Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Proof? I didnā€™t think so...
He bragged about his drinking till he pukes in his yearbook.
So... Where is the proof of the ā€œlieā€?
One man's passing out is another man's street nap.
Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™
Mitchell then asked if Kavanaugh ever drank so much that he passed out, and thatā€™s when Kavanaughā€™s hemming and hawing began.

ā€œPassed out would be, no,ā€ he said. ā€œBut Iā€™ve gone to sleep. But Iā€™ve never blacked out, thatā€™s the allegation. And thatā€™s wrong.ā€

Itā€™s unclear what distinction Kavanaugh seems to think exists between ā€œpassing outā€ and ā€œfalling asleep,ā€ but he has a well-documented record of lying about his alcohol consumption. During his interview on Fox News earlier this week, Kavanaugh denied drinking while underage, telling host Martha McCallum that high school seniors were old enough to buy and consume alcohol in Maryland when the drinking age was 18 years old. Except as Vox pointed out, Kavanaugh didnā€™t turn 18 until after Maryland had raised the drinking age to 21. At no point during his high school career was he of legal drinking age in Maryland. And his self-portrayal as a responsible drinker is disputed not just by multiple people who knew him in his college years and recall incidents of him drinking to excess, but by his own yearbook entry in which he described himself as treasurer of the ā€œKeg City Club.ā€
Demonstrate unequivocally the difference in this case. In other words prove it....
Falling asleep is an alcoholics PC for passing out, there is no difference and therefore Crying Kavanaugh was lying under oath again.
If that were the case everything that sleeps is an enebriated alcoholic. You fail.
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didnā€™t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
Whenā€™s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.
LOL, another Kavanaught thread. haha

Kavanaugh is a little bitch that refused to answer a simple YES or NO question; what a pussy.
Why did Ms. Ford take a lie detector test, when she wasn't on trial for anything? Who pushed her into it? Who paid for it? The bitches are the liberals on the board who said they believed the lying sack of excrement, while her witnesses DENIED that the event ever happened(under oath of a felony)...
Because she knew her credibility would be questioned

Why wonā€™t Kavanaugh do the same

Polygraphs are useless as they do not "detect lies".

As I understand it her polygraph operator only asked her two questions, though that could be erroneous information.

Two relevant questions on which intent to deceive was measured. There would have been any number of questions establishing a baseline. I think that's standard practice.

I want to see a transcript. Polygraphs arenā€™t reliable enough to just know the results of one. What did they ask her? They could have asked her if the sky was blue and came out and said, ā€œShe took a polygraph and passed!ā€
To Dr. Ford: "You are not on trial here today."

Bullshit. Of course she is on trial. She has made outrageous and scurrilous accusations against a man with impeccable, unassailed integrity and accomplishments. If she is not convincing, she would become a pariah. If this nomination goes down in flames due to her testimony, her life will be in danger. It's not literally a legal "trial," but certainly she is on trial.

To Dr. Ford: "You are a hero."

Again, bullshit. She has made allegations that contradict a LIFETIME of sterling conduct, professional accomplishments, thousands of personal relationships, and even the testimony of Dr. Ford's supposed friends and supporters. IF WHAT SHE IS SAYING IS FALSE, regardless of the reasons (mistaken memories, slander, political vindictiveness, whatever), then she is THE OPPOSITE OF A HERO. She is a lying scumbag who deserves legal, professional, and financial ruin. And the purpose of this hearing is to try to ascertain whether she is telling the truth.


While I know politicians don't think this way, one of Kavanaugh's supporters should have pointed this out, to wit,

"You have been called a hero today, but that assessment is not apparent. If what you are claiming is not true, then you are the opposite of a hero, and ALL OF THE EVIDENCE about this nominee contradicts your claims. So you will pardon me if I do not join in the chorus calling you a 'hero'."
I thought the content of what she said was credible. What made it less credible for me were all of the obvious and even admitted neuroses she displayed. Other threads have talked about these. People often go into the mental health field because they struggle with their own mental health issues, and it is quite obvious to me that is true of Dr. Ford, not necessarily only related to her sexual assault.

As to her accusation, one defense mechanism the mind can deploy is to attribute a traumatic event like sexual violence to a public figure, making it seem more palatable and easier to deal with. It becomes definable or "compartmentalize-able." It also makes it easier to explain away in your own mind why you would not report it over time, bargaining with yourself that it will put my anonymity or my family's anonymity in danger. Dr. Ford talked about this internal struggle. I think that after at least 15-20 years of doing this (the time that Kavanaugh has been a public figure) the mind can convince itself anything is true.

Why now, after this long period of compartmentalization of this event, Dr. Ford would convince herself of her "civic duty" is not remarkable. She had convinced herself that she could remain anonymous, an irrational belief in its own right given the weight of the charge. I'm sorry if all of this makes Dr. Ford sound "crazy." I'm sorry for what she experienced. It is my hope that she continues in therapy and is able to make peace with herself.
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Proof? I didnā€™t think so...
He bragged about his drinking till he pukes in his yearbook.
So... Where is the proof of the ā€œlieā€?
One man's passing out is another man's street nap.
Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™
Mitchell then asked if Kavanaugh ever drank so much that he passed out, and thatā€™s when Kavanaughā€™s hemming and hawing began.

ā€œPassed out would be, no,ā€ he said. ā€œBut Iā€™ve gone to sleep. But Iā€™ve never blacked out, thatā€™s the allegation. And thatā€™s wrong.ā€

Itā€™s unclear what distinction Kavanaugh seems to think exists between ā€œpassing outā€ and ā€œfalling asleep,ā€ but he has a well-documented record of lying about his alcohol consumption. During his interview on Fox News earlier this week, Kavanaugh denied drinking while underage, telling host Martha McCallum that high school seniors were old enough to buy and consume alcohol in Maryland when the drinking age was 18 years old. Except as Vox pointed out, Kavanaugh didnā€™t turn 18 until after Maryland had raised the drinking age to 21. At no point during his high school career was he of legal drinking age in Maryland. And his self-portrayal as a responsible drinker is disputed not just by multiple people who knew him in his college years and recall incidents of him drinking to excess, but by his own yearbook entry in which he described himself as treasurer of the ā€œKeg City Club.ā€
Demonstrate unequivocally the difference in this case. In other words prove it....
Falling asleep is an alcoholics PC for passing out, there is no difference and therefore Crying Kavanaugh was lying under oath again.
Your interpretation of some sort of supposed slang, substituted for his actual statements; isnā€™t evidence of anything, other than you having nothing to demonstrate your claim with.
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didnā€™t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
Whenā€™s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.
Donā€™t change the subject. You contended that she had nothing to gain. You were proven wrong. Yet again...
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didnā€™t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
Whenā€™s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.
Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

Yes of course they should; but doing the right thing is just not what the Republicon's want to do; because it's just not their way of doing things.

Possibly it's that we're not interested in taking advice and instruction from the likes of you on what "the right thing" is.
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
Curious as to how a person who was traumatized/terrorized in that alledged situation, could then say that she went into the store where one of the accused worked, and she "tried to be friendly with him", but couldn't figure out why he wouldn't be nice after he had been so nice in the past with her ?? She said he appeared nervous, and actually was sick looking.

She also said something like she went into a different door than her mother used, because you know how teenagers are (I guess not wanting to be seen with her mom in the store) or was it that she was wanting to go see this person without her mom knowing "because she liked him", and just couldn't figure out why he wasn't nice to her when she said hi to him ????? Did she feel rejected by him ??

Now if you were tramatized/terrorized by a person, I ask would you go anywhere near that person, let alone be friendly with them 8 to 9 weeks later if you ran into them ??

She said that he was always so friendly in the past as if she was "confused" as to why he wasn't so friendly when she was speaking to him at this store ???

It doesn't make sense really.

She said she chose the wrong door, and there he was ? Did she choose a wrong door or was she looking for him ??

Did we just read a transcript from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ???

She claimed that after she heard Judge and Kav go back downstairs, she just went down after them and walked out of the door. Okay, this was back in the early 80's when no kid had a cell phone. So what did she do after she walked out? Who did she call for a ride home? How did she call for a ride home? Who picked her up?

She doesn't remember. Convenient, no?
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
Curious as to how a person who was traumatized/terrorized in that alledged situation, could then say that she went into the store where one of the accused worked, and she "tried to be friendly with him", but couldn't figure out why he wouldn't be nice after he had been so nice in the past with her ?? She said he appeared nervous, and actually was sick looking.

She also said something like she went into a different door than her mother used, because you know how teenagers are (I guess not wanting to be seen with her mom in the store) or was it that she was wanting to go see this person without her mom knowing "because she liked him", and just couldn't figure out why he wasn't nice to her when she said hi to him ????? Did she feel rejected by him ??

Now if you were tramatized/terrorized by a person, I ask would you go anywhere near that person, let alone be friendly with them 8 to 9 weeks later if you ran into them ??

She said that he was always so friendly in the past as if she was "confused" as to why he wasn't so friendly when she was speaking to him at this store ???

It doesn't make sense really.

She said she chose the wrong door, and there he was ? Did she choose a wrong door or was she looking for him ??

Did we just read a transcript from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ???

She claimed that after she heard Judge and Kav go back downstairs, she just went down after them and walked out of the door. Okay, this was back in the early 80's when no kid had a cell phone. So what did she do after she walked out? Who did she call for a ride home? How did she call for a ride home? Who picked her up?
You would think that she would remember who took her home, but noooooooooooooooo.

Earlier, didn't she claim that her and her friends intersected with the boys from those schools, and that they went to the same parties uh I mean "gatherings" together ?? Gatherings sounds so much more better than drunken parties right ?

But she only had one beer (as a minor?).

Who was contributing to the delequency of a minor at these parties uh I mean gatherings ? What was she doing at parties uh I mean gatherings as a minor ?

Her mom and dad didn't or wouldn't approve of her being at these parties uh I mean gatherings right ?

On and on it went.

I have to admit as a teen not long before the early 80's, drinking a few beers was not that big of a deal. My parents allowed me and my friends to drink in our basement as teens, but of course back then, nobody went to jail over it and nobody had to worry about a reporter making it a news story.

One would think that if something so traumatic happened to a person, she would at least remember who came to save her from further danger.

All these "I don't know's" indicate to me that it was devised so no other people could be asked about her claim. After all, whoever drove her there would be interviewed. Whoever picked her up the same. Plus at least one of them would be able to pinpoint the house, street and city. Then we would be able to figure out who threw the party, and question them.

That's why I say this is all fiction.
Bottom line is that the Demon-crats played politics in the situation. They tried to lay this bomb on the confirmation at a precise time to try and knock Kavanaugh out of the job because of his conservative views or his Republican label for his party, his affiliation, his ideologies or his thinking . It's as plain as day what took place here. The demon-crats botched this, and its on them.

Yes, there needs to be an FBI investigation alright, but it should be against the demon-crats for how they conducted themselves on this matter. It needs to be known who paid for the lie detector test since unbelievably she didn't know.

Thank God for the smart people still having a say in this country.

The Demon-crats pulled out all the stops on this one, but they failed miserably.

Wonder when the Demon-crats are gonna realize that the American people aren't as dumb as they think they are anymore ?
LOL, another Kavanaught thread. haha

Kavanaugh is a little bitch that refused to answer a simple YES or NO question; what a pussy.
Why did Ms. Ford take a lie detector test, when she wasn't on trial for anything? Who pushed her into it? Who paid for it? The bitches are the liberals on the board who said they believed the lying sack of excrement, while her witnesses DENIED that the event ever happened(under oath of a felony)...
Because she knew her credibility would be questioned

Why wonā€™t Kavanaugh do the same

Polygraphs are useless as they do not "detect lies".

As I understand it her polygraph operator only asked her two questions, though that could be erroneous information.

Two relevant questions on which intent to deceive was measured. There would have been any number of questions establishing a baseline. I think that's standard practice.

I want to see a transcript. Polygraphs arenā€™t reliable enough to just know the results of one. What did they ask her? They could have asked her if the sky was blue and came out and said, ā€œShe took a polygraph and passed!ā€

"Is any part of your statement false," and "did you make up any part of your statement." were the two relevant questions.

Read Ford polygraph report | P Value | Polygraph

The format of the test was the two question Federal You Phase Zone Comparison Test (ZCT). As part of a 2011 meta-analysis study done by the American Polygraph Association (APA), the ZCT is one of the polygraph examinations considered valid based upon defined research protocol. As part of the validation process, the APA chose techniques that were reported in the Meta 22 Analytic Survey of Validated Techniques (2011) as having two, independent studies that describe the criterion validity and reliability. The ZCT includes relevant questions addressing the issues to be resolved by the examination, comparison questions to be used in analysis, symptomatic questions, and neutral or irrelevant questions.
You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; youā€™re Ds told you to go to hell and youā€™re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.

I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
You are a piece of shit liar...
Contact your representatives as they submit the request.
All you and the rest of your low IQ ilk are good for is making up bullshit.
Or...are your representatives Rs?

You're ignorant, so you resort to insult. Ignorance can be cured. Look it up.
One more lie from you and youā€™re on Ignore.

Oh, God, no! Anything but that!

I haven't lied. You do what you want.
Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.
Is that why not one D said such yesterday?
They did, at least 3 offered the letters during the hearing to expose Grassley's lie that you are mindlessly parroting.
Dr. Ford is a victim.

Kavanaugh is a victim and a hero.

Lindsey Graham is a hero.

The Dems are a disgrace.
To Dr. Ford: "You are not on trial here today."

Bullshit. Of course she is on trial. She has made outrageous and scurrilous accusations against a man with impeccable, unassailed integrity and accomplishments. If she is not convincing, she would become a pariah. If this nomination goes down in flames due to her testimony, her life will be in danger. It's not literally a legal "trial," but certainly she is on trial.

To Dr. Ford: "You are a hero."

Again, bullshit. She has made allegations that contradict a LIFETIME of sterling conduct, professional accomplishments, thousands of personal relationships, and even the testimony of Dr. Ford's supposed friends and supporters. IF WHAT SHE IS SAYING IS FALSE, regardless of the reasons (mistaken memories, slander, political vindictiveness, whatever), then she is THE OPPOSITE OF A HERO. She is a lying scumbag who deserves legal, professional, and financial ruin. And the purpose of this hearing is to try to ascertain whether she is telling the truth.


While I know politicians don't think this way, one of Kavanaugh's supporters should have pointed this out, to wit,

"You have been called a hero today, but that assessment is not apparent. If what you are claiming is not true, then you are the opposite of a hero, and ALL OF THE EVIDENCE about this nominee contradicts your claims. So you will pardon me if I do not join in the chorus calling you a 'hero'."
Honestly to me she seemed like someone obviously suffering from mental illness (her medical records have been kept secret) who POSSIBLY suffered sexual assault over 36 years ago, who was also a die hard Democrat living in die hard Democrat state, also committed to doing whatever she can to help her party, which includes helping to derail this nomination by a president she hates.

Democrats then used her as a sacrificial lamb in trying to destroying a good, decent man's lifetime reputation, achievements, and family in order to prevent him from getting on the Supreme Court.
Think about it folks, this isn't only a referendum on Kavanaugh, but it is a referendum on Trump and the entire republican party.

I mean listen to some of the senators who are denying the yes vote for Kavanaugh. It's obvious that this goes way beyond this confirmation or Mrs. Ford, and it goes straight back to the winning by Trump in this election. It's really a sick situation. They drag that mess up into this confirmation off the back of that hearing yesterday, basically proving how politically biased they are in this confirmation, thus proving possibly that they used Mrs. Ford in hopes to get what they want as a result of.

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