Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Its time for the GOPers to nut up and play hard ball politics and stop letting the vermin set the agenda. Let the bitch have her time in front of the camera then hold the vote and shove this nomination up the DemocRats collective asses.

I don't think they have many choices at this point. It's either piss off the Democrats or piss off the Republicans. We all seen what happened last time they pissed off the Republicans: Donald Trump.
If they don’t go forward with this guy voters have no reason to turn out and reward them with continued control.

Here is the situation:

When Democrats win, Democrats run the government.
When Republicans win, Democrats run the government.

We elected Donald Trump because we believed that now Republicans will run the government.

I hope the rest of the GOP figured this out. That's why I think this confirmation will go forward. Furthermore, I don't expect Ford to show up for her hearing. If she does, I hope somebody investigates how she got there, because there is no way I will believe she drove from California to Washington and will drive back. I think her so-called fear of flying is another BS story.
Kavanaugh kept saying during the Fox News interview that he wants a "fair process". Then why doesn't he take a polygraph test and request a thorough FBI investigation? Why?

There have been SIX FBI background checks done on the honorable Bret Kavanaugh. How many more would you like?
According to Michael Avenatti - there may even be criminal charges forthcoming against Kavanaugh.

The Creepy Porn Lawyer is delusional and Blinky Maddow has severe TDS. :p

Here is the FOX interview with the judge.

Move ahead and stop yielding to the bogus distractions like Russians , Stormy, and now this street walker. It gives them credence they dont deserve.
Libbies and MSM are like “radical” Muslims, they are already so full of piss and vinegar bullshit that you can’t get them any more offended and angry
Let’s go back to when he was 6 and took a pee outdoors once. This means to libbies that in the here and now he is a flasher.
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After this fades he will be accused of being a child predator because he coached his daughters softball team and appeared to enjoy doing it.
Time for some Libby necks to be wrung
We only thought we knew how low Democrats and Progressives would stoop to disrupt and destroy our Constitutional country and way of life.

Now we see that there really is no depth to which they will stoop and that we have not come close to seeing how low they will go.

Shameful, humiliating and disgusting.

That Fox News interview was a hokey farce. I feel sorry for Mrs. Kavanaugh. She was asked directly about an FBI investigation - but Bret didn't let her answer. He dodged the question with more of his "fair process" bullshit. His choirboy "virginity" defense was especially corny.


Attorney Michael Avenatti has issued a stark warning to those attempting to discredit a new accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

On Monday night, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the woman was “both” a witness and a victim of Kavanaugh’s who “had a number of security clearances issued by the federal government over a number of years.” He also claims she will publicly come forward within 48 hours.

“So let this be a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other surrogates on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Avenatti said. “Be very, very careful if you launch some smear campaign against my client because you will ultimately be shown to be a fraud.”

‘Be Very, Very Careful’ About What You Do Next, Stormy Daniels’ Attorney Says

Wow, Avenatti sounds very serious.
...the accuses has a right to speedy justice...
Yep... the sooner the FBI re-opens its investigation, the speedier the conclusion.

So why does the FBI need to investigate a local case that happened 35 years ago, instead of going through local state law enforcement? If there are no witnesses, no friends or teachers which could collaborate and back up her timetable of events, with an uncertainty that Mr. Kavanaugh is accurately named as the one involved in the FIRST place, who is the FBI going to seek out to collaborate with the accuser? Where does it even say the FBI has jurisdiction in this particular case, regarding a local event that happened 35 years ago, over local state authorities? If you refuse to use state resources, or no incident was reported and found to have been filed by local authorities, what more will the FBI have to go on? Again, show me where the FBI has legal jurisdiction over the state on a local sexual assault incident, particularly a groping incident.
...the accuses has a right to speedy justice...
Yep... the sooner the FBI re-opens its investigation, the speedier the conclusion.
Why did Frankenfeinstein hold on to the letter for months.....AND THEN leaked the name?
All of the questions and answers would be history by now, right?
The timing doesn't matter a damn.

If Fein(Franken)stein brought the allegations before the entire Senate one minute before voting began, they still need investigating.

Why did you purposely leave out seeking Judge Kavanaugh‘s own side of the events? Didn’t even Mrs.Clinton get to go before members of Congress to be allowed to state her position of the accusations brought against her.... more than once? Senator Feinstein had a letter of sexual allegations, and she didn’t think it important to ask the judge during the vetting process? Aren’t sexual allegations, not the complaint of piles of past judicial rulings, the important issue to bring to a vetting process?

What about democrats choosing to leak these allegations, over allowing Judge Kavanaugh to answer for them?

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