is no crime called "negligent homicide".
To me, the Monday Morning Quarterbacking should have been about the gun

A gun was stolen from a BLM agent and ended up killing someone. The agent should have secured his weapon, left it unloaded and had a trigger lock on it

If he had done so, that woman would be alive today

What about this?

If a man who obviously had zero intentions of ever not illegally entering this country illegally had been in prison for felony reentry this woman would be alive today?
I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.

There is no crime called "negligent homicide".

Of course there is, defined by statute in EVERY state in this country

.Negligent homicide - Wikipedia

why on Earth did you believe otherwise?
Has nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

If you want to prosecute for illegal entry or prosecute those who released him...go at it

I answered your question ... And there wouldn't have been a homicide in any case if he hadn't been released.
You can worry about fixing the fuck-ups the government keeps making because of ignorant policy ... I would rather get rid of the ignorant policy.

Why an I not surprised you cannot come up with something as reasonable as that ... :dunno:
Like I mentioned before ... Your responses are the perfect example of what not to do ... And the desire to pursue idiocy in attempts to rely on utter governmental incompetence in foolish policy.

Kate's family already sued the people responsible for releasing him.
They sued the city of San Francisco, ICE, and the Sheriff's Department.

Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero dismissed the cases against the city and Sheriff's Department.

Last edited:
I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.

There is no crime called "negligent homicide".

Yes there is, it's also called involuntary manslaughter.

Woman convicted of negligent homicide gets 10½ years after laughing about bicyclist's death
A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.

There is no crime called "negligent homicide".

Of course there is, defined by statute in EVERY state in this country

.Negligent homicide - Wikipedia

why on Earth did you believe otherwise?

It's not called "negligent homicide".

Generally, it's called "involuntary manslaughter".

Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit.

That San Francisco jury of queers, Moon Bats and Illegals didn't even find the sonofabitch guilty of involuntary manslaughter, which was one of their options.

Really? The sonoifabitch was in the country illegally and shot a girl with a stolen weapon and the jury couldn't even find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter?????

If you kill somebody with a stolen car while doing something illegal then I guarantee you that you will be convicted at least of involuntary manslaughter but according to the Moon Bats that shouldn't apply to California Illegals. Despicable, isn't it?

Sorry, but this "crime" does not even meet the standard for involuntary manslaughter.

The dude found the gun in a trash can. The gun accidentally discharged when he picked it up. The bullet ricocheted back off the concrete decking of the pier and hit the victim. The key here, indisputable forensic evidence was presented confirming that the bullet did ricochet.

The standard for involuntary manslaughter.

  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others
One was a given. Two would have been a stretch. Three was totally out of reach for the prosecution.
I agree with that, but hard to argue against negligent homicide in this case. Unless you just truly believe that weapon went off by accident. No one actually believes that.

In my view it would be negligent homicide
But I did not sit on the jury and see how it was presented to them

Problem for the prosecutor is he gets to present one explanation for the killing and chose to present it as a murder

He (she) does not get to present different scenarios and tell the jury....pick the one that you will convict on

I'll have to do some research on that, because I thought last night they said that negligent homicide was one of the charges the jury voted not guilty on.

There is no crime called "negligent homicide".

Of course there is, defined by statute in EVERY state in this country

.Negligent homicide - Wikipedia

why on Earth did you believe otherwise?

It's not called "negligent homicide".

Generally, it's called "involuntary manslaughter".

Completely interchangeable terms. I believe we can walk away friends on this one.

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