Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

Jaffy Griffin and Toad Nugent: America has its lower life, yes.

Kathy Griffin and Ted Nugent are D List stars trying to draw attention to their failing careers by saying controversial things about the sitting President.

In Kathy Griffins case, it will probably cost her a career
In Ted Nugent's case, our President has made him a hero
She's a comic. But the right wants her to apologize.

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

But when a Republican does it, it's OK.

Flynn had a private server at the DOD. OK

Powell had an AOL account on an unsecured phone. OK

Condi and Powell were ordered to turn over their emails and never turned over a single one. OK

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Because Democrats are held to a higher standard and Republicans are slime that work from inside, like worms or termites, to bring down this country.
Even 'Stuart Smalley' is dumping Griffin now:

Franken reverses on Griffin, says it's best' for her not to be at book event

'Sen. Al Franken reversed course on Thursday, saying it would “be best” not to appear at a promotional event with his “friend” Kathy Griffin after the comedienne received an avalanche of criticism this week stemming from her decision to take a photo with the bloody, severed head of a replica President Trump.

“I believe what Kathy Griffin did was inappropriate and not something that should be anywhere in our national discourse."
She's a comic. But the right wants her to apologize.

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

But when a Republican does it, it's OK.

Flynn had a private server at the DOD. OK

Powell had an AOL account on an unsecured phone. OK

Condi and Powell were ordered to turn over their emails and never turned over a single one. OK

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Because Democrats are held to a higher standard and Republicans are slime that work from inside, like worms or termites, to bring down this country.
Victim! Always the victim! Go change your diaper and dip your blinks in some cola!
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

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No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

Not quite sure what you're going for here.

1. Are you saying that Griffin should have a visit from the black suits, and if she doesn't, are you going to complain that she should? You know, to be fair and stuff.
2. Are you trying to excuse Griffin by saying that somebody else did something that kinda sorta resembled what she did? Because if you are, that's pretty lame.

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.
Interesting. What kind of president would invite such a violent minded creature into the white house?
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p



Why does the Left more and more Look Like ISIS and Act Like ISIS?
Is it because Obama Bin Lying sent them millions of dollars to do his dirty work in the ME?
She's a comic. But the right wants her to apologize.

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

But when a Republican does it, it's OK.

Flynn had a private server at the DOD. OK

Powell had an AOL account on an unsecured phone. OK

Condi and Powell were ordered to turn over their emails and never turned over a single one. OK

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Because Democrats are held to a higher standard and Republicans are slime that work from inside, like worms or termites, to bring down this country.
Victim! Always the victim! Go change your diaper and dip your blinks in some cola!
Trump, yup, always the victim. Yuge. Bigly.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.


And why doesn't trump think his kid is affected by the gazillions of nude photos of mommy doing porn, prostitution, dropping her clothes for anybody with a few bucks?

Or his public bragging about bullying, about getting away with serial sexual assaults, lying, cheating, stealing from every person he deals with, cheating on all his wives, 5 kids with three wives.

Is he raising his kid to wear orange makeup, dyed yellow hair, bobby pins in his hair, fat belly handing down, eat shit food.

Seriously, RWNJ Pootarian traitors are SO offended, clutching your pearls and dabbing your lace hankies at your throat. You're nothing but a bunch of phony, lying hypocrites.

She's a comic. But the right wants her to apologize.

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

But when a Republican does it, it's OK.

Flynn had a private server at the DOD. OK

Powell had an AOL account on an unsecured phone. OK

Condi and Powell were ordered to turn over their emails and never turned over a single one. OK

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Because Democrats are held to a higher standard and Republicans are slime that work from inside, like worms or termites, to bring down this country.

Everything Secty Clinton did, trump has done and continues to do.

What trump is doing is MUCH worse. He has private servers in his resorts, he hides his emails, he hides who goes to the WH, he spews state secrets and on and on.

This dumb shit actually hands out his cell phone number. Its an old Android, very easy to hack and now he's made it so easy, even a RWNJ could do it.

WTH is wrong with this idiot? Why is he so unable to learn even the simplest things? Its not just that's he corrupt and crooked. He's downright stupid.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p


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They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p


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They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?

Nope...I even saw some liberal talk shows slamming Griffin.. It backfired on Griffin..

In my 5 years of being on this forum, I have never once seen anyone calling those Obama pictures out like they are with Griffin.
Mostly done by the Tea Party...extreme Right.. Griffin is extreme Left..
1. She deserves to be fired for that... It is just awful..

CNN thought so.

But Easy, why are you overlooking Obama being hung...is it ok with you?
Eagle, why are you LYING? I have gone on record numerous times now condemning those photos and those who made them. As pointed out, though, they are no justification or excuse for what Liberals like Griffin are doing. So stop spreading / inferring lies to try to do just that.
If a right wing celeb did this to Obama their album and concert sales would have skyrocketed.

I would never have gone to one of her shows before and I probably won't go any time soon either.

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