Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing


At 1 p.m. on Monday, supporters of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault walked out of their homes and workplaces.

The national walkout was promoted partially in response to the backlash these and other women face when going public with stories of sexual assault and rape. The anti-sexual-harassment organization Times Up tweeted on Sunday that “WOMEN MUST BE HEARD” in a “MOMENT OF SOLIDARITY” with Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez.

It urged people to wear black and leave wherever they are in protest, using the hashtag #BelieveSurvivors on social media.

More: Women Walk Out Across The Country In Support Of Kavanaugh's Accusers

Go ladies! It's great to see democracy in action!

Great to see them making clear that they don't do anything useful or necessary, and that their employers are happier with them out of the office.

Personally, MY employer actually needs me present to help keep things running, and doesn't have time for me to wander the streets, pretending that "democracy" is people trying to control the government through mobs.

At 1 p.m. on Monday, supporters of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault walked out of their homes and workplaces.

The national walkout was promoted partially in response to the backlash these and other women face when going public with stories of sexual assault and rape. The anti-sexual-harassment organization Times Up tweeted on Sunday that “WOMEN MUST BE HEARD” in a “MOMENT OF SOLIDARITY” with Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez.

It urged people to wear black and leave wherever they are in protest, using the hashtag #BelieveSurvivors on social media.

More: Women Walk Out Across The Country In Support Of Kavanaugh's Accusers

Go ladies! It's great to see democracy in action!

Great to see them making clear that they don't do anything useful or necessary, and that their employers are happier with them out of the office.

Personally, MY employer actually needs me present to help keep things running, and doesn't have time for me to wander the streets, pretending that "democracy" is people trying to control the government through mobs.

Since when are peaceful protests un-American?
they have been complaining, the Dem base in California, that she hasnt done enough to stop Kavanaugh. her opponent, DeLione or whatever his name is was attacking her. Kavanaugh cannot get a serious hearing, so there shouldn't be one.

At 1 p.m. on Monday, supporters of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault walked out of their homes and workplaces.

The national walkout was promoted partially in response to the backlash these and other women face when going public with stories of sexual assault and rape. The anti-sexual-harassment organization Times Up tweeted on Sunday that “WOMEN MUST BE HEARD” in a “MOMENT OF SOLIDARITY” with Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez.

It urged people to wear black and leave wherever they are in protest, using the hashtag #BelieveSurvivors on social media.

More: Women Walk Out Across The Country In Support Of Kavanaugh's Accusers

Go ladies! It's great to see democracy in action!

Hard to believe that stupid people would be willing to have a picture taken of them.
The end is near for Kavanaugh.

I think the end is near for Democrats. Their big issue was abortion which if seated, would have been on the teeter tauter with Kavanaugh. Now it's almost a guarantee because of the way the Democrats are trying to ruin his life. So if Roe vs Wade ends up being overturned, give your Democrat buddies all the credit.
It's time to stop playing games. Hold the vote monday

Why the rush? We must have "due process".

Due process? They've bent over backwards to give this woman a chance to tell her story. If she doesn't want to, she should be ignored.

Due process isn’t given to victims. Due process are protections for defendants. They are the rights defendants have to prevent a rush to judgment and conviction.

Not in the mind of a leftist.

At 1 p.m. on Monday, supporters of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault walked out of their homes and workplaces.

The national walkout was promoted partially in response to the backlash these and other women face when going public with stories of sexual assault and rape. The anti-sexual-harassment organization Times Up tweeted on Sunday that “WOMEN MUST BE HEARD” in a “MOMENT OF SOLIDARITY” with Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez.

It urged people to wear black and leave wherever they are in protest, using the hashtag #BelieveSurvivors on social media.

More: Women Walk Out Across The Country In Support Of Kavanaugh's Accusers

Go ladies! It's great to see democracy in action!

Hard to believe that stupid people would be willing to have a picture taken of them.
Stupid is as stupid does.
FBI conducting false accuser investigations?

What in the fuck? This is not what FBI is for.

Lakhota has just admitted that he believes the FBI exists for democrats to use to destroy political enemies.

These people should never see power again in our lifetimes

Thanks to the last administration, the left believes that the FBI is an extension of the Democrat party like the MSM.
Personally, I don't believe Kavanaugh will ever be confirmed. In fact, even his current job may be in jeopardy.

That is the goal, after all. That's why this is dangerous because we can now destroy a man's life with unsubstantiated accusations about something that may have happened when he was a minor.

They could care less about his life or anybody else's, as long as they can get their way.

Democrats are the most un-American Americans today. They don't respect our government system where the people get to choose our direction.

It doesn't matter who is in leadership of the country, Democrats feel they should always have the power and to hell with the vote of the people.

If Trump does X and they don't like it, shut down the government and have the MSM blame Republicans.

If Trump or the Republicans does Y, then have one of their Commie judges stop them.

If Trump does Z, bring in the liars to make false claims to stop him.

Democrats refuse to give up power, and their Nazi attitude of "you're in my town breathing my air" has got to end. Republicans just allow it to happen and sit in the corner saying "okay, I'll move out of your way."
The end is near for Kavanaugh.

I think the end is near for Democrats. Their big issue was abortion which if seated, would have been on the teeter tauter with Kavanaugh. Now it's almost a guarantee because of the way the Democrats are trying to ruin his life. So if Roe vs Wade ends up being overturned, give your Democrat buddies all the credit.

Fortunately for the Democrats, Kavanaugh's not that kind of person.

It's amazing how leftists accuse conservatives of being "eeevil", while depending on the conservatives' basic decency to keep them from retaliating.
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.

I don’t believe I came across so much unsubstantiated claims in a response than this. . Let me just involve some hard facts you obviously would rather hope to ignore.

First is the fact Senator Feinstein had this information concerning Mrs Blasley-Ford well before the vetting process on judge Kavanaugh began. She chose not to share his information with Republicans, as well as made a decision not to ask the judge to see what he knew concerning the events. Senator Feinstein had one side of the alleged (very important term) events, and decided it was best not to seek the truth out from HIS side and what he remembers. Instead the concerns were over all the provided documents, behind his court record as a judge. It was just too many to red them all.

Second fact. Senator Feinstein was more interested in seeing how the proceedings were to play out with votes Let’s be honest, if the votes were more difficult to obtain, would Feinstein have waited to bring these accusations when Kavanaugh couldn’t defend them during a vetting process? If he couldn’t be confirmed, would Diane Feinstein bring these accusations up at all? Are accusations of misconduct not important enough for a senator to bring up during the vetting process? She had Mrs Blasey-Ford’s letter of accusation, her side of the events ... not his. Paperwork and past judicial rulings THAT much more important to democrats than a possible history of sexual assault?

Wow! The liberal democrats really think highly of women, don’t they? Nice to know what’s REALLY important to Democrats with regard to women.

Fact three. With regard to keeping these accusations “private”. Again, Feinstein and the democrats knew before the vetting process began about the sexual assault. If this was to be Mrs Blasey-Ford’s desire to handle this out of the public arena, why did Democrats leak this to the press when it looked like judge Kavanaugh might have the votes to be confirmed? Obviously Republicans had no knowledge, but Mrs Feinstein did. So all this “sympathy cry” to not crucify her publicly and make it political is just BS. Democrats USED her like a political pawn. Let’s see you try your best to argue against that point with facts.

The democrats are USING these accusations and the accuser like a political pawn on, and see her as nothing more than a chess piece. There is your “respect for women”.

This is what’s called, breaking down the timeline of facts, who knew the accusations, when they came out with it, HOW tye claims of assault were released, and tying it all together using rational thought and basic common sense. That’s how you produce a well thought out response to this particular case.
This is my favorite part of this

She has two Sons.

They will have zero defense against allegations when any would come up. After all, who is their Mother.

Let that sink in a minute.
...the accuses has a right to speedy justice...
Yep... the sooner the FBI re-opens its investigation, the speedier the conclusion.

"Yep, everything means that I should get my way, and the sooner I get my way, the better."

Are you still confused over the whole "no jurisdiction" thing, or are you just blowing it off because those silly law things mean nothing in the face of what you want?
...the accuses has a right to speedy justice...
Yep... the sooner the FBI re-opens its investigation, the speedier the conclusion.

"Yep, everything means that I should get my way, and the sooner I get my way, the better."

Are you still confused over the whole "no jurisdiction" thing, or are you just blowing it off because those silly law things mean nothing in the face of what you want?
Nice try.


This is not a matter of jurisdiction.

The FBI is charged with conducting background investigations pertaining to SCOTUS nominees.

This includes all aspects of public and private life, in connection with both past events and present-day activities.

When all data has been gathered, it is assessed by the agency, which serves up its own macro level opinion.

Those findings are then turned over to the appropriate agency or requesting body, for final adjudication.

If an FBI investigation is closed, and new data comes to light afterwards of a significant nature, then the case is re-opened.
...the accuses has a right to speedy justice...
Yep... the sooner the FBI re-opens its investigation, the speedier the conclusion.
Why did Frankenfeinstein hold on to the letter for months.....AND THEN leaked the name?
All of the questions and answers would be history by now, right?
The timing doesn't matter a damn.

If Fein(Franken)stein brought the allegations before the entire Senate one minute before voting began, they still need investigating.

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