Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

...The FBI is not in charge of local teen drinking parties...
Quite true.

They are, however, in charge of thoroughly investigating the personal character of Supreme Court nominees.

No matter when nor where the data comes from.

...One more time: Give us five questions the FBI could ask that would put us any closer to knowing the truth.
One more time...

I haven't a clue...

That's why we pay the FBI.
This is such bullshit. The woman couldn't remember details. Feinstein has supposedly had this letter for 3 months and did not disclose it until all their other tactics to stop Kavanaugh failed. There is nothing for the FBI to investigate. All we have is a woman, who is known as a militant leftist, making unsubstantiated claims. And it supposedly happened at an unknown time and unknown location (she has Hillary disease and can't remember shit) while both were underage.

This shows just how desperate Dems are about trying to regain some power. It's pathetic.

Keith Ellison is accused of beating his girlfriend. There is proof and yet the media refuses to discuss it. Dems still side with him despite this.

The left dismissed all of Clinton's accusers even though they came forth with details and were willing to testify. Monica was forced to prove it (blue dress) before Dems would believe her and even after that, they placed blame on her for tempting poor little Billy boy.

Feinstein should face charges for withholding the letter instead of waiting till the last minute. Fine her or make her do some jail time for playing games.

It's disgusting the way the media is all over this as if it has merit. Now a second woman, who also doesn't have details or anyone to back up her story is making claims but they are just as sketchy. You know they always pay, er I mean, find another woman to make the first accusation look more legit. Neither have any credibility whatsoever.

Why is it on Kavanaugh to prove his innocence or talk to the FBI when Ford won't even talk? I think she wants his side first so she'll know what lies to tell. And the FBI isn't investigating because there is nothing to investigate.

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This is my favorite part of this

She has two Sons.

They will have zero defense against allegations when any would come up. After all, who is their Mother.

Let that sink in a minute.

Just like Kavenaugh's kids will face accusations from stupid people and their children that their father is a rapist. This no matter what comes of this.

Good point about the father. Both he and the two sons face a lifetime of needing a minute by minute accounting of where they are, or damn, they are toast. The sex allegations will come fast and furiously

Couldn’t happen to a nicer family.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

The THIRD woman! Go Avenatti!
Not that it would make any difference to the minions, but there is this:

1] The New Yorker could not find a single witness who could put Kavanaugh at the alleged party
2] The New York Times could not find a single person who could corroborate Ramirez's claims.
3] The man accused of egging on Kavanaugh denied Ramirez's allegations and vouched for Kavanaugh's character.
4] A third person that Ramirez claimed was at the party says she was not there for the alleged incident.
5] Ramirez contacted her former classmates, asking about the incident, and admitted she was not sure that Kavanaugh was the male who exposed himself.
6] A woman who claims she was "best friends" with Ramirez says Ramirez never mentioned the story and initially said her friend's accusations against Kavanaugh might be "politically motivated."
7] Ramirez, just like Christine Blasey Ford, is a registered Democrat and is dedicated to leftist causes.
8] Ramirez wasn't even sure her memory was correct — until she spent six days going over it with her Democrat lawyer.
9] Ramirez admits there are holes in her memory due to how much she drank at the party.
10] People who knew Ramirez after her time at Yale say that she never once mentioned the incident — until Kavanaugh's nomination was pending.
10 Serious Problems With New Accusations Against Kavanaugh

Michael Avenatti Joins Attack: Claims Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge Got Women Drunk at Parties for 'Train Gang Rapes'

Avenatti replied: Mr. Davis, Thank you for your email. We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a “train” of men to subsequently gang rape them. There are multiple witnesses that will corroborate these facts and each of them must be called to testify publicly. As a starting point, Senate investigators should pose the following questions to Judge Kavanaugh without delay and provide the answers to the American people:
I see you really didn't read the article that I posted. What IS posted IS found in the New Yorker article.
Avenatti? Just a pimp for the DNC.

Your article is just White House spin. I trust Ronan Farrow.

Ronan Farrow Stands Behind Reporting On Latest Brett Kavanaugh Accuser
An article in the New Yorker by a well known lib is "Whitehouse spin?"

You've posted some incredibly stupid shit, chief shitting bull, but you just jumped the shark with that one.
This is my favorite part of this

She has two Sons.

They will have zero defense against allegations when any would come up. After all, who is their Mother.

Let that sink in a minute.

Just like Kavenaugh's kids will face accusations from stupid people and their children that their father is a rapist. This no matter what comes of this.

Good point about the father. Both he and the two sons face a lifetime of needing a minute by minute accounting of where they are, or damn, they are toast. The sex allegations will come fast and furiously

Couldn’t happen to a nicer family.
They won't be able to live in the country as it is.
Quite true.

They are, however, in charge of thoroughly investigating the personal character of Supreme Court nominees.

No matter when nor where the data comes from.

And they did a background check on him: six times. One more won't change a thing.

One more time...

I haven't a clue...

That's why we pay the FBI.

No, that's why some pay fortune tellers.

In other words, even you can't imagine what they could possibly ask anybody. Well, neither can they.

And if this investigation is supposed to tell us something, why didn't Ford hire her own investigators to investigate? I'm sure had she done that and they came up with something, the committee would be more than willing to listen, and maybe then the FBI would have gotten involved.
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

Because the FBI said they have no interest in the case?

Please provide a "credible" source where the FBI actually said those words.

The FBI will not launch a criminal investigation into the sexual assault allegations leveled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to highly-placed law enforcement sources.

The sources told Fox News on Wednesday that there were no allegations of a federal crime, therefore the bureau would not open a criminal investigation.

FBI will not launch criminal investigation into Kavanaugh allegations: sources
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

Because the FBI said they have no interest in the case?

Please provide a "credible" source where the FBI actually said those words.

The FBI will not launch a criminal investigation into the sexual assault allegations leveled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to highly-placed law enforcement sources.

The sources told Fox News on Wednesday that there were no allegations of a federal crime, therefore the bureau would not open a criminal investigation.

FBI will not launch criminal investigation into Kavanaugh allegations: sources

No, the FBI wouldn't - without a request from Trump. Just like former President George H.W. Bush requested the FBI to REOPEN the Clarence Thomas investigation. The FBI can't say they "have no interest". They don't have that choice.
If Kavanaugh is so willing to talk to Fox News - why doesn't he talk to the FBI?

Because the FBI said they have no interest in the case?

Please provide a "credible" source where the FBI actually said those words.

The FBI will not launch a criminal investigation into the sexual assault allegations leveled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to highly-placed law enforcement sources.

The sources told Fox News on Wednesday that there were no allegations of a federal crime, therefore the bureau would not open a criminal investigation.

FBI will not launch criminal investigation into Kavanaugh allegations: sources

No, the FBI wouldn't - without a request from Trump. Just like former President George H.W. Bush requested the FBI to REOPEN the Clarence Thomas investigation. The FBI can't say they "have no interest". They don't have that choice.

They never launched an investigation. They only extended their background check.

And yes, that's what the FBI said. I gave you the link. They have no interest in this case because it was a private matter and not a federal one.
Its time for the GOPers to nut up and play hard ball politics and stop letting the vermin set the agenda. Let the bitch have her time in front of the camera then hold the vote and shove this nomination up the DemocRats collective asses.
Its time for the GOPers to nut up and play hard ball politics and stop letting the vermin set the agenda. Let the bitch have her time in front of the camera then hold the vote and shove this nomination up the DemocRats collective asses.

I don't think they have many choices at this point. It's either piss off the Democrats or piss off the Republicans. We all seen what happened last time they pissed off the Republicans: Donald Trump.
Anyone currently watching Rachel Maddow? You should be - NOW. Michael Avenatti is discussing the THIRD woman. Wow...

Oh, I'm sure he is. :auiqs.jpg:

This was heavy stuff that Avenatti revealed about the THIRD Kavanaugh accuser - and witnesses. She will reveal herself within 48 hours.

Did she get the short straw or trade with another in the pen?

They keep bringing them up and we keep shooting them down. So far, nothing credible. Just a lot of accusations that are proven to be false. One more, ten more, whats the difference?

Of course we want to see this nonsense stopped, and the only way that will happen is once Kavanaugh is confirmed. Then all these mysterious women will disappear into thin air.
Its time for the GOPers to nut up and play hard ball politics and stop letting the vermin set the agenda. Let the bitch have her time in front of the camera then hold the vote and shove this nomination up the DemocRats collective asses.

I don't think they have many choices at this point. It's either piss off the Democrats or piss off the Republicans. We all seen what happened last time they pissed off the Republicans: Donald Trump.
If they don’t go forward with this guy voters have no reason to turn out and reward them with continued control.

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