Kathleen Sebelius to resign!

Glad to see her go...but it really doesn't matter.

Obama will simply fill the seat with another brain-dead shitstain that will carry the admin's water......
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I'm interpreting Sebelius' resignation as an admission that the 7.1M ObamaCare enrollee figure is complete and utter bullshit.

They know they can't contain the bullshit numbers much longer. Sebelius gets replaced and takes all of the blame for the numbers being horrible and obie runs out saying it's all good now!
Finally! Long overdue. Now waiting for Holder.

Breaking...Per Fox News.

yes that's what happens in every administration its called turnover, every administration Reagan, bush, Clinton, bush an now Obama If you were educated you would know that, but being a bobble headed uneducated rightwing buffoon you cling to every story as its the downfall of Obama, As to Holder, (your better) he is staying :eusa_whistle:
If she's quitting now, something really damaging is going to come out shortly afterwards.

She has screwed this up so badly that Barry has no choice but to kick her worthless ass to the curb. Not a small feat considering that he surrounds himself with incompetent slobs, i.e., Eric Holder. So it isn't a stretch to say that Sebiellus us an absolute train wreck (as if we hadn't already arrived at that conclusion).
They're all jumping ship right before Sheriff Arpaio releases his new evidence on Obama's fraudulent past and documents after a 28 month ongoing investigation.

:lol: birfer moron. Sure, Obama makes cabinet decisions based upon a birfer sheriff's phony investigation. Holy shit you're a dumb ass.
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I'm interpreting Sebelius' resignation as an admission that the 7.1M ObamaCare enrollee figure is complete and utter bullshit.

I'm sure you are. I'm interpreting it as just the normal comings and goings of an administration. Or after the botched rollout, it was decided that she should resign, but not until after the sign up period. And since the enrollment period was such a success, why not resign on a good note?
Take over a million people with insurance. Then cancel their insurance. Then pass a law requiring them to have insurance. Then these people sign up for the new insurance. Then go in front of the cameras and brag that a million people have signed up for your insurance plan.
Perfect example of Obama-style Socialism/Communism.
Daddy and mommy would be proud of their son. The people around Obama all come from the remnants of the US Communist Party back in the twenties/thirties.
Read this article. Note that every claim regarding individuals can be backed up by indisputable fact checking. It's NOT an OP. It's fact:
Obama Plants Roots Of Communism In White House Through Advisors : Freedom Outpost
Kathleen Burwell (OMB Director) will replace her. Good luck to her...


Isn't she the scrunt who shut down the gubmint during the budget showdown?

I believe so.

Isn't she the same scrunt who even shut down the Panda Cam?

We get rid of one nasty-ass, America-Hating scrunt and dimocraps always got another one to replace them.

Just look under any rock.

We're not gaining a thing by Seeby leaving. Not a thing.

This is no victory
It is too early to call it a victory, and I don't ever believe it will actually be a victory. However, it is nice that someone is resigning because of the BS of Obamacare. She should be tried and convicted for all the lies she has spewed. I am just trying to think of the exact charges. Maybe Holder will follow suit.

Kathleen Burwell (OMB Director) will replace her. Good luck to her...


Isn't she the scrunt who shut down the gubmint during the budget showdown?

I believe so.

Isn't she the same scrunt who even shut down the Panda Cam?

We get rid of one nasty-ass, America-Hating scrunt and dimocraps always got another one to replace them.

Just look under any rock.

We're not gaining a thing by Seeby leaving. Not a thing.

This is no victory
It is too early to call it a victory, and I don't ever believe it will actually be a victory. However, it is nice that someone is resigning because of the BS of Obamacare. She should be tried and convicted for all the lies she has spewed. I am just trying to think of the exact charges. Maybe Holder will follow suit.

stop salivating... there will not be any charges.....


what charges were leveled for the failed roll out of baby bush's medicare part b?

nah... why would you deal in reality?
Now ... it's time for Obama's henchwoman, Lois Lerner, to slither under a rock somewhere for her illegal IRS activities. Then Holder needs to quit and run for arming the drug cartel. Yes-sir ... corruption in Washington rules the day.

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