Kathleen Sebelius to resign!

I'm interpreting Sebelius' resignation as an admission that the 7.1M ObamaCare enrollee figure is complete and utter bullshit.

That's because you're stupid.

Since 1980, the average term of service for an HHS secretary has been 3.8 years.

Reagan had 3.

And how many ended their career with an interview like this?

Sebelius Silent in the Face of Obamacare Criticism

Kathleen Sebelius appeared to have no retort when confronted with Oklahomans’ dislike for Obamacare, and sat silent on air.

On Monday, Oklahoma City’s KWTV-TV anchor asked Sebelius about the “64 percent of Oklahomans [who] aren’t buying into the health-care plan.”

“They don’t like Obamacare, and they’ve been pretty vocal about it,” he said. “Now that’s going to still continue to be a tough sell, but we’ll see how that plays out over the coming months.”

The Health and Human Services secretary sat there silently, prompting the anchor to say it seemed she had lost sound and not heard the question.

“Well, I can hear you, but thanks for having me,” Sebelius responded.

Sebelius Silent in the Face of Obamacare Criticism | National Review Online!

The ending of her career likely came after months of going to Obama claiming she "was tired of the lies and couldn't take it any longer." She finally sat silently and thought, "No more."
Finally! Long overdue. Now waiting for Holder.

Breaking...Per Fox News.

yes that's what happens in every administration its called turnover, every administration Reagan, bush, Clinton, bush an now Obama If you were educated you would know that, but being a bobble headed uneducated rightwing buffoon you cling to every story as its the downfall of Obama, As to Holder, (your better) he is staying :eusa_whistle:

The people you're reduced to supporting. tsk tsk. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/29/u...empt-citation-battle.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Obama keeps people between himself and his failing programs. When one person gets beat up too much, he gets rid of them and gets another, good for many more months of beating.

Lerner's next.

Lois Lerner is the worst of all of them. Her and Sebelius resemble each other. They both look worn and aged. Their skin is hideous. Lying must be mighty stressful.

These women finally get the power, fame, and income they crave then destroy their reputations by relying on their emotions (as opposed to rational thought and integrity) to plot the course of their decisions.
Finally! Long overdue. Now waiting for Holder.

Breaking...Per Fox News.

yes that's what happens in every administration its called turnover, every administration Reagan, bush, Clinton, bush an now Obama If you were educated you would know that, but being a bobble headed uneducated rightwing buffoon you cling to every story as its the downfall of Obama, As to Holder, (your better) he is staying :eusa_whistle:

The people you're reduced to supporting. tsk tsk. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/29/u...empt-citation-battle.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

So among Holder's other crimes he's also in contempt of court? The dude is really digging himself a political grave (unless the Dems stay in power which will assure that he's elevated in status). He'll go down on the pages of infamy.
It is too early to call it a victory, and I don't ever believe it will actually be a victory. However, it is nice that someone is resigning because of the BS of Obamacare. She should be tried and convicted for all the lies she has spewed. I am just trying to think of the exact charges. Maybe Holder will follow suit.

stop salivating... there will not be any charges.....


what charges were leveled for the failed roll out of baby bush's medicare part b?

nah... why would you deal in reality?

you deal in fantasy land lug nut
It is possible we have not heard the last of Sebelius. When the pressure is on for Burwell to produce just how many people have signed up for ACA, and how many of those were inmates, how many have paid their premiums, and she'll reply, the figures "cannot be found, everything seems to be in disarray, it will take time, perhaps decades to determine..." we may see Kathleen before the microphone again.

As an add on, Kathleen is giving her "good bye" to the nation, she was giving her speech according to her notes, and declared, "Oh, a page is missing." True. It doesn't get better than this.

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen."
It is possible we have not heard the last of Sebelius. When the pressure is on for Burwell to produce just how many people have signed up for ACA, and how many of those were inmates, how many have paid their premiums, and she'll reply, the figures "cannot be found, everything seems to be in disarray, it will take time, perhaps decades to determine..." we may see Kathleen before the microphone again.

As an add on, Kathleen is giving her "good bye" to the nation, she was giving her speech according to her notes, and declared, "Oh, a page is missing." True. It doesn't get better than this.

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen."

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen." well maybe not

United States Presidential Election 2016

It is possible we have not heard the last of Sebelius. When the pressure is on for Burwell to produce just how many people have signed up for ACA, and how many of those were inmates, how many have paid their premiums, and she'll reply, the figures "cannot be found, everything seems to be in disarray, it will take time, perhaps decades to determine..." we may see Kathleen before the microphone again.

As an add on, Kathleen is giving her "good bye" to the nation, she was giving her speech according to her notes, and declared, "Oh, a page is missing." True. It doesn't get better than this.

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen."

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen." well maybe not

United States Presidential Election 2016


It is possible we have not heard the last of Sebelius. When the pressure is on for Burwell to produce just how many people have signed up for ACA, and how many of those were inmates, how many have paid their premiums, and she'll reply, the figures "cannot be found, everything seems to be in disarray, it will take time, perhaps decades to determine..." we may see Kathleen before the microphone again.

As an add on, Kathleen is giving her "good bye" to the nation, she was giving her speech according to her notes, and declared, "Oh, a page is missing." True. It doesn't get better than this.

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen."

Yes, "Goodbye, Kathleen." well maybe not

United States Presidential Election 2016



it is funny as hell
She'll probably write a book and get a 5 figure advance. Enjoy your "victory"

Candycorn, theres no victory in her resignation just as there is no victory in Obamacare. I wish her well for she deserves a rest as does Obamacare needs to be repealed or redone.

I wish her the best now. She really deserves to be with her family and have a big sigh of relief.
She'll probably write a book and get a 5 figure advance. Enjoy your "victory"

Candycorn, theres no victory in her resignation just as there is no victory in Obamacare.
Right on the first part; wrong on the 2nd. Millions of Americans now have insurance who didn't before; more are eligible than ever before. You can keep you kids on until they are 26, PECs are no longer a bar to getting coverage, etc...

I wish her well for she deserves a rest as does Obamacare needs to be repealed or redone.

Even the GOP stalwarts are giving up on the repeal nonsense. You should too.
She'll probably write a book and get a 5 figure advance. Enjoy your "victory"

Candycorn, theres no victory in her resignation just as there is no victory in Obamacare.
Right on the first part; wrong on the 2nd. Millions of Americans now have insurance who didn't before; more are eligible than ever before. You can keep you kids on until they are 26, PECs are no longer a bar to getting coverage, etc...

I wish her well for she deserves a rest as does Obamacare needs to be repealed or redone.

Even the GOP stalwarts are giving up on the repeal nonsense. You should too.

And millions have lost insurance and jobs, paid more for insurance, and had hours of employment cut. We could go tit for tat. Let's just settle that ACA needs to be fixed...
Sebelius will land in some lobbying or law firm that feeds off the taxpayers, and make a fortune off of her insider knowledge. That's the way it works.
Candycorn, theres no victory in her resignation just as there is no victory in Obamacare.
Right on the first part; wrong on the 2nd. Millions of Americans now have insurance who didn't before; more are eligible than ever before. You can keep you kids on until they are 26, PECs are no longer a bar to getting coverage, etc...

I wish her well for she deserves a rest as does Obamacare needs to be repealed or redone.

Even the GOP stalwarts are giving up on the repeal nonsense. You should too.

And millions have lost insurance and jobs, paid more for insurance, and had hours of employment cut. We could go tit for tat. Let's just settle that ACA needs to be fixed...

Unlike the thousands of other programs launched by other firms that worked perfectly right out of the box. The I-Phones don't work perfectly out of the box (iOS: Not responding or does not turn on), nor do the new versions of Windows (Check for solutions to software problems - Microsoft Windows Help), nor did our first pick to take over for Saddam once he was ousted (Bad reason to invade Iraq No. 3: 'We can trust Ahmed Chalabi' - CSMonitor.com), nor did NASA's first attempts to launch a human into space (Mercury-Atlas 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Hell, our first attempt at a Constitution had to be scuttled 11 years after the fact and a new one drawn up.

So obviously the ACA not working perfectly out of the box should be a surprise to nobody....right?

Somehow, history is no teacher to the right wing losers who demand perfection in everything the President does while never holding previous men to such a standard.
Right on the first part; wrong on the 2nd. Millions of Americans now have insurance who didn't before; more are eligible than ever before. You can keep you kids on until they are 26, PECs are no longer a bar to getting coverage, etc...

Even the GOP stalwarts are giving up on the repeal nonsense. You should too.

And millions have lost insurance and jobs, paid more for insurance, and had hours of employment cut. We could go tit for tat. Let's just settle that ACA needs to be fixed...

Unlike the thousands of other programs launched by other firms that worked perfectly right out of the box. The I-Phones don't work perfectly out of the box (iOS: Not responding or does not turn on), nor do the new versions of Windows (Check for solutions to software problems - Microsoft Windows Help), nor did our first pick to take over for Saddam once he was ousted (Bad reason to invade Iraq No. 3: 'We can trust Ahmed Chalabi' - CSMonitor.com), nor did NASA's first attempts to launch a human into space (Mercury-Atlas 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Hell, our first attempt at a Constitution had to be scuttled 11 years after the fact and a new one drawn up.

So obviously the ACA not working perfectly out of the box should be a surprise to nobody....right?

Somehow, history is no teacher to the right wing losers who demand perfection in everything the President does while never holding previous men to such a standard.

You just can't help yourself, you just have to resort to name calling, don't you candycorn.

Where in all you said, did you disagree with my last statement?

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