Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

You're in for a very hard fall. Better start wearing bubble wrap
Yeah, any day now, snowflake.....

I'm still waiting for that Hillary 'Landslide Victory' you promised. Try delivering on THAT before you start promising anything regarding taking Trump down.... :p
LOL! Her husband, really?

Friends who said she may have mentioned it before.

Nobody that was there. The lying Moon Bat bitch.

Is that all the filthy ass TDS afflicted Moon Bats have?
What do you expect at this point? A DNA test? Pictures? Do most guys sexually assault women in public where there are a bunch of people witnessing it? Of course not. If you were accusing someone of something that DID happen but no one witnessed it but you and the accused, how would YOU prove it, except to present your story and the friends/family that you talked to about it? All this "prove it" stuff is ridiculous.

So proof is no longer necessary?
I ask again, what proof would you require?

How about "anything", because so far all you have is "nothing"?
She's going to present more evidence
...and Mueller has evidence of illegal Trump collusion....you just wait and see. You just wait! Any Day now (said every day for the last 2 years...)! :p

Tick Tock Orangeling! :113:

Time has EXIRED, snowflake. On top of all the other evidence that has been revealed, the moment Oher testified to Congress that he and Steele had been communicating / working with Mueller since EARLY 2016 - BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL - the jig was up, the conspiracy confirmed. McCabe is going to jail, as recommended by the US IG. He has already signaled after being thrown under the bus by Comey that before that happens he will take Comey down. Rosenstein is about to resign / be fired / go to jail...

'Tick, Tock' is right....the conspiracy revealed, the conspirators are on the clock.... :p

You're in for a very hard fall. Better start wearing bubble wrap :)
Oh please, stop it. You're scaring "the children".
You don't know when he lied?

He lied about Miranda. He said he had nothing to do with the guy, and later it was found he very much had something to do with him.

He lied about Miranda. He said he had nothing to do with the guy,

He said he had nothing to do with it? Zero? Link?

Yes... in his last confirmation hearing.

Show me.

Here is a link about some of the lies he was caught in.

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Then here is information about emails that weren't previously released that spell out that the information Kavanaugh got from Miranda spelled out how the information was stolen.

"Back then the senators did not have the emails that they have now, showing that Miranda sent Kavanaugh numerous documents containing what was plainly research by Democrats. Some of those emails went so far as to warn Kavanaugh not to distribute the Democratic talking points he was being given. If these were documents shared from the Democratic side of the aisle as part of normal business, as Kavanaugh claimed to have believed in his most recent testimony, why would they be labeled “not [for] distribution”? And why would we share our precise strategy to fight controversial Republican nominations with the Republicans we were fighting?

Another email chain included the subject line spying.” It’s hard to imagine a more definitive clue than that. Another said “Senator Leahy’s staff has distributed a confidential letter to Dem Counsel” and then described for Kavanaugh that precise confidential information we had gathered about a nominee Kavanaugh was boosting. Again, it is illogical to think that we would have just given Miranda this “confidential” information for him to use against us. But this is precisely what Judge Kavanaugh suggested in his testimony on Wednesday. He is not that naïve.

In the hearing this week, Sen. Leahy also noted that the previously hidden emails showed that Miranda asked to meet Kavanaugh in person to give him “paper” files with “useful info to map out [Sens. Joe] Biden and [Dianne] Feinstein, and others.” The promised information included “Biden-speak.” Again, this would not have been a normal information exchange."

I Wrote Some of the Memos That Brett Kavanaugh Lied to the Senate About. He Should Be Impeached, Not Elevated.

So either Kavanaugh is lying, or he is too stupid to be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't figure out the information he was given was stolen. You decide.

So either Kavanaugh is lying, or he is too stupid to be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't figure out the information he was given was stolen.

Stolen? Miranda broke into Dem offices?
Hacked Dem computers? How did he steal information?
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
Ford has bragged about fucking 54 men while she was in HS.
The first person everyone should be seriously looking at is her 'daddy'.
Town bicycles 99% of the time are victims of early childhood sexual assault from within the home.
Getting more Trump haters to support anything against Kavanaugh does not prove anything. The Senate will put Kavanaugh on the USSC just to spite the harassers like the ones who hounded Cruz and his wife. We can't let the smear merchants stop a qualified candidate, especially for fictitious HS antics. You'd think that they could come up with something more recent??

The bitch has no proof that anything happen. Just her TDS afflicted mental illness delusions.

Ford is a great example of the sicko pink pussy hat lying Moon Bats that are the scum of America.

Here she is with a sign telling the world that she is lying.

Gee...I sure can't understand why the Right gets the reputation of being misogynist and why women would be hesitant to report sexual assault around them...................
the name of someone with her. someone she told immediately afterward. a report to the local authorities like the school. nothing, not one gd damn thing. not one. and that my friends is credible. can't make this up.
Let's ignore all women who are sexually assaulted and support those poor men. That's a winning ticket right there.

Let's ignore all women who cry "rape" only when it is politically expedient to smear an opponent!
Notice too that the Dems won't tell us who these "witnesses" are so we cannot do a background check on them.

Are they all Dems? Of course

Are they all easily discredited liars? Of course

Do they care about Ford or just about politics? the LATTER
LOL! Her husband, really?

Friends who said she may have mentioned it before.

Nobody that was there. The lying Moon Bat bitch.

Is that all the filthy ass TDS afflicted Moon Bats have?
What do you expect at this point? A DNA test? Pictures? Do most guys sexually assault women in public where there are a bunch of people witnessing it? Of course not. If you were accusing someone of something that DID happen but no one witnessed it but you and the accused, how would YOU prove it, except to present your story and the friends/family that you talked to about it? All this "prove it" stuff is ridiculous.

So proof is no longer necessary?
I ask again, what proof would you require?

How about "anything", because so far all you have is "nothing"?
Zero Evidence
Changing Story
4 Witnesses who say it never happened
4 letters saying she TALKED about it
No charges filed - in the past & no intent to seek charges now
Did not come out, did not want to come out - was betrayed & dragged out
Wilkinson told CBS the lawyers for Dr. Ford have not turned over the results of her lie detector test or her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Whoa! Kavanaugh Attorney: Lawyers for Christine Ford Have Not Turned Over Results of Lie Detector Test or Therapist's Notes (VIDEO)

That is a convenient loss or did Hillary Clinton show them how to lose it on purpose. As the saying goes " what difference does it make:?

It is being with held on purpose no doubt, but taking into consideration lie detectors aren't 100% someone well trained can beat one of these tests. It will be that way with even their upgraded version. They'll sell it to the public it's 100% accurate but that is a false scam.

Should we even be concerned these results haven't been provided? After all if it were Trump there would be riots in the streets.
How come Kavanaught had 65 women signing their support the day of or one day after the allegation?

That tells me the Republicans knew of it beforehand.

Also too, many of those originally signed supporting women have recanted their support.

Kavanaught stinks like poo!

How come Kavanaugh had 65 women signing their support the day of or one day after the allegation?

Because these 65 women supported him.

That tells me the Republicans knew of it beforehand.

They probably heard rumors from some Dem.
Also too, many of those originally signed supporting women have recanted their support.

I don't believe you.
Notice too that the Dems won't tell us who these "witnesses" are so we cannot do a background check on them.
FBI investigations and background checks are only for the Conservatives being targeted. The background of their accusers don't matter - they are just supposed to be believed. Period.
LOL! Her husband, really?

Friends who said she may have mentioned it before.

Nobody that was there. The lying Moon Bat bitch.

Is that all the filthy ass TDS afflicted Moon Bats have?

Prosecute them.

This is ridiculous.

It makes a complete mockery of actual victims and makes victims of completely innocent men
Note that not one member of her immediate birth family has come forward in her defense.
Why is that?
Something very wrong there.
LOL! Her husband, really?

Friends who said she may have mentioned it before.

Nobody that was there. The lying Moon Bat bitch.

Is that all the filthy ass TDS afflicted Moon Bats have?
What do you expect at this point? A DNA test? Pictures? Do most guys sexually assault women in public where there are a bunch of people witnessing it? Of course not. If you were accusing someone of something that DID happen but no one witnessed it but you and the accused, how would YOU prove it, except to present your story and the friends/family that you talked to about it? All this "prove it" stuff is ridiculous.

Something more than a stupid pink pussy hat Moon Bat saying that it happened.

The bitch has record of being afflicted with TDS. She has no credibility with her word. She can't remember when or where and nobody else she says was there will collaborate her story. She needs something more and she hasn't produced it mainly because it never happen.

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