Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address "bullying from Trump's family"

Her attorney is a fool for allowing this press conference to occur.
Oh she just wanted the Trumps to remain silent and allow vile presentations of violence to continue unabated, the severing of ones head nonethless that harken to the terrorist group ISIS. This, while his own son saw the photo and even military families chastised her.

This is precisely why these delusional snowflakes had no impact on the election while shilling for Hillary, they have no shame or understanding of reality. Decency is thrown out the window and then they tell the world "what did I do? I'm the victim!" Her lawyer will be her character witness, maybe talk about all the great she has done for the world.

The wisest thing she could have done is slither away and let it die down after awhile, instead she decided to try and profit from it and someone is always willing to get some publicity for the stunt. Sad. Sounds like maybe she really was relying on that CNN gig,

Tiger Woods: "Nobody could screw up their career like I did this weekend."

Kathy Griffin: "Hold my beer..."
Griffin is fooling nobody.

She is a disgusting creature!:mad-61:
Under current laws created by libtards themselves she should be arrested and jailed for 33 months like they did this guy. Griffin really should consider keeping her pie hole shut.

Man gets 33 months for threatening President Barack Obama in poem
Ted Nugent....your attorney is calling....
Under current laws created by libtards themselves she should be arrested and jailed for 33 months like they did this guy. Griffin really should consider keeping her pie hole shut.

Man gets 33 months for threatening President Barack Obama in poem
Ted Nugent....your attorney is calling....
Leftard hypocrisy is glaring.

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