Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didn’t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch
She did tell the truth... but if you don't believe her, have the FBI investigate it before you choose to put a man who can lie like that, on the supreme court

If kavanaugh is your hero, then what does that tell us about you and those just like you?
Because not a single Democrat Senator has contacted the FBI to actually do one, which they had the authority to do. Why didn’t they?

Might have something to do with them not even believing the story.

It would have to be requested by POTUS; please pay attention

Your agenda requires lies.

It would have to be requested by POTUS; please pay attention

Nope, Grassley stated quite clearly during the session that any Senator could request the investigation, AND not a single Democrat disputed it then, and none since.

FACT CHECK: Can The Senate Enlist The FBI To Reopen A Kavanaugh Investigation?

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Send those links to Grassley. Oh, and to the Dems that failed to dispute it, and have YET to dispute it.
It would have to be requested by POTUS; please pay attention

Your agenda requires lies.

It would have to be requested by POTUS; please pay attention

Nope, Grassley stated quite clearly during the session that any Senator could request the investigation, AND not a single Democrat disputed it then, and none since.

FACT CHECK: Can The Senate Enlist The FBI To Reopen A Kavanaugh Investigation?

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Send those links to Grassley. Oh, and to the Dems that failed to dispute it, and have YET to dispute it.

Grassley & other Senators KNOW the chain of command & how that works; they are playing to the cameras & to the people in a theatrical demonstration.

The Senate is not excutive level; POTUS is & FBI is under executive.

Stop being a dumb ****.
Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

Any wino sleeping in a doorway can request an FBI investigation. Only the White House can order it.

This was answered during the hearing and, you are wrong lil beaver.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; you’re Ds told you to go to hell and you’re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch

I took a polygraph test during the course of my Employment, like 10 yrs ago, I can remember every single moment of it. She can't remember the event from 2 months ago. She was SOOOOO disingenuous that it almost made me laugh. Just waste time shuffling through paper so the Prosecutor can't ask to many questions an then say I can't remember or I don't recall anything of substance.
they should not go forward before interviewing other witnesses, it's an INJUSTICE to do so.
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch
She did tell the truth... but if you don't believe her, have the FBI investigate it before you choose to put a man who can lie like that, on the supreme court

If kavanaugh is your hero, then what does that tell us about you and those just like you?

It's only your opinion she told the truth...and she offered up zero evidence to support her allegation.

You're just another dimwitted sheeple.

Are you content knowing you support destroying a man over mere fact less allegations?

If you are you are to be pitied...then mocked with zero mercy
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch

I took a polygraph test during the course of my Employment, like 10 yrs ago, I can remember every single moment of it. She can't remember the event from 2 months ago. She was SOOOOO disingenuous that it almost made me laugh. Just waste time shuffling through paper so the Prosecutor can't ask to many questions an then say I can't remember or I don't recall anything of substance.

She seems to forget a lot of things.

Our eight year old has a better memory
Liberals crushed in SCOTUS spending war

According to an estimate from NARAL-Pro Choice America, conservative groups have pledged more than $30 million in total spending on behalf of Kavanaugh, much of it on the airwaves.

“It was always going to be true that the right would outspend the left in this fight. JCN, the Kochs and the NRA will still drastically outspend our side, but it will probably be closer to 6- or 7-to-1 instead of the 20-to-1 edge you saw on Gorsuch,”

“Our budget for Gorsuch was 10 million [dollars],” said Carrie Severino, JCN’s chief counsel. “And we expect we will meet or surpass that given how contentious we have seen things becoming so far.”

The Koch network, which until recently had stayed out of judicial appointments, says it will spend seven figures supporting Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

Any wino sleeping in a doorway can request an FBI investigation. Only the White House can order it.

This was answered during the hearing and, you are wrong lil beaver.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were, well, you.

I invite you to provide a link to your misunderstanding.
I get it; you’re Ds told you to go to hell and you’re here to blow off some steam.

Now contact your Dem Representatives and request an investigation.

I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch

I took a polygraph test during the course of my Employment, like 10 yrs ago, I can remember every single moment of it. She can't remember the event from 2 months ago. She was SOOOOO disingenuous that it almost made me laugh. Just waste time shuffling through paper so the Prosecutor can't ask to many questions an then say I can't remember or I don't recall anything of substance.

She seems to forget a lot of things.

Our eight year old has a better memory

What does your eight year old remember from 30 years ago?
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get

Okay Snow white. Maybe he just forgot how hammered he'd get. Ms. Ford must have forgotten her other 50 sexual partners in the same way. I think the Party was at her house, Some guys she invited did whatever and she got laughed at probably for puking and falling down the stairs. People laugh at Party's that's why they call them Party's and not Funerals. They laughed at me Whaaaaaa!
If she's a hero the left's bar is very very low

She's a contemptible lying bitch

I took a polygraph test during the course of my Employment, like 10 yrs ago, I can remember every single moment of it. She can't remember the event from 2 months ago. She was SOOOOO disingenuous that it almost made me laugh. Just waste time shuffling through paper so the Prosecutor can't ask to many questions an then say I can't remember or I don't recall anything of substance.

She seems to forget a lot of things.

Our eight year old has a better memory

What does your eight year old remember from 30 years ago?

Gawd you're stupid. I mean seriously stop your fcking trolling, moron
they should not go forward before interviewing other witnesses, it's an INJUSTICE to do so.

The injustice is towards Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford! This could have been remedied weeks ago with Feinstein calling for a confidential investigation when she received the letter in the first place. Your animosity towards this should be aimed at her.

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