Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

An illegal immigrant who shouldn't have been in this country to start with and a young lady paid for it with her life. Fucking own that shit Liberal.

His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting
If had not been in the country as the law dictates we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So put Congress on trial!
Its the sanctuary cities that attract these scum and their refusal to follow the immigration laws. Regardless the fucking liberals and rino's in congress don't want anything done.

Undocumented men and women work in the private sector, they are exploited by their employer who in turn withholds payroll tax in doing so. This occurs in every state in our country.

A comprehensive immigration policy with teeth to make the hiring of an undocumented person, without prior authorization to work in the US, a felony. And one which required upon conviction not only a fine, but restitution for the unpaid payroll taxes and jail or prison for the business/ corporation's hiring authority and the owner or COO and/or CEO.
Undocumented, you mean illegals right ?
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

He deserves to be deported.

The shooting was an accident.

This is ore of a gun issue than a murder case. Millions of dumbasses toting loaded weapons everywhere they go.
His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting
If had not been in the country as the law dictates we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So put Congress on trial!
Its the sanctuary cities that attract these scum and their refusal to follow the immigration laws. Regardless the fucking liberals and rino's in congress don't want anything done.

Undocumented men and women work in the private sector, they are exploited by their employer who in turn withholds payroll tax in doing so. This occurs in every state in our country.

A comprehensive immigration policy with teeth to make the hiring of an undocumented person, without prior authorization to work in the US, a felony. And one which required upon conviction not only a fine, but restitution for the unpaid payroll taxes and jail or prison for the business/ corporation's hiring authority and the owner or COO and/or CEO.
Undocumented, you mean illegals right ?

It sooths it over in their defense of the ILLEGAL lawbreakers

The moment they cross the border they have violated the laws of this nation. It's past time to end it and the left to stop coddling criminals
An illegal immigrant who shouldn't have been in this country to start with and a young lady paid for it with her life. Fucking own that shit Liberal.

His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting
If had not been in the country as the law dictates we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So put Congress on trial!
Its the sanctuary cities that attract these scum and their refusal to follow the immigration laws. Regardless the fucking liberals and rino's in congress don't want anything done.

Undocumented men and women work in the private sector, they are exploited by their employer who in turn withholds payroll tax in doing so. This occurs in every state in our country.

A comprehensive immigration policy with teeth to make the hiring of an undocumented person, without prior authorization to work in the US, a felony. And one which required upon conviction not only a fine, but restitution for the unpaid payroll taxes and jail or prison for the business/ corporation's hiring authority and the owner or COO and/or CEO.
You are such a moron. There are plenty of laws on the books to stop this shit and we dont need more to prosecute the black market labor bosses.
JThe bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder.

LOL! Bad marksmen also have the intent of murder.

Possibly. But what motive does he have to shoot her? The prosecution was going to have a hard time proving that which is why involuntary manslaughter was their best bet.
You are trying to get into the mindset of an illegal alien from a totally different culture.

You cannot seriously ask for his motives as you are being presumptive he had one in the first place.

He could have been shooting into the crowd to just show off, and the same goes for killing her.

These people are animals.
The shooting was an accident. He handled a gun he found & it went off.

Certainly not murder.

If he found something wrapped up, and he started to unwrap it & it went off, it is an accident.

If he knew he was handling a gun & it went off, then involuntary manslaughter. (Keep that in mind gun owners if you or your kid accidentally fires a gun & kills someone)

If he did fire purposefully in the crowd, then a murder charge.

The jury believed the unwrapping story & there was nothing to dispute it.
JThe bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder.

LOL! Bad marksmen also have the intent of murder.

Possibly. But what motive does he have to shoot her? The prosecution was going to have a hard time proving that which is why involuntary manslaughter was their best bet.
You are trying to get into the mindset of an illegal alien from a totally different culture.

You cannot seriously ask for his motives as you are being presumptive he had one in the first place.

He could have been shooting into the crowd to just show off, and the same goes for killing her.

These people are animals.
The shooting was an accident. He handled a gun he found & it went off.

Certainly not murder.

If he found something wrapped up, and he started to unwrap it & it went off, it is an accident.

If he knew he was handling a gun & it went off, then involuntary manslaughter. (Keep that in mind gun owners if you or your kid accidentally fires a gun & kills someone)

If he did fire purposefully in the crowd, then a murder charge.

The jury believed the unwrapping story & there was nothing to dispute it.
I thought Trump was the one who could kill someone in broad daylight and not lose any support. You bleeding hearts are really a fucked up bunch.
Exactly. Same thing as Trayvon Martin. They went after 2nd degree and only asked the jury to consider manslaughter much later. But by then it was to late, they had already framed the case as 2nd degree. IMO, in both cases murder was a lofty goal due to a highly charged emotional and political environment, but manslaughter (most likely involuntary) would have been a reasonable argument.
While I agree with your summation, the jury still failed to deliver an appropriate sentence.

All of which proves Trump right once again, white people cannot get a fair trial with a Mexican judge or jury. They are racist to the core.

Juries make a decision, the judge determines the sentence within the rules of the court. What was proved, the takeaway, is the jury did not find the defendant committed a crime which met the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt; they did find the defendant guilty of other crimes within the filing.

As for Trump, his presumption of guilt sans any evidence should scare all Americans. Your assessment in your second paragraph is racist and bullshit.
JThe bullet ricocheted so they were never going to prove murder.

LOL! Bad marksmen also have the intent of murder.

Possibly. But what motive does he have to shoot her? The prosecution was going to have a hard time proving that which is why involuntary manslaughter was their best bet.
You are trying to get into the mindset of an illegal alien from a totally different culture.

You cannot seriously ask for his motives as you are being presumptive he had one in the first place.

He could have been shooting into the crowd to just show off, and the same goes for killing her.

These people are animals.

Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit.
Exactly. Same thing as Trayvon Martin. They went after 2nd degree and only asked the jury to consider manslaughter much later. But by then it was to late, they had already framed the case as 2nd degree. IMO, in both cases murder was a lofty goal due to a highly charged emotional and political environment, but manslaughter (most likely involuntary) would have been a reasonable argument.
While I agree with your summation, the jury still failed to deliver an appropriate sentence.

All of which proves Trump right once again, white people cannot get a fair trial with a Mexican judge or jury. They are racist to the core.

Juries make a decision, the judge determines the sentence within the rules of the court. What was proved, the takeaway, is the jury did not find the defendant committed a crime which met the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt; they did find the defendant guilty of other crimes within the filing.

As for Trump, his presumption of guilt sans any evidence should scare all Americans. Your assessment in your second paragraph is racist and bullshit.

Making this political is useless. Obama injected his comments and opinion into cases as well. Saying Trayvon Martin could have been his son BEFORE the trial was totally careless and inappropriate for a sitting president. At least Trump's comments came after the trial.
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?
His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting
If had not been in the country as the law dictates we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So put Congress on trial!
Its the sanctuary cities that attract these scum and their refusal to follow the immigration laws. Regardless the fucking liberals and rino's in congress don't want anything done.

Undocumented men and women work in the private sector, they are exploited by their employer who in turn withholds payroll tax in doing so. This occurs in every state in our country.

A comprehensive immigration policy with teeth to make the hiring of an undocumented person, without prior authorization to work in the US, a felony. And one which required upon conviction not only a fine, but restitution for the unpaid payroll taxes and jail or prison for the business/ corporation's hiring authority and the owner or COO and/or CEO.

You are such a moron. There are plenty of laws on the books to stop this shit and we dont need more to prosecute the black market labor bosses.

Piss off. Your emotional rant suggests some culpability - have you, or do you now hire persons not legally able to work in the United States?
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?
His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting

His immigration status has everything to do with his ability to be there and kill Kate.
If you need to make excuses for illegal immigrant criminals and their illegal activities ... That is the product of something more insidious than Fox News ... :thup:

Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Dear Peach
Someone posted this on FB:
the office contact to public defender Matt Gonzalez, asking to "BOYCOTT San Francisco .... PH 415-553-1671. No justice, No Peace! Make a call for Kate in heaven..."

Is there already a petition on the change or petition websites? directed to the SF Mayor and Public Defender and Court Judge?

Grampa Murked U
As they say, don't agonize, ORGANIZE!
How can we collectively ask for change.
What can we agree on as effective that hits the nail on the head and drives the point home?

The verdict cannot be reversed, but the Feds can charge Federal, if jurisdiction is available.
Oh look now he can come back in and do it all over again. Wonder what the next liberal parents will do since that will be his next victims again.

His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting
If had not been in the country as the law dictates we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So put Congress on trial!
Its the sanctuary cities that attract these scum and their refusal to follow the immigration laws. Regardless the fucking liberals and rino's in congress don't want anything done.

Undocumented men and women work in the private sector, they are exploited by their employer who in turn withholds payroll tax in doing so. This occurs in every state in our country.

A comprehensive immigration policy with teeth to make the hiring of an undocumented person, without prior authorization to work in the US, a felony. And one which required upon conviction not only a fine, but restitution for the unpaid payroll taxes and jail or prison for the business/ corporation's hiring authority and the owner or COO and/or CEO.

Undocumented, you mean illegals right ?

Undocumented is what I wrote, and what I meant.
Agreed. Which is why is would be difficult for the prosecution for prove murder. They have no idea what he was thinking. But they do know the bullet wasn't a direct hit
So if someone shoots at you and misses but the bullet ricochets and kills you the shooter gets off Scott free? Because he is a bad shot? What kind of idiocy has rotted your brain?

Dear Fang and Rambunctious
If the circumstances were purely accidental and legal for him to be there, yes this could be argued as an accidental shooting death. That is not murder, but could be negligent homicide if negligence is involved.
Even Zimmerman didn't get negligent homicide as many including me thought would better describe what went wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin.

In this case, "felony murder" comes the closest to the circumstances around the death. It still isn't exactly what happened to the "letter of the law."
But it matches closely "in spirit."

Basically the man has a felony record, and the ACT of re-entry into the country after deportation CAN be punished as a felony.
But being present in the country isn't a felony, not even in his case. He just has a felony background, and RE-ENTRY can be a felony.

Then any death that occurs, even unintentional or accidental, during the COMMISSION of a felony CAN be charged as "felony murder" IN SOME STATES.

So the two reasons this doesn't apply here directly, is the state has different laws and interpretations of felony murder. And the man's presence at that location when the death occurred because he had committed a felony "in the past" doesn't necessarily count as felony in the PRESENT when the death occurred. It wasn't "during the commission" of his PAST felonies.

So it is stretch, and other people who DO CALL HIS PRESENCE to be a felony DO count this as murder.

What they could do is consider everyone in SF who ENABLED this man to be there could count as an ACCESSORY to felony, and thus contributed to felony murder by letting him here where a DEATH occurred, accidental or unintentional or not.

That's a HUGE stretch. But it could be argued IN SPIRIT, just the letter of the law can contradict that and get them off the hook which is what they use, the letter of the law to violate the SPIRIT of the law.
The Petitions I found were closed, I want a Petition to the Feds.
His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was a murder or not

Fox News stoked the fires of hatred against all immigrants based on an accidental shooting

His immigration status has everything to do with his ability to be there and kill Kate.
If you need to make excuses for illegal immigrant criminals and their illegal activities ... That is the product of something more insidious than Fox News ... :thup:


Odd how the discussion does not focus on the gun and how it was obtained by the defendant. What the family of the victim has now, is to file a civil action against the agent and his or her agency.

Holding the agency and its employee accountable will do much more than the revenge most of those above are upset they didn't get, and maybe a civil judgement will prevent future incidents where a gun is stolen and used to harm or kill and innocent.

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