Kathy Hochul Fails to Reassure NY Businesses Trump Penalty ‘Nothing to Worry About’

We saw AOC keeping Amazon out of town, along with a lot of good paying jobs. That's one.
Actually she did no such thing. Amazon pulled the plug on the warehouse and office building.....and then promptly opened one up in Manhattan. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, there goes that narrative.
Just keep telling yourself that but make sure you stand out of the way of the moving vans.
Native New Yorkers of all stripes are leaving NYC. That's why Mayor Adams is moving the illegal into Harlem and the Bronx.
Sorry bout that,

1. If I had a big rig, I'd want to keep it secure, NYC is too high a risk, no lets go somewhere else with this big rig, see ya down the road, NYC!!!

Native New Yorkers of all stripes are leaving NYC. That's why Mayor Adams is moving the illegal into Harlem and the Bronx.
In effect replacing the black population with the next servant class. This was so predictable. They will move in get everything that blacks had to fight for with no fight and be granted voting rights without the civil rights struggle.

Blacks should be voting for Trump.

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Nothing will be leaving NYC because of Trump. You might want o ease off on that lake of fire stuff since you're lying.
Are you kidding? There’s already been a big exodus, largely to the red state of Florida.
In effect replacing the black population with the next servant class. This was so predictable. They will move in gert everything that blacks had to fight for with no fight and be granted voting rights without the civil rights struggle.

Blacks should be voting for Trump.

More and more are. Did you see that meeting in Harlem? They are furious with Biden’s open border policies.
Actually she did no such thing. Amazon pulled the plug on the warehouse and office building.....and then promptly opened one up in Manhattan. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, there goes that narrative.
That is a lie and you are a liar.

Donkey Chompers campaigned HARD against Amazon opening up in her district, THEN they pulled the plug.

Everything you post is a lie. But, you are a dimocrap. The scummiest scum to ever exist on the Planet's surface.

Go back to the CPUSA messageboard.

Or is that here now?? Starting to feel like it.
Nothing will be leaving NYC because of Trump. You might want o ease off on that lake of fire stuff since you're lying.
On the contrary:
The following is just for New York City more than a million left the state on 2022.

Here's even more stupidity:

There are 198 Countries in the world. If you took out the gun crimes committed by Brown people, we would rank 184th in the world in gun deaths. Now, we rank 10th, IIRC.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a brown problem. I guarantee you, that's why they're doing it.
Yes, yes. It's a machine, it absolutely won't stop until your dead.....yada, yada, yada. :)

Problem is, Trump and his businesses are the only ones I see in NY being targeted. Probably because it was determined he committed fraud.
If you can point to others, I'll gladly entertain the theory that the state of NY is hostile to businesses.

But I'm not seeing any.

New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report​

Well that was not hard....Boy, you walked right into that one didn't ya. :laughing0301:

It's a lot worse than that too.....That's just a small snapshot of NY's fail....But you already knew that didn't you?
There are 198 Countries in the world. If you took out the gun crimes committed by Brown people, we would rank 184th in the world in gun deaths. Now, we rank 10th, IIRC.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a brown problem. I guarantee you, that's why they're doing it.
Now we have a Yellow problem in CA.


Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’

Meanwhile, in the last year New York City has lost $1 trillion dollars in businesses that have moved out.
You might believe you are safe from this persecution from partisan attorneys general and judges today… But what about tomorrow? In less than a decade, Democrat neo-Marxits went from embracing same-sex marriage to demanding men be allowed to share a locker room with your daughter and compete against her in sports. Where does the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party’s madness end? How much longer can a New York businessman remain in good political standing with the left? Dems are already looking to normalize and legalize pedophilia.
Let’s not forget…
Democrat Neo=Marxists now compel you to prove your fealty. It is no longer enough to remain silent. You must prove your loyalty by using the “correct” pronouns and hanging the “correct” signs because, in left-wing circles, silence equals death.
Hochul isn’t attempting to “reassure” New York businesses. What she’s doing is looking to sucker New York businesses into remaining and digging in further so they can be terrorized into doing the left’s political bidding or be bled dry like Trump Inc.
Ask yourself, If Trump is forced to pay that $335 million, who gets the money? No private person or corporation sued him. The state initiated this. So, who gets all that money? The State...
Big business or small business, you’ve been warned. For no reason other than your political beliefs, you now know that the state is willing to swoop in and ruin you — steal everything you’ve worked for, smear your reputation, and annihilate your livelihood.
Lawfare is being used against Trump. If it works what are the chances that Democrat Neo-Marxists won't use it on lesser targets?
This isn't only election interference, it the weaponization of the Left against those that oppose them.

Why would companies who are dealing honestly with their banks and insurance companies, and paying their fair share of taxes, have anything to worry about?

Only privately owned companies who are screwing over everyone they do business with and behaving dishonestly would have anything to fear.

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