Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

...So why does the FBI need to investigate a local case that happened 35 years ago, instead of going through local state law enforcement?...
Because it pertains to the personal character of a nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

Federal background investigations look into all aspects of a subject's life, for any Federal employee, and especially for security clearances.

...If there are no witnesses, no friends or teachers which could collaborate and back up her timetable of events, with an uncertainty that Mr. Kavanaugh is accurately named as the one involved in the FIRST place, who is the FBI going to seek out to collaborate with the accuser?...
That's a very good question; however, we pay them to identify such people and to glean such information. Let them do their job.

...Where does it even say the FBI has jurisdiction in this particular case, regarding a local event that happened 35 years ago, over local state authorities?...
Again... the FBI does not have jurisdiction for prosecution purposes, but it does have jurisdiction over Federal Background Investigations.

...If you refuse to use state resources, or no incident was reported and found to have been filed by local authorities, what more will the FBI have to go on?...
Nobody is refusing to utilize state or local resources; it's simply a matter of the FBI conducting a Federal Background Investigation.

...Again, show me where the FBI has legal jurisdiction over the state on a local sexual assault incident, particularly a groping incident.
No need.

The FBI is mandated to conduct Federal Background Investigations for nominees for high office.

Touching upon all aspects ( personal, academic, financial, civic, professional, etc.) of a nominee or candidate's life history.

That is all the legal mandate which is required in order for the FBI to re-engage, re-open the case, and look at this closely..


< mic drop >

Next batter, please.
...So why does the FBI need to investigate a local case that happened 35 years ago, instead of going through local state law enforcement?...
Because it pertains to the personal character of a nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

Federal background investigations look into all aspects of a subject's life, for any Federal employee, and especially for security clearances.

...If there are no witnesses, no friends or teachers which could collaborate and back up her timetable of events, with an uncertainty that Mr. Kavanaugh is accurately named as the one involved in the FIRST place, who is the FBI going to seek out to collaborate with the accuser?...
That's a very good question; however, we pay them to identify such people and to glean such information. Let them do their job.

...Where does it even say the FBI has jurisdiction in this particular case, regarding a local event that happened 35 years ago, over local state authorities?...
Again... the FBI does not have jurisdiction for prosecution purposes, but it does have jurisdiction over Federal Background Investigations.

...If you refuse to use state resources, or no incident was reported and found to have been filed by local authorities, what more will the FBI have to go on?...
Nobody is refusing to utilize state or local resources; it's simply a matter of the FBI conducting a Federal Background Investigation.

...Again, show me where the FBI has legal jurisdiction over the state on a local sexual assault incident, particularly a groping incident.
No need.

The FBI is mandated to conduct Federal Background Investigations for nominees for high office.

Touching upon all aspects ( personal, academic, financial, civic, professional, etc.) of a nominee or candidate's life history.

That is all the legal mandate which is required in order for the FBI to re-engage, re-open the case, and undertake discovery.


< mic drop >

Next batter, please.

And another spitball from an inept pitcher.

The FBI could have investigated at anytime prior to the end of the hearings.

The Democrats had the information and refused to bring it forward during the period of investigation, meaning they thought there was NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE.

This, by a Senator with many, many years of experience, vetting hundreds of judicial nominees.

Hey pitcher, you just gave up a grand slam.

Deal with it.
...Why did you purposely leave out seeking Judge Kavanaugh‘s own side of the events?...
Nice attempt at deflection and distraction.


Nobody is proposing that, nor even thinking that.

Let Kavanaugh tell his side of the story as long and as often as he likes...

He can start by telling that story to the FBI as part of a re-opened Federal Background Investigation.

He can conclude by telling his story under oath in front of the US Senate.

...Didn’t even Mrs.Clinton get to go before members of Congress to be allowed to state her position of the accusations brought against her.... more than once?...
Fine. Wonderful. Let Kavanaugh appear before Congress just as often as he likes and just as often as he thinks necessary.

...Senator Feinstein had a letter of sexual allegations, and she didn’t think it important to ask the judge during the vetting process?...
You'll have to ask Diane Franken(Fein)stein why she held onto it.

My first guess is, to protect the anonymity of the (alleged) victim.

...Aren’t sexual allegations, not the complaint of piles of past judicial rulings, the important issue to bring to a vetting process?...
This is not a binary choice.

Both are important.

Judicial rulings, as a gauge of adherence to Constitutional law.

Sexual allegations, as a gauge of personal character and gender bias.

...What about democrats choosing to leak these allegations, over allowing Judge Kavanaugh to answer for them?
He is answering them now.

Both sides of the story need to be researched and added to an amended Federal Background Investigation.
...And another spitball from an inept pitcher...
Hardly. And that coming from someone who perpetually whines about called strikes actually being balls.

...The FBI could have investigated at anytime prior to the end of the hearings...
They cannot investigate something that had not yet become known to them.

This is new and material subject matter of a serious nature which requires re-opening the case and amending the findings.

Federal Background Investigations are re-opened and amended all the time when new information comes to light.

...The Democrats had the information and refused to bring it forward during the period of investigation, meaning they thought there was NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE...
Nice attempt at spin-doctoring.

No sale.

Your silly, illogical partisan conclusion is not accepted as fact.

...This, by a Senator with many, many years of experience, vetting hundreds of judicial nominees...
Immaterial; especially if Fraken(Fein)stein thought she was respecting the wishes and protecting the (alleged) victim.

...Hey pitcher, you just gave up a grand slam. Deal with it.
Yeah, sure I did, Sparky.
'The hate storm being leveled by the left at Ashley Kavanaugh is a good indicator of what they really think of women---or at least any women with whom they disagree. So enough already with the liberal lecturing about "respect" and "bullying."
...And another spitball from an inept pitcher...
Hardly. And that coming from someone who perpetually whines about called strikes actually being balls.

...The FBI could have investigated at anytime prior to the end of the hearings...
They cannot investigate something that had not yet become known to them.

This is new and material subject matter of a serious nature which requires re-opening the case and amending the findings.

Federal Background Investigations are re-opened and amended all the time when new information comes to light.

...The Democrats had the information and refused to bring it forward during the period of investigation, meaning they thought there was NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE...
Nice attempt at spin-doctoring.

No sale.

Your silly, illogical partisan conclusion is not accepted as fact.

...This, by a Senator with many, many years of experience, vetting hundreds of judicial nominees...
Immaterial; especially if Fraken(Fein)stein thought she was respecting the wishes and protecting the (alleged) victim.

...Hey pitcher, you just gave up a grand slam. Deal with it.
Yeah, sure I did, Sparky.

Oh, you gave up a record grand slam lil dude.

They can’t investigate allegations without merit. This has none. The only documentation the allegations had, WAS DISPUTED BY THE PERSON BRINGING THE CHARGE. (You just can’t make this shit up folks, you really can’t.)

Time to pull this pitcher, his arm fell off.
...They can’t investigate allegations without merit...
Incorrect. They take allegations, then study them for merit. But they must be made known, first.

...This has none...
We will not know that until they are investigated.

...The only documentation the allegations had, WAS DISPUTED BY THE PERSON BRINGING THE CHARGE...
What-in-the-world are you talking about?

...Time to pull this pitcher, his arm fell off.
Yeah.. you tell 'em, Sparky.
...They can’t investigate allegations without merit...
Incorrect. They take allegations, then study them for merit. But they must be made known, first.

...This has none...
We will not know that until they are investigated.

...The only documentation the allegations had, WAS DISPUTED BY THE PERSON BRINGING THE CHARGE...
What-in-the-world are you talking about?

...Time to pull this pitcher, his arm fell off.
Yeah.. you tell 'em, Sparky.

“Officer, I even have evidence, see my therapist notes”

Officer: “well thank you for that, this is something we can use”

“Except, the notes say there were 4 boys, there were actually only two”

Officer: “you realize that, since you say the evidence doesn’t back up you charge, we can’t use it, right”


Officer “you just gave me evidence that doesn’t back up you’re story”
...The FBI is not in charge of local teen drinking parties...
Quite true.

They are, however, in charge of thoroughly investigating the personal character of Supreme Court nominees.

No matter when nor where the data comes from.

...One more time: Give us five questions the FBI could ask that would put us any closer to knowing the truth.
One more time...

I haven't a clue...

That's why we pay the FBI.

"One more time, I don't care about the laws. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!"
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

Because the FBI said they have no interest in the case?

Please provide a "credible" source where the FBI actually said those words.

The FBI will not launch a criminal investigation into the sexual assault allegations leveled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to highly-placed law enforcement sources.

The sources told Fox News on Wednesday that there were no allegations of a federal crime, therefore the bureau would not open a criminal investigation.

FBI will not launch criminal investigation into Kavanaugh allegations: sources

No, the FBI wouldn't - without a request from Trump. Just like former President George H.W. Bush requested the FBI to REOPEN the Clarence Thomas investigation. The FBI can't say they "have no interest". They don't have that choice.

Trump isn't Obama. He doesn't use the departments of the government as his personal fiefdom and order them to violate the law.
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

Because the FBI said they have no interest in the case?

Please provide a "credible" source where the FBI actually said those words.

The FBI will not launch a criminal investigation into the sexual assault allegations leveled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to highly-placed law enforcement sources.

The sources told Fox News on Wednesday that there were no allegations of a federal crime, therefore the bureau would not open a criminal investigation.

FBI will not launch criminal investigation into Kavanaugh allegations: sources

No, the FBI wouldn't - without a request from Trump. Just like former President George H.W. Bush requested the FBI to REOPEN the Clarence Thomas investigation. The FBI can't say they "have no interest". They don't have that choice.

Trump isn't Obama. He doesn't use the departments of the government as his personal fiefdom and order them to violate the law.
Are you kidding?? The trump POS thinks Justice Dept is their to save him He thinks SC justices are their to save him Not only not presidential but a complete misfit aloud mouthed bully who get an F in foreign affairs and F- on economy with his trade wars and tariffs
Anyone currently watching Rachel Maddow? You should be - NOW. Michael Avenatti is discussing the THIRD woman. Wow...

You're awestruck over a tabloid lawyer who represents porn stars and has an accusation straight out of their videos. Wow.
Anyone currently watching Rachel Maddow? You should be - NOW. Michael Avenatti is discussing the THIRD woman. Wow...

Oh, I'm sure he is. :auiqs.jpg:

This was heavy stuff that Avenatti revealed about the THIRD Kavanaugh accuser - and witnesses. She will reveal herself within 48 hours.

You literally lose all sense of discernment and common sense the instant your political agenda is invoked, don't you?
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

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