Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Perhaps you missed my answers on this, so I'll happily post them again.

1. Trump has nothing to do with this.
2. What questions were asked of her in this polygraph and why did she take it, then pretend she didn't want to go public? Would you accept polygraph results if Have suggested picked the interviewer and wrote the questions?
3. Polygraphs are not 100% reliable. I wouldn't want to trust my entire future to one of them either, knowing that a single inconclusive would make the idiots go truly berserk. Of course I'd rather be able to just say blandly, "I passed a polygraph", knowing the true believers would never look past that. Think of it this way. She had the luxury of failing the test and the results never seeing the light of day. Kavenaugh would not.
The accuser Avanatti has would take a test if Kavanaugh would These women have nothing to gain by lying Kavanaugh does

Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law.


have the same guy give the test to both ,have lawyers present IMO Kavanaugh is scared shitless to take a test just like he'd be if his degenerate friend had to testify Why hide info like repub scum want to do ?? The truth shall set you free ?

And you won't get the truth from a God Damn machine. Grow the hell up Eddie

and you won't get it from the liar Kavanough now you grow up

Then what the hell is your point?
This is not a binary choice.

Both are important.

Judicial rulings, as a gauge of adherence to Constitutional law.

Sexual allegations, as a gauge of personal character and gender bias.

Obviously past judicial records AND sexual allegations are both important, which is why Senator Feinstein neglected to bring up prior knowledge of sexual misconduct during the vetting process when the judge was present to answer them. Mrs Feinstein also did not inform republican senators of her findings prior to speaking with Mr Kavanaugh, but the democrats want to complain about having adequate time to go through the piles of past judicial cases in preperation so THEY can vet him properly?

You'll have to ask Diane Franken(Fein)stein why she held onto it.

My first guess is, to protect the anonymity of the (alleged) victim.

Protecting the anonymity of the (alleged) victim? Let me again remind you, Senator Feinstein held in her possession a letter alleging sexual misconduct from Mrs. Ford. The senator had full knowledge of this long before the senate began its Constitutional process of looking into Judge Kavanaugh’s background. None of the republicans had any knowledge of the event in question, in fact no one outside of the Democrats knew until it’s contents was leaked to the press.

Are you seriously just not able to comprehend WHO it was that had prior knowledge of these allegations before they went to the press? Let me slow it down for you. It was not known in the senate confirmation process, it became public knowledge only when the contents of that letter were released to the press. Who was guarding the information to protect the victim? What party knew about the sexual allegations prior to the public being informed? Don’t tell me about protecting the victim here! She was being USED as a political chess piece to try and sway public opinion. This was done before the judge was given the proper opportunity of being informed of the incident, and allowed to defend himself before the senate confirmation process. You haven’t been following these hearings very closely, if you think the Democrats were at all concerned about protecting the (alleged) victim.

He is answering them now.

Both sides of the story need to be researched and added to an amended Federal Background Investigation.

I’m sure “He is answering them now”, would be different if Republicans intentionally withheld particular judicial rulings from democrats as it pertains to Roe vs Wade, gun control, union organizing efforts, and environmental issues. So now you are justifying intentionally withholding information that could sway a Senator’s vote, and denying a possible Supreme Court Justice from defending his record, which includes his personal conduct as a future Justice.

Let me know when (you think) you have enough knowledge as to what’s been going on during these confirmation hearings.

I believe that’s check and mate !
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and you won't get it from the liar Kavanough now you grow up

Then what the hell is your point?
Eddie doesn't have one, all he has is free form hate.
Mr Booth Republicans taught me hate You are the Masters

No kidding, then must have been the Democrats that taught you stupidity.
lol good one thinker take you long to come up with that ? lol
and you won't get it from the liar Kavanough now you grow up

Then what the hell is your point?
Eddie doesn't have one, all he has is free form hate.
Mr Booth Republicans taught me hate You are the Masters

No kidding, then must have been the Democrats that taught you stupidity.
lol good one thinker take you long to come up with that ? lol

Nope edward, after reading your comment it only took 2 seconds.
Then what the hell is your point?
Eddie doesn't have one, all he has is free form hate.
Mr Booth Republicans taught me hate You are the Masters

No kidding, then must have been the Democrats that taught you stupidity.
lol good one thinker take you long to come up with that ? lol

Nope edward, after reading your comment it only took 2 seconds.
you're really deep into that trump bs aren't you ? I almost feel sorry for you you and billy k
Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

They’re all men — so they found a woman to question Blasey and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday they will not be questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh later this week. Instead, they are hiring a woman as outside counsel to do it for them.

There’s a simple reason Republicans are doing this: Every GOP senator on the committee is male, and they don’t want to be seen as bullying a woman who is speaking out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager.

“There’s no particular expertise that a questioner is going to have in this situation,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “Why are my colleagues hiding from their role as members of the Judiciary Committee?”

The woman they’ve hired as counsel is a prosecutor with expertise in sex crimes. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, said he is not releasing the woman’s name because he is concerned for her safety. He said the public probably won’t know the person’s identity prior to the hearing.


More: Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

Republican Kangaroo Court of scared old white men. How could this possibly be a fair hearing - to Kavanaugh or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? No investigation. No witnesses.
Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

They’re all men — so they found a woman to question Blasey and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday they will not be questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh later this week. Instead, they are hiring a woman as outside counsel to do it for them.

There’s a simple reason Republicans are doing this: Every GOP senator on the committee is male, and they don’t want to be seen as bullying a woman who is speaking out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager.

“There’s no particular expertise that a questioner is going to have in this situation,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “Why are my colleagues hiding from their role as members of the Judiciary Committee?”

The woman they’ve hired as counsel is a prosecutor with expertise in sex crimes. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, said he is not releasing the woman’s name because he is concerned for her safety. He said the public probably won’t know the person’s identity prior to the hearing.


More: Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

Republican Kangaroo Court of scared old white men. How could this possibly be a fair hearing - to Kavanaugh or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? No investigation. No witnesses.

She aint gonna show anyway, so what's your point?
Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

They’re all men — so they found a woman to question Blasey and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday they will not be questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh later this week. Instead, they are hiring a woman as outside counsel to do it for them.

There’s a simple reason Republicans are doing this: Every GOP senator on the committee is male, and they don’t want to be seen as bullying a woman who is speaking out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager.

“There’s no particular expertise that a questioner is going to have in this situation,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “Why are my colleagues hiding from their role as members of the Judiciary Committee?”

The woman they’ve hired as counsel is a prosecutor with expertise in sex crimes. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, said he is not releasing the woman’s name because he is concerned for her safety. He said the public probably won’t know the person’s identity prior to the hearing.


More: Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

Republican Kangaroo Court of scared old white men. How could this possibly be a fair hearing - to Kavanaugh or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? No investigation. No witnesses.
So? The optics are the only reason the Dims want this circus to proceed.
Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

They’re all men — so they found a woman to question Blasey and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday they will not be questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh later this week. Instead, they are hiring a woman as outside counsel to do it for them.

There’s a simple reason Republicans are doing this: Every GOP senator on the committee is male, and they don’t want to be seen as bullying a woman who is speaking out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager.

“There’s no particular expertise that a questioner is going to have in this situation,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “Why are my colleagues hiding from their role as members of the Judiciary Committee?”

The woman they’ve hired as counsel is a prosecutor with expertise in sex crimes. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, said he is not releasing the woman’s name because he is concerned for her safety. He said the public probably won’t know the person’s identity prior to the hearing.


More: Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

Republican Kangaroo Court of scared old white men. How could this possibly be a fair hearing - to Kavanaugh or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? No investigation. No witnesses.

Only democrats are shallow enough to base their qualifications or experience on sex or race of an indivisible to do their job professionally. If you want to see racism or prejudice based on sex, just look how liberals treat those they don’t share in their ideological views.
Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

They’re all men — so they found a woman to question Blasey and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday they will not be questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh later this week. Instead, they are hiring a woman as outside counsel to do it for them.

There’s a simple reason Republicans are doing this: Every GOP senator on the committee is male, and they don’t want to be seen as bullying a woman who is speaking out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager.

“There’s no particular expertise that a questioner is going to have in this situation,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “Why are my colleagues hiding from their role as members of the Judiciary Committee?”

The woman they’ve hired as counsel is a prosecutor with expertise in sex crimes. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, said he is not releasing the woman’s name because he is concerned for her safety. He said the public probably won’t know the person’s identity prior to the hearing.


More: Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford

Republican Kangaroo Court of scared old white men. How could this possibly be a fair hearing - to Kavanaugh or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? No investigation. No witnesses.

Good for them. Obviously, as men they have no knowledge of the secret code that forbids men from questioning a woman's accusations, and they don't speak outraged liberal female. Therefore, it only makes sense to have a woman present who can translate for them.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

Kavanaugh should have to answer the exact same questions he and Ken Starr asked Bill Clinton 20 years ago.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

Kavanaugh should have to answer the exact same questions he and Ken Starr asked Bill Clinton 20 years ago.


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