Kathy Hochul Fails to Reassure NY Businesses Trump Penalty ‘Nothing to Worry About’

Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’

Meanwhile, in the last year New York City has lost $1 trillion dollars in businesses that have moved out.
You might believe you are safe from this persecution from partisan attorneys general and judges today… But what about tomorrow? In less than a decade, Democrat neo-Marxits went from embracing same-sex marriage to demanding men be allowed to share a locker room with your daughter and compete against her in sports. Where does the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party’s madness end? How much longer can a New York businessman remain in good political standing with the left? Dems are already looking to normalize and legalize pedophilia.
Let’s not forget…
Democrat Neo=Marxists now compel you to prove your fealty. It is no longer enough to remain silent. You must prove your loyalty by using the “correct” pronouns and hanging the “correct” signs because, in left-wing circles, silence equals death.
Hochul isn’t attempting to “reassure” New York businesses. What she’s doing is looking to sucker New York businesses into remaining and digging in further so they can be terrorized into doing the left’s political bidding or be bled dry like Trump Inc.
Ask yourself, If Trump is forced to pay that $335 million, who gets the money? No private person or corporation sued him. The state initiated this. So, who gets all that money? The State...
Big business or small business, you’ve been warned. For no reason other than your political beliefs, you now know that the state is willing to swoop in and ruin you — steal everything you’ve worked for, smear your reputation, and annihilate your livelihood.
Lawfare is being used against Trump. If it works what are the chances that Democrat Neo-Marxists won't use it on lesser targets?
This isn't only election interference, it the weaponization of the Left against those that oppose them.
Is this here way of admitting she only targeted trump? that she really doesn't think what he did was illegal?
No damage has been done by Trump being held to account
I think you're missing the point. Has nothing to do with Trump being held accountable... It has to do with statewide business practices over the past decade being called into question. Trumps business dealings do not differ in any large way from the rest of the state and the rest of the businessmen in the state. The real question is does New York state have the balls to stick by their ruling? I say no. Many of those businessmen are also elected politicians in the state. Time will tell.

Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’

Meanwhile, in the last year New York City has lost $1 trillion dollars in businesses that have moved out.
You might believe you are safe from this persecution from partisan attorneys general and judges today… But what about tomorrow? In less than a decade, Democrat neo-Marxits went from embracing same-sex marriage to demanding men be allowed to share a locker room with your daughter and compete against her in sports. Where does the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party’s madness end? How much longer can a New York businessman remain in good political standing with the left? Dems are already looking to normalize and legalize pedophilia.
Let’s not forget…
Democrat Neo=Marxists now compel you to prove your fealty. It is no longer enough to remain silent. You must prove your loyalty by using the “correct” pronouns and hanging the “correct” signs because, in left-wing circles, silence equals death.
Hochul isn’t attempting to “reassure” New York businesses. What she’s doing is looking to sucker New York businesses into remaining and digging in further so they can be terrorized into doing the left’s political bidding or be bled dry like Trump Inc.
Ask yourself, If Trump is forced to pay that $335 million, who gets the money? No private person or corporation sued him. The state initiated this. So, who gets all that money? The State...
Big business or small business, you’ve been warned. For no reason other than your political beliefs, you now know that the state is willing to swoop in and ruin you — steal everything you’ve worked for, smear your reputation, and annihilate your livelihood.
Lawfare is being used against Trump. If it works what are the chances that Democrat Neo-Marxists won't use it on lesser targets?
This isn't only election interference, it the weaponization of the Left against those that oppose them.
It's one guy who committed fraud.

They have nothing to worry about unless they have also committed fraud.
So you cannot fathom how that would be detrimental to the conducting of business, huh?

It's not detrimental at all.... In fact it may actually be beneficial. Money doesn't flow unless there is an incentive for it to flow. When it stops flowing everything shuts down check with George Bush in 2008 on that one.

Real estate valuation is highly subjective. If if a client and a lender reach a mutual decision that a certain piece of property is worth so much and both sign to the agreement that's the end of the story. There really is no such thing as an over valuation. There are stupid ones but everyone is allowed to be stupid should they choose to be.
It's one guy who committed fraud.

They have nothing to worry about unless they have also committed fraud.
Every municipality in the state will be going over transactions looking for a payday. :rolleyes-41:

Is this here way of admitting she only targeted trump? that she really doesn't think what he did was illegal?
The governor didn't "target" anyone. The AG of NY Leticia James did the prosecuting. The judge apparently agreed with her...to the tune of about 455 million.
Apparently, fraud doesn't go unpunished in the state of NY. :)

Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’

Meanwhile, in the last year New York City has lost $1 trillion dollars in businesses that have moved out.
You might believe you are safe from this persecution from partisan attorneys general and judges today… But what about tomorrow? In less than a decade, Democrat neo-Marxits went from embracing same-sex marriage to demanding men be allowed to share a locker room with your daughter and compete against her in sports. Where does the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party’s madness end? How much longer can a New York businessman remain in good political standing with the left? Dems are already looking to normalize and legalize pedophilia.
Let’s not forget…
Democrat Neo=Marxists now compel you to prove your fealty. It is no longer enough to remain silent. You must prove your loyalty by using the “correct” pronouns and hanging the “correct” signs because, in left-wing circles, silence equals death.
Hochul isn’t attempting to “reassure” New York businesses. What she’s doing is looking to sucker New York businesses into remaining and digging in further so they can be terrorized into doing the left’s political bidding or be bled dry like Trump Inc.
Ask yourself, If Trump is forced to pay that $335 million, who gets the money? No private person or corporation sued him. The state initiated this. So, who gets all that money? The State...
Big business or small business, you’ve been warned. For no reason other than your political beliefs, you now know that the state is willing to swoop in and ruin you — steal everything you’ve worked for, smear your reputation, and annihilate your livelihood.
Lawfare is being used against Trump. If it works what are the chances that Democrat Neo-Marxists won't use it on lesser targets?
This isn't only election interference, it the weaponization of the Left against those that oppose them.

no chance.jpg
The governor didn't "target" anyone. The AG of NY Leticia James did the prosecuting. The judge apparently agreed with her...to the tune of about 455 million.
Apparently, fraud doesn't go unpunished in the state of NY. :)
Apparently it does…according to the Governor on the OP…nobody else has to worry for doing what trump did
Apparently it does…according to the Governor on the OP…nobody else has to worry for doing what trump did
And she just reinforced that. However unnecessary it would be in a normal environment. Trump is the only one charged and his behavior will not go unpunished. No other company or individual in NY is being "targeted". But when you have a klaxxon of alt-right media sources and pundits spreading manure and misinformation, sometimes you have to issue a reassuring statement...even though there isn't anything there to fear. :)
New York offers tax free status for 10 years for businesses to start up in their state.

There are businesses that take the city up on that. In year eleven the taxes hit. And when they hit any company with foreign competition is leaving. Going overseas or to a lower tax red state. The taxes make the competing non attainable. And profits which may be thin with the free tax status into huge losses.
Is this here way of admitting she only targeted trump? that she really doesn't think what he did was illegal?

It's one guy who committed fraud.

They have nothing to worry about unless they have also committed fraud.
If it's done to Trump for doing the exact same things everybody does, why would the state stop at Trump?

"Come down to the basement for a family portrait, Anastasia".
The governor didn't "target" anyone. The AG of NY Leticia James did the prosecuting. The judge apparently agreed with her...to the tune of about 455 million.
Apparently, fraud doesn't go unpunished in the state of NY. :)
NY STATE is one giant fraud.... That's why the governor felt she had to say something.
NY STATE is one giant fraud.... That's why the governor felt she had to say something.
Except no other business seems to be under scrutiny and no other executives seem to be in court for fraud at the moment.

Just Trump. What does that tell you? :)

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