Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing



Attorney Michael Avenatti has issued a stark warning to those attempting to discredit a new accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

On Monday night, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the woman was “both” a witness and a victim of Kavanaugh’s who “had a number of security clearances issued by the federal government over a number of years.” He also claims she will publicly come forward within 48 hours.

“So let this be a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other surrogates on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Avenatti said. “Be very, very careful if you launch some smear campaign against my client because you will ultimately be shown to be a fraud.”

‘Be Very, Very Careful’ About What You Do Next, Stormy Daniels’ Attorney Says

Wow, Avenatti sounds very serious.

Ever know a lawyer who didn't?

If we're supposed to just take Ford's word that he attacked her, we can take his word that he was a virgin. Tell you what, we have many people who have publicly attested to Kavenaugh's good character. Can you find a woman who will testify that she had sex with Kavenaugh in high school?
'The hate storm being leveled by the left at Ashley Kavanaugh is a good indicator of what they really think of women---or at least any women with whom they disagree. So enough already with the liberal lecturing about "respect" and "bullying."

It is now routine for the left to attempt destruction of any female or minority figure that dares to stand in opposition. Their claim of moral superiority is bogus.
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.

That Fox News interview was a hokey farce. I feel sorry for Mrs. Kavanaugh. She was asked directly about an FBI investigation - but Bret didn't let her answer. He dodged the question with more of his "fair process" bullshit. His choirboy "virginity" defense was especially corny.

I don’t know about corny, but I think it was a bad move on his part. Now Democrats will find losers that will claim they slept with him during high school. Remember: Democrats are pure evil. They cannot be trusted.

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...So why does the FBI need to investigate a local case that happened 35 years ago, instead of going through local state law enforcement?...
Because it pertains to the personal character of a nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

Federal background investigations look into all aspects of a subject's life, for any Federal employee, and especially for security clearances.

...If there are no witnesses, no friends or teachers which could collaborate and back up her timetable of events, with an uncertainty that Mr. Kavanaugh is accurately named as the one involved in the FIRST place, who is the FBI going to seek out to collaborate with the accuser?...
That's a very good question; however, we pay them to identify such people and to glean such information. Let them do their job.

...Where does it even say the FBI has jurisdiction in this particular case, regarding a local event that happened 35 years ago, over local state authorities?...
Again... the FBI does not have jurisdiction for prosecution purposes, but it does have jurisdiction over Federal Background Investigations.

...If you refuse to use state resources, or no incident was reported and found to have been filed by local authorities, what more will the FBI have to go on?...
Nobody is refusing to utilize state or local resources; it's simply a matter of the FBI conducting a Federal Background Investigation.

...Again, show me where the FBI has legal jurisdiction over the state on a local sexual assault incident, particularly a groping incident.
No need.

The FBI is mandated to conduct Federal Background Investigations for nominees for high office.

Touching upon all aspects ( personal, academic, financial, civic, professional, etc.) of a nominee or candidate's life history.

That is all the legal mandate which is required in order for the FBI to re-engage, re-open the case, and look at this closely..


< mic drop >

Next batter, please.


Who was the Democrat aide that leaked the information, and why has the press not tracked him/her down and published an interveiw?
If Republicans rush Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court without thoroughly being vetted beforehand - he could be impeached later if bad stuff comes out.


One, they don’t have the votes. Two, impeach does not mean removed from the bench. That takes 2/3 of the Senate. Three, if Democrats want to play that game, two can play.

It’s just like when we warned Harry Weed about changing the rules: it’s going to come back and bite you on the ass someday.

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If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.

If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?
You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?

And you won't get the truth from a God Damn machine. Grow the hell up Eddie
You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?

And once he passed the test and she failed, you’d be telling us how flawed polygraph tests are and still insist he be removed.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?

And you won't get the truth from a God Damn machine. Grow the hell up Eddie

and you won't get it from the liar Kavanough now you grow up
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Stopping the Supreme Court from tilting right would be a huge success for them. They would be hailed heroes by the left for years to come. Soros would probably pay them a million bucks each.

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If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

You seem oddly incurious about Ford's reluctance to be examined by the committee and Kavenaugh's lawyers.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Okay, she testifies under oath, then he testifies under oath. Based on their testimony, the committee writes questions for each to answer. The FBI administers the test and each question with each answer is released, along with the examiner's conclusions. That would be fair, yes?

Basically, you'd be adding a layer of verification to their testimony. Of course, they're not 100% reliable, which is one good reason Kavenaugh should not take one. Just one inconclusive result would have the usual suspects going berserk, no matter how inocuous.
when will Kavanaugh take a lie detector test? Ford did Although not admissible in court why is he afraid ? We all know the answer Same as trump afraid to show his tax returns except for 1 leaked year ,,crooks liars perverts

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?

And once he passed the test and she failed, you’d be telling us how flawed polygraph tests are and still insist he be removed.

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That and back to the good old FBI investigation thing. They will never just let him be confirmed now, it will have to be forced on them.

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