Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote Ending 9th Circuit Reign Of Terror

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.
That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
It's been like this since FDR threatened to pack the court.
Don't like it? Blame him.
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump​

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
The constitution won.
America won.
Democrats and illegals lost.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

When I give much of a shit - I will let you know. These things eventually work themselves out in the end. Always.

But now we know what kind of sports guy you are.

You are/were clearly the guy who couldn't stop bragging about his accomplishments and/or wouldn't stop rubbing it in to the other players/teams when he won/they lost. In other words...a loser (no wonder you look up to Trump SO much).

Exactly the kind of snot that most players of honor despise.

Have a nice day.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

When I give much of a shit - I will let you know. These things eventually work themselves out in the end. Always.

But now we know what kind of sports guy you are.

You are/were clearly the guy who couldn't stop bragging about his accomplishments and/or wouldn't stop rubbing it in to the other players/teams when he won/they lost. In other words...a loser (no wonder you look up to Trump SO much).

Exactly the kind of snot that most players of honor despise.

Have a nice day.
Well why don't you just cry about it.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
The libs on the SC are either senile or nuts. That is not our fault.
When I give much of a shit - I will let you know. These things eventually work themselves out in the end. Always.

But now we know what kind of sports guy you are.

You are/were clearly the guy who couldn't stop bragging about his accomplishments and/or wouldn't stop rubbing it in to the other players/teams when he won/they lost. In other words...a loser (no wonder you look up to Trump SO much).

Exactly the kind of snot that most players of honor despise.

Have a nice day.
Honorable players don't respect cry-baby sore losers.
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

I agree, but how can the four dissenters possibly have a problem with this?

"It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them."
Lefties have a lot to cry about this weekend. A lot.
Yep....Mueller was their sacred cow....now they're back to square one.
They must find a crime or they just might jump off of the tallest building in town.
We have a corrupt hierarchy of Democrat establishment. It's time for Democrats to clean their house or face extinction.
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

I agree, but how can the four dissenters possibly have a problem with this?

"It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them."
It's right there in the illegal alien bill of rights: "You cannot hold an illegal in custody for any reason because that would mean you are a Racist."
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

The one thing about Kav which is really surprising to me is the fact that Ginsberg as well as Sotomayor and Kangan are still on the court.

You would think that someone as notorious as Kavanaugh, who libs said likes to organize Gang Rape Parties, would have pushed those broads to resign.

Except, I guess, the liberals really didn't believe all that garbage they spread last fall.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
Remind me how it is supposed to go when 4 of 9 Justices don't even know the law?
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
Remind me how it is supposed to go when 4 of 9 Justices don't even know the law?
They know the law, but they were nominated because they had an agenda.

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