Kathy Hochul Fails to Reassure NY Businesses Trump Penalty ‘Nothing to Worry About’

Sorry bout that,

1. Its funny watching NYC die, as a dog, no one providing aid, just die already, be dead.
2. Vacate the city, its unworthy of a helper.
3. Oh wait,.....
4. The Supreme Court, will help NYC, they will slap this funny shit down, and hard.

They just interviewed a mother-daughter pair (maybe 40s and 20s) and asked them about their living conditions in NY. They said that not only had they been living rent-free in the hotel for 7 months, but they were getting all their meals AND daily maid service. They even said how their linens were frequently changed.

In the meantime, our vets are on the streets, and the working class is struggling to buy groceries.
Just that alone is banging in at $1,000 a day.
Talk about corruption? I wonder who's relative is collecting the money?
That's not the question you were asked.

Have YOU ever been to NYC?
Which side of Central Park does your relative live on? South of Columbus Circle? South of the north end of Central Park? On the East or West side of the park? :)
Sorry bout that,

1. On the West side, and numbered street, 43rd maybe.
2. He lives in a rent controlled tenant building, 3rd floor, having lived there since the mid 60's.
3. We went to see him in 2019.
4. He's like 80.

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What about Sam Bankman-Fried? You know, that yuge Democrat donor?

That's actually fraud there, though; NOT legit real estate transactions from 30 years ago that have benefitted New York greatly.

As for Fried? Not sure if he really did do all that, or maybe people around him took the money and set him up to take a fall. He doesn't strike me as a greedster.
Not sure what a crypto kiddie pushing piece of slime has to do with legitimate business being targets in the state of NY.
I mean, this does approach Trump's level of corruption and fraud. Trump has just been at it longer.
So you've never been there?
Just checking.

Sorry bout that. :)
Sorry bout that,

1. You want to look up my cousin?
2. I'm sure he would love seeing you.
3. Tell him you know me from a anonymous website, as chesswarsnow, say, "Jimmy in Texas says hello!" he will know.
4. He's 80, what the hell would he care if we never met?
5. There is a case of concrete stairs out front, y'all got a name for that, you go up them, then go up stairs, to his small apartment, one room, with a small kitchen and a small bathroom.
6. Lived there a long time.

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Now if that happened, then NY WOULD be a hostile place to do business. Except there is no evidence to back this claim up. This about one man's fraud and corruption. He is the only one I see with a civil judgement against him. I don't see other businesses or their executives in court facing the same types of claims. Which makes NY....a good place to do business. Might be more expensive. But that depends on what kind of sweetheart tax breaks you could get out of the municipality where you want to locate. And those types of breaks are exactly what these other states are offering...but they won't last.
The fraud and corruption is that Trump got charged.
Just like Andrew Cuomo told us conservatives we don't belong here.
The demented LEFT always virtue signal and preach diversity until it comes to politics.

But now they're actually followng through with their agenda.

"Get out of town because you don't share our values'' pretty much says it all.

And should serve as a brazen warning for other businesses in New York, else they be targeted in the same manner.
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His own fault. He brought it on himself. Don't see any other business or executive in NY being singled out. ^Shrug^.
No, Trump did not make that fraudulent law. NY has opened the gates of hell and if you think they will limit it to Trump, you don't understand that state at all.

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