Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?

We need to change the laws to make accidental killing full bloody murder

But not for white people of course
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?

We need to change the laws to make accidental killing full bloody murder

We need to fund the Justice System(.)

But not for white people of course
If he were not standing there......how can you be sure that some child would not have been

It was a tragic accident

I cannot assume what would or wouldn't have happened if he wasn't standing there ... I can say he wouldn't have killed Kate though ... :thup:
You can tell yourself whatever you need to in order to support your blind ignorance.


So, your solution is.....If we did not have 10 million illegals in this country an accidental killing would not occur
San Fran is totally screwed up...along with all the other uncivilized, '''un''-common decency-sense crap, as recently as 2011 you could go nude in public places--even restaurants!!
Nudity Ban In San Francisco Restaurants Passes Board Of Supervisors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | HuffPost

and these people voted for Hillary--are anti-Trump

San Fran is totally screwed up...along with all the other uncivilized, '''un''-common decency-sense crap, as recently as 2011 you could go nude in public places--even restaurants!!
Nudity Ban In San Francisco Restaurants Passes Board Of Supervisors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | HuffPost

and these people voted for Hillary--are anti-Trump

I must suppose, since you are too ashamed to post even you the State in which you live, that you live in a Red State in the Deep South. Given recent comments on Judge Moore I've heard from the people of Alabama, I suspect that might be your residence. Such comments are mindful of Leno's bit when "jaywalking".
1. please post somewhat grammatically correct posts so they can be understood
2. WTF are you talking about and what's your point?
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?
I'm not yelling at you...there was a time when right was right and wrong was wrong...that has changed. I've had my letter writing days and hours of phone calls to elected officials I vote each and every time to no avail....so now I voted for Trump. Whether that works or the forces of evil in DC win the day is yet to be seen. This verdict shows me how far off the rails legal minds have taken us so when I see a post attempting an explanation of that it infuriates me. For that I apologize...
If society is now failing to prosecute and punish the obviously guilty over some weird interpretation of law or phony definition of sanctuary then taking the law into your own hands is warranted.
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?

We need to change the laws to make accidental killing full bloody murder

But not for white people of course

Yes it would apply to white people also

If WHITE developers abused govt to evict local residents from the district where I live, and this causes
the DEATH of elderly residents, then if FELONIES were involved then those deaths can be argued as FELONY MURDER.

Thanks for this idea rightwinger In fact, it is a FELONY for the head of the Housing Authority to allow incompetent or "perjurious" statements made in court for a federal housing project under federal laws and grants. And it can be argued that the law firm that ENABLED this "felony" to occur is an ACCESSORY to it.

So if the "felony" is ongoing, and community leader Lenwood Johnson dies for lack of access to inhouse medical care as his plans would have embedded into the housing (had the Housing authority and lawyers not LIED about the plans and had them censored and destroyed by eviction and demolition), then this can
be argued as FELONY, conspiracy to commit FELONY, and FELONY murder for each elderly resident who dies in the process of this "ongoing" FELONY.

Houston is argued as another "sanctuary" city.
But the laws of Texas and Governor are conservative leaning, and this has caused political divide and lawsuits over the funding. Very ripe environment for raising this argument.

But you are right rightwinger, if felony murder charges are going to be argued for this man in SF, what about the ongoing felonies in Houston that have indirectly led to deaths with or without intent? And some argue it is WITH intent. Either way, it doesn't have to be proven as intended. What has to be argued are govt officials ENABLING FELONY or not?

Thanks rightwinger it does apply to ALL CASES!

Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit.

That San Francisco jury of queers, Moon Bats and Illegals didn't even find the sonofabitch guilty of involuntary manslaughter, which was one of their options.

Really? The sonoifabitch was in the country illegally and shot a girl with a stolen weapon and the jury couldn't even find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter?????

If you kill somebody with a stolen car while doing something illegal then I guarantee you that you will be convicted at least of involuntary manslaughter but according to the Moon Bats that shouldn't apply to California Illegals. Despicable, isn't it?
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?
I'm not yelling at you...there was a time when right was right and wrong was wrong...that has changed. I've had my letter writing days and hours of phone calls to elected officials I vote each and every time to no avail....so now I voted for Trump. Whether that works or the forces of evil in DC win the day is yet to be seen. This verdict shows me how far off the rails legal minds have taken us so when I see a post attempting an explanation of that it infuriates me. For that I apologize...
If society is now failing to prosecute and punish the obviously guilty over some weird interpretation of law or phony definition of sanctuary then taking the law into your own hands is warranted.

Rambunctious Well I voted for Trump, too.
Because he speaks for himself, and leads others to find ways to get something done. Leading it directly, whether through ministerial leadership, or business leaders, or through media or govt. He got elected by using the broken party and media system, and got it to work anyway, as FU as it is with everyone and everything divided against him.

We can still use a broken FU system to do what Trump did and just demand to fix what needs to get fixed. Organize workers, and regular people, and get something done, changed, whatever we set as the GOAL.

Yes, we can take matters into our own hands.
But Trump didn't use guns or violence. He used the system, even the FU media to do the job.

Now how do we do that here. WWTD?

Do we lobby for the city officials in SF to be charged with enabling felony murder?
Do we call all workers, teachers police and citizens and taxpayers to start
investing in their own districts to build their own local representation and govt
services and boycott any sanctuary city or any person or leader who enables crime

What do we ask for? What is the goal that WE CAN TAKE into our own hands
and it's perfectly LEGAL, nonviolent, but effectively hits the goal?
What would you call the multiple time felon and person who admittedly pulled the trigger that fired the gun that killed Kate? Her hairdresser?

someone involved in a horrible accident.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and won't enact even the most common sense gun control.

It's not an "accident" when you pull the trigger silly boy.
Cut the shit; you liberals don't give a fuck about her. You just hate hearing any negative results about your open borders sickness and the 3rd-world subhumans you traitors love to venerate.

I worry about all of the 33,000 Americans who die every year because of gun violence.

why is this one so special?

I wonder why you need to lie so much. Over 20,000 of those gun deaths are suicide. As we see in Japan, where guns are banned, those who wish to commit suicide will do so, as evidenced by their much higher suicide rate.
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?
I wonder why you need to lie so much. Over 20,000 of those gun deaths are suicide. As we see in Japan, where guns are banned, those who wish to commit suicide will do so, as evidenced by their much higher suicide rate.

Japan is a culture where suicide is accepted and even considered honorable. Ours isn't.

Point is, 33K deaths by gun a year. Yet this one is awful to you.
Cut the shit; you liberals don't give a fuck about her. You just hate hearing any negative results about your open borders sickness and the 3rd-world subhumans you traitors love to venerate.

I worry about all of the 33,000 Americans who die every year because of gun violence.

why is this one so special?

I wonder why you need to lie so much. Over 20,000 of those gun deaths are suicide. As we see in Japan, where guns are banned, those who wish to commit suicide will do so, as evidenced by their much higher suicide rate.

Dear westwall and JoeB131
If Joe has never seen the effect of spiritual healing,
in turning absolute homicidal criminals into regular human beings
who want to help everyone they can and never harm anyone again,
that changes how they look at guns and crime and criminals.

You no longer blame the guns, you blame the sickness that can be cured.
And focus there.

The guns will take care of themselves.
People who are spiritual healed drop any interest in drugs, too.
So all that demand goes away.

It changes everything where we focus on the root causes
of crime, abuse and violence. The guns and drugs are secondary.

Until people see proof of how powerful and far reaching
the impact and changes are that occur with spiritual healing,
they argue about what they CAN see which is guns and drugs.

That's like freaking out over the HORRIFYING symptoms of Ebola
trying to keep that away from people, all the blood and dead bodies,
while doctors focus on killing the "INVISIBLE" virus that causes it
and containing the dangerous PATHOGEN so it doesn't spread.

Yes we want to contain the dangers AROUND the problem,
but we can't let that interfere with attacking the root cause to END it.
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?

We need to change the laws to make accidental killing full bloody murder

But not for white people of course

Yes it would apply to white people also

If WHITE developers abused govt to evict local residents from the district where I live, and this causes
the DEATH of elderly residents, then if FELONIES were involved then those deaths can be argued as FELONY MURDER.

Thanks for this idea rightwinger In fact, it is a FELONY for the head of the Housing Authority to allow incompetent or "perjurious" statements made in court for a federal housing project under federal laws and grants. And it can be argued that the law firm that ENABLED this "felony" to occur is an ACCESSORY to it.

So if the "felony" is ongoing, and community leader Lenwood Johnson dies for lack of access to inhouse medical care as his plans would have embedded into the housing (had the Housing authority and lawyers not LIED about the plans and had them censored and destroyed by eviction and demolition), then this can
be argued as FELONY, conspiracy to commit FELONY, and FELONY murder for each elderly resident who dies in the process of this "ongoing" FELONY.

Houston is argued as another "sanctuary" city.
But the laws of Texas and Governor are conservative leaning, and this has caused political divide and lawsuits over the funding. Very ripe environment for raising this argument.

But you are right rightwinger, if felony murder charges are going to be argued for this man in SF, what about the ongoing felonies in Houston that have indirectly led to deaths with or without intent? And some argue it is WITH intent. Either way, it doesn't have to be proven as intended. What has to be argued are govt officials ENABLING FELONY or not?

Thanks rightwinger it does apply to ALL CASES!

Too long Emily

Cut it down to four or fewer statements
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".
Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
If he killed Kate while driving drunk he would have done big time in prison. Yet he can break the law by entering our nation illegally and processing a hand gun illegally and killing a innocent young women with the rest of her life ahead of her. To defend the decision of the jury is to be as cold and unthinking as a human can be. Maybe you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in.

??? Rambunctious did you even read or understand my message? This can be argued as FELONY MURDER. I explained how. Read it again.

If you agree that either this man "was in process of committing a felony" or that the city officials who ENABLED him to commit an immigration violation are committing a FELONY, then ANY DEATH that occurs during the commission of a felony CAN BE CHARGED AS FELONY MURDER if that law applies in that state.

The question is does the actions of the city to enable him to to be there "count as a felony."

It's because I'm NOT in California I don't have say in how they interpret laws. They may not have "felony murder" as they do in Texas.

Rambunctious instead of blaming and yelling at me when I offered a possible avenue for legal argument,
why don't you help lobby the federal govt to look into this argument for felony murder?

Why yell at me if you can make this argument I offered?
If you believe in it, I spelled out the TERMS that could be researched and possible USED.

But just calling it murder isn't explaining what is argued as an "accident."

is the term that can be applied to even an accidental unintended death caused during the commission of a felony.

That's what my message is describing.
Did you even read it before you reacted?

The California felony murder rule only applies to inherently violent felonies.

Thanks theDoctorisIn

So how about this solution
all pro sanctuary city leaders and funders
can move jurisdiction to the State of CA
and be under that policy. You pay taxes
to that system of criminal justice and take
care of ALL immigrants who agree to be under
THAT system. And you separate that from
citizens and districts/states that don't want to be under that.

We totally reorganize. So people can fund that from other
cities or states, but all people of a district/city/state have
to agree to the same residential policies FOR PUBLIC SAFETY.

We'd have to relocate people to be in the closest
district that agrees to those looser policies,
where residents AGREE to STAY in those zones
and not cross over into districts cities or states
that have ZERO tolerance for felony violations.

Can we still organize and stay united as a nation
while separating which districts have which policies
and agree to move residents around to locations
that match their beliefs?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Felony murder laws vary between states, but I don't know of any state that would classify Kate Steinle's death as "felony murder".

A single shot bounced off the sidewalk, traveled 80 feet and proved fatal

Hard to prove he intended to do that

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