Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.

Let the FBI do it's job.

Why won't she file charges in Maryland? FBI, lol.
BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
doesn't back your story stupid fk, I already commented on your link go read it. too funny. You just saw the title and didn't read it.

BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
What do you consider credible? Tapes, Kavanaugh confessing? Short of that I don't think anything would convince you.
A TDS afflicted Moon Bat that brags about screwing 60+ guys in High School and college now claims she was upset with Trump's Supreme Court nominee for trying to get a piece of her ass?

How ridiculous is that?
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
nope not at all. that's what's called nothing. simply nothing. never there, not after the fact, nothing. hearsay isn't evidence in our judicial system. and that's all hearsay 36 years later.

Ford has bragged about fucking 54 men while she was in HS.
The first person everyone should be seriously looking at is her 'daddy'.
Town bicycles 99% of the time are victims of early childhood sexual assault from within the home.
Read her yearbook you dummy!
Ford attempted to scrub all her info including her yearbook from the internet but she couldn't.
LOL! Her husband, really?

Friends who said she may have mentioned it before.

Nobody that was there. The lying Moon Bat bitch.

Is that all the filthy ass TDS afflicted Moon Bats have?
What do you expect at this point? A DNA test? Pictures? Do most guys sexually assault women in public where there are a bunch of people witnessing it? Of course not. If you were accusing someone of something that DID happen but no one witnessed it but you and the accused, how would YOU prove it, except to present your story and the friends/family that you talked to about it? All this "prove it" stuff is ridiculous.

Proving it is ridiculous? What if I were to say that you were the biggest slut east of the Mississippi and had banged more men than the Navy's Atlantic fleet! Wouldn't you want me to prove it, or is simply saying it is enough that it must be true, simply because I said it was true?

What if I said that it must be true, because I told every member of this message board, and they will swear that I told them that?

Have you lost every bit of morals you have ever had? I feel sorry for you libtards. No one should have to lower their standards so much to support an ideology.
Slow down, Admiral. I'm NOT supporting an ideology; I have my doubts that her depiction of events is accurate, but I see no reason to believe she is deliberately lying. I am not going to make any further judgments on it until I've heard her and Kavanaugh. I wish I also had the outcome of an investigation to help me make a decision, but I don't.

I understand your argument, but sadly it goes BOTH ways. This is going to be a he said/she said piece of reality of tv tomorrow and probably it won't help much at all. I'm guessing unless there is a surprise confession by someone that I will never know for sure.
As for that, since if this happened, he was a drunk teenager, I'm not sure it should matter.
Now stuff it with your lecture on morals.

Given the fact that she is a card carrying TDS afflicted Moon Bat why wouldn't you suspect the bitch is lying?

There is absolutely no collaborating evidence that amounts to a hill of beans that said it happen but we have pictures of the shithead walking around in a pink pussy hat and carrying a sign that says that Trump isn't her President. She is definitely beacoupe dinky dau.

Her agenda is to join the filthy Democrats to undermine President Trump and that destroys any credibility that she has.

Meanwhile we have Kavanaugh, who has a stellar record and tremendous support from women, that says that he is very qualified for the job.

You need something more than a stupid Moon Bat's claim that it happen, don't you agree?
Sorry, Flash, you're basing your arguments solely on partisan excuses and that doesn't fly. She was not anti-Trump in 2012 when she first began talking about this experience, so I see no reason to believe that is her primary motivation now.
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Again, my evidence was the fact that Kavanaught lied to Congress. Anyone who can do that, is rotten and corrupt to the core and cannot, under any circumstance, be trusted.

That is ironic...considering Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Koskinen all lied to Congress - committed perjury...some did so REPEATEDLY...yet we are continuously told by the Left that there is 'Nothing to see here', that they are fine, upstanding citizens who should be trusted with out lives and our country.....


None of that happened.
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
You can post video footage of Kavanaught putting his hands on Ford's mouth as he attempts to dry hump her, and they'll still scream, "Show me where he did something wrong!!!"
Ford has bragged about fucking 54 men while she was in HS.
The first person everyone should be seriously looking at is her 'daddy'.
Town bicycles 99% of the time are victims of early childhood sexual assault from within the home.
Read her yearbook you dummy!
Ford attempted to scrub all her info including her yearbook from the internet but she couldn't.
Danny, that yearbook from Cult of the 1st is FAKE.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
nope not at all. that's what's called nothing. simply nothing. never there, not after the fact, nothing. hearsay isn't evidence in our judicial system. and that's all hearsay 36 years later.

Ah so your level of evidence is so strict it needs to meet judicial standards? You think people are innocent until they meet that standard? Sure about that?
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
This is what is called INADMISSABLE HEARSAY. Ford and the Deep State attorneys could present 1 million letters from people saying they HEARD Ford TALK about something she thinks / says happened 36 years ago, but it is not evidence that something DID happen 36 years ago.

Those 4 are swearing SHE TALKED ABOUT THE ACCUSATION she is making. That's it. That's like me claiming to 4 friends that I saw you try to sexually fondle a TREE and those 4 friends writing a statement that YES, I did TALK about what I claimed to have seen. It is not evidence that what I CLAIM happened actually happened.
BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
What do you consider credible? Tapes, Kavanaugh confessing? Short of that I don't think anything would convince you.
I asked what made it credible for you. what? name what is credible. why won't you? I'll tell you why, there isn't anything there.
Here we are on page 18 of the expected madness from the trump lovers.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.

Let the FBI do it's job.

Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.”
Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

You are a treasure trove of RW lies and bullshit - But thanks for keeping this offering under 2,000 words.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
post one thing credible from what has been released on Ford. One thing. can you? come on sport, let's see you pound your chest now.
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
nope not at all. that's what's called nothing. simply nothing. never there, not after the fact, nothing. hearsay isn't evidence in our judicial system. and that's all hearsay 36 years later.

Ah so your level of evidence is so strict it needs to meet judicial standards? You think people are innocent until they meet that standard? Sure about that?
dude, just post what is credible!! come on dude. telling your husband thirty years later isn't corroboration. she didn't use a name at the psychiatrist office. Why not? Why doesn't her story line up today to that story? dude, I can blow holes in her story and you can't post one credible thing.

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