Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch
She did tell the truth... but if you don't believe her, have the FBI investigate it before you choose to put a man who can lie like that, on the supreme court

If kavanaugh is your hero, then what does that tell us about you and those just like you?

It says we are winning....

Your agenda requires lies.

It would have to be requested by POTUS; please pay attention

Nope, Grassley stated quite clearly during the session that any Senator could request the investigation, AND not a single Democrat disputed it then, and none since.

FACT CHECK: Can The Senate Enlist The FBI To Reopen A Kavanaugh Investigation?

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Send those links to Grassley. Oh, and to the Dems that failed to dispute it, and have YET to dispute it.

Grassley & other Senators KNOW the chain of command & how that works; they are playing to the cameras & to the people in a theatrical demonstration.

The Senate is not excutive level; POTUS is & FBI is under executive.

Stop being a dumb ****.

So, you are saying the Democrats were in this conspiracy as well? None have disputed it. Not one
1. Where was she prior to the assault? First she states at the Country Club Pool. During testimony she says she can't be sure? She assumed she was because she spent a lot of time at the pool that summer? She can't even establish where she was before? Can she not remember because she states that two of this group were already drunk, and the Country Club would have information on if the Lifeguard had ever reported these two as ever being drunk at the pool, something that a Country club would not allow?

2. She can't remember how she left the party? She can't remember if she was given a ride? After such a life altering event?

2A. She can't remember the location of the house? But she apparently walked from somewhere she doesn't remember?

2B. If she got a ride, how did she get the ride? Call? Must have, and from a landline, there were no cell phones in 1982. And she can't remember this? Easily witness supported, but she can't give who those witnesses might be.

3. Her own best friend can't back up her allegations.

What is the facts that the FBI to investigate?

I don't know where we were before the alleged attack. My best friend can't back up my testimony. I don't know how I left the location of the attack, have no idea what method I left the location, I have no idea how or if I called for a ride. I have no idea if I obtained a ride home.

There is absolutely nothing to investigate.

And the larger problem, she testified to all of the above.

Put a fork on this Turkey, it's done.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

Any wino sleeping in a doorway can request an FBI investigation. Only the White House can order it.

This was answered during the hearing and, you are wrong lil beaver.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; you’re Ds told you to go to hell and you’re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.

I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
You are a piece of shit liar...
Contact your representatives as they submit the request.
All you and the rest of your low IQ ilk are good for is making up bullshit.
Or...are your representatives Rs?
Kavanaugh could have done one good thing yesterday, and he passed up the chance. He could have acknowledged the immaturity and hurtfulness behind the Renate Alumni thing, and apologized for it.
Any wino sleeping in a doorway can request an FBI investigation. Only the White House can order it.

This was answered during the hearing and, you are wrong lil beaver.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; you’re Ds told you to go to hell and you’re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.

I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
You are a piece of shit liar...
Contact your representatives as they submit the request.
All you and the rest of your low IQ ilk are good for is making up bullshit.
Or...are your representatives Rs?

You're ignorant, so you resort to insult. Ignorance can be cured. Look it up.
This was answered during the hearing and, you are wrong lil beaver.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; you’re Ds told you to go to hell and you’re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.

I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
You are a piece of shit liar...
Contact your representatives as they submit the request.
All you and the rest of your low IQ ilk are good for is making up bullshit.
Or...are your representatives Rs?

You're ignorant, so you resort to insult. Ignorance can be cured. Look it up.
One more lie from you and you’re on Ignore.
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get

Prove it don't spew it

The reason you're not taken serious
I am the most trusted poster on USMB
An FBI investigation would be over in less than a week. What are Kavanaugh and the Republicans so afraid of? The stonewalling by Kavanaugh is telling.

Ford was telling the truth is what I get from this stonewalling.

Kavanaugh is a heavy drinker and a poor drunk. His defensiveness at the hearing is equally telling on this issue.

What exactly is the FBI supposed to investigate? The lying bitch can't remember shit. Strange it traumatized her sooooo bad but she can't remember details, eh?

Lol leftists are so stupid
An FBI investigation would be over in less than a week. If what you say is true it would clear his name. So what does Kavanaugh have to lose from a FBI investigation except to have this cloud removed from his name before his confirmation?

You didn’t answer her question of what they would investigate... how shocking.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?
Mitchell asked, “So he administered a polygraph on the day that you attended your grandmother’s funeral?”

“Correct,” Ford replied. “It might have been the next day. I spent the night in the hotel.”
So she can’t remember a major event like taking a polygraph, who paid for it, and she’s a PhD psychologist who claims to know nothing about polygraph testing.

She remembered it happened while she was at the hotel. She knew she didn't pay for it, so you need some new and better lies.
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didn’t think so...
He bragged about his drinking till he pukes in his yearbook.
So... Where is the proof of the “lie”?
One man's passing out is another man's street nap.
Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ‘fell asleep’
Mitchell then asked if Kavanaugh ever drank so much that he passed out, and that’s when Kavanaugh’s hemming and hawing began.

“Passed out would be, no,” he said. “But I’ve gone to sleep. But I’ve never blacked out, that’s the allegation. And that’s wrong.”

It’s unclear what distinction Kavanaugh seems to think exists between “passing out” and “falling asleep,” but he has a well-documented record of lying about his alcohol consumption. During his interview on Fox News earlier this week, Kavanaugh denied drinking while underage, telling host Martha McCallum that high school seniors were old enough to buy and consume alcohol in Maryland when the drinking age was 18 years old. Except as Vox pointed out, Kavanaugh didn’t turn 18 until after Maryland had raised the drinking age to 21. At no point during his high school career was he of legal drinking age in Maryland. And his self-portrayal as a responsible drinker is disputed not just by multiple people who knew him in his college years and recall incidents of him drinking to excess, but by his own yearbook entry in which he described himself as treasurer of the “Keg City Club.”
Demonstrate unequivocally the difference in this case. In other words prove it....
Falling asleep is an alcoholics PC for passing out, there is no difference and therefore Crying Kavanaugh was lying under oath again.
1. Where was Christine Fords Husband during the hearings?

2. What is HE trying to hide?
He’s ashamed of how fugly his wife is.

Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.
Proof? I didn’t think so...
He bragged about his drinking till he pukes in his yearbook.
So... Where is the proof of the “lie”?
One man's passing out is another man's street nap.
Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ‘fell asleep’
Mitchell then asked if Kavanaugh ever drank so much that he passed out, and that’s when Kavanaugh’s hemming and hawing began.

“Passed out would be, no,” he said. “But I’ve gone to sleep. But I’ve never blacked out, that’s the allegation. And that’s wrong.”

It’s unclear what distinction Kavanaugh seems to think exists between “passing out” and “falling asleep,” but he has a well-documented record of lying about his alcohol consumption. During his interview on Fox News earlier this week, Kavanaugh denied drinking while underage, telling host Martha McCallum that high school seniors were old enough to buy and consume alcohol in Maryland when the drinking age was 18 years old. Except as Vox pointed out, Kavanaugh didn’t turn 18 until after Maryland had raised the drinking age to 21. At no point during his high school career was he of legal drinking age in Maryland. And his self-portrayal as a responsible drinker is disputed not just by multiple people who knew him in his college years and recall incidents of him drinking to excess, but by his own yearbook entry in which he described himself as treasurer of the “Keg City Club.”
Demonstrate unequivocally the difference in this case. In other words prove it....
Falling asleep is an alcoholics PC for passing out, there is no difference and therefore Crying Kavanaugh was lying under oath again.

Prove it. I think Democrat is a code word for Cuck.
Investigate Ford's allegations and question the witnesses.

Investigate an allegation? What should they look at? She supposedly cant remenber key details.

Lol you're spewing the stall tactic....everyone sees it.

There is nothing to investigate. She laid out her cards yesterday and no proof of any of it offered up
There was Mark Judge and at least two other people present at the house. We talking less than a week for an investigation. Hardly, a major stall.

He will be confirmed regardless. I don't know what he has to lose if it removes this cloud from his name.
Answer, because Kavanaugh and the rest of the country knew it happened. How do we all know? Because Republicans won't let it be investigated. What do they have to hide? The Republican party, turned criminal organization, has no interest in finding out the truth.

You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
He’s ashamed of how fugly his wife is.

Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.
Is that why not one D said such yesterday?
He’s ashamed of how fugly his wife is.

Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.

Send it to Grassley, educate him, I just tell what I hear in the meeting
There was Mark Judge and at least two other people present at the house. We talking less than a week for an investigation. Hardly, a major stall.

He will be confirmed regardless. I don't know what he has to lose if it removes this cloud from his name.
Answer, because Kavanaugh and the rest of the country knew it happened. How do we all know? Because Republicans won't let it be investigated. What do they have to hide? The Republican party, turned criminal organization, has no interest in finding out the truth.

You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They’re not afraid? Any Senator could have contacted the FBI and demanded the investigation. They didn’t.

Nuff said.
Tired of the stupid fukery.
It doesn't work like that and you know it.
Can't you guys ever tell the truth?

Brett's 7 "F's":


More lies lies lies. You’re just a big dumb liar.
You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They’re not afraid? Any Senator could have contacted the FBI and demanded the investigation. They didn’t.

Nuff said.
Tired of the stupid fukery.
It doesn't work like that and you know it.
Can't you guys ever tell the truth?

Brett's 7 "F's":


The saying was:

I don’t see a rape here.
It was an attempt.

Republicans could watch Trump shoot someone on 5th avenue and they would refuse to see it.

Same with Brett.

They didn't have forensic evidence on Bill Cosby either. And he was found guilty. Why do you think Republicans refuse to let the FBI Investigate?


I love how you think your idiotic memes make you look smart. You seriously are no older than 15.

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