Kathleen Sebelius to resign!

Right on the first part; wrong on the 2nd. Millions of Americans now have insurance who didn't before; more are eligible than ever before. You can keep you kids on until they are 26, PECs are no longer a bar to getting coverage, etc...

Even the GOP stalwarts are giving up on the repeal nonsense. You should too.

And millions have lost insurance and jobs, paid more for insurance, and had hours of employment cut. We could go tit for tat. Let's just settle that ACA needs to be fixed...

Unlike the thousands of other programs launched by other firms that worked perfectly right out of the box. The I-Phones don't work perfectly out of the box (iOS: Not responding or does not turn on), nor do the new versions of Windows (Check for solutions to software problems - Microsoft Windows Help), nor did our first pick to take over for Saddam once he was ousted (Bad reason to invade Iraq No. 3: 'We can trust Ahmed Chalabi' - CSMonitor.com), nor did NASA's first attempts to launch a human into space (Mercury-Atlas 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Hell, our first attempt at a Constitution had to be scuttled 11 years after the fact and a new one drawn up.

So obviously the ACA not working perfectly out of the box should be a surprise to nobody....right?

Somehow, history is no teacher to the right wing losers who demand perfection in everything the President does while never holding previous men to such a standard.

1) This was purposefully done to get this in the hands of government.. where it does not belong
2) Taking something away from someone to then force them to buy it thru you is not a good thing... it is not an increase in enrollment or whatever else
3) The number enrolling without payment or with subsidized payment does not make any situation better
4) Nobody is owed health insurance... just as nobody is owed any other insurance.. it is a product YOU purchase ON YOUR OWN
5) The numbers on everything reported on this have been cooked the entire way
6) There is a reason why the unscrubbed numbers are not posted
7) The increases in deductible and monthly fee are outrageous for those who do pay

There are plenty of things to criticize Obamalamacare for, not just that 'it did not roll out as planned'
Did candycorn compare obamacare to an iphone? Were do liberals get their anologies? MoronsRUs?

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