Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

The Dirty Democrats can't win fairly so they use hate and fear and smear.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford is a liar.
How low can the Troglocrats go.

Likely payback for Merrick Garland.
Of course - It is a Deep State COUP And everyone is out to get the Mango Menace ...

The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.
One time I agree with you.
However, do you think he should never mention his faith, as if it is illegitimate. Would you say the same if a Muslim said his faith is too important in his life to conduct himself in such a manner?
This assumes that Christians are all fakes.

Using your religion to “help” your case as he was clearly doing is cheap. Be it Christian, Muslim, Bhuddist, etc...
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.

Your red flag is that he went to church?

No. The red flag was using his faith as a shield against sexual assault charges.
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?

No. Because people don’t usually have to be solicited to remember sexual trauma let alone turn around and ask all their friends whether it happened to them

Ok. Cool story. Let's now discuss the Debbie Ramirez allegations.

She states that she was drunk, Kav did something crude, and she did not like it. The only one talking about sexual trauma is you.
The dems want to make their double standard the norm. ANY bitch that thinks she has a sexual allegation can report it and then the guys need to prove their innocence. The system needs to be simplified to the FBI background check, and we also need to accept some normal sexual behavior. We can't accept only eunuchs. The rationale' is what Bill Clinton and got away with gives everyone a pass forever.
Did you see his lower lip tremble while his face did a scrunch cry?

And yet when the guy whose daughter died tried to shake his hand he gave the guy a fuk you a$$hole, why are you even trying to touch me cuz I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.

The guy is a typical Republican who has no empathy or feelings for anybody else. I’m sure when he was going off on those women he felt he had every right because he’s the right kind of person.
That’s how the Republicans justify their evil behavior. Because they feel they have the right. White makes right.

Wow what a fucking retard you are. Probably don’t spend any time with actual Republicans but know just what goes through their heads, right? “White makes right”? So there are no black rapists?

You’re a truly dumb individual if you believe any of the hogwash I’m replying to.

To be fair he probably doesn’t spend any time with anyone outside his mother’s basement
Stop calling a man who attempts rape not a rapist. You piece of shit.
Stop calling an innocent man 'guilty', a 'rapist', YOU piece of sheep excrement

Kavnaugh has not been convicted of anything. His accuser has produced no evidence, her story keeps changing, and her 4 witnesses say it never happened....

..but on 2nd thought, don't let the facts stand in the way of you being a lying douche.
‘Horrible, hurtful taunts’ towards schoolgirl in Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook revealed

You got to read this article. It seems that one of the girls who defended him was actually smeared in his yearbook. They suggested that the football team passed her around. Kavanaugh said in his interview that he kissed her. When she was asked, she said she never kissed him not once not ever. And in the article it says that they felt that any girl that wouldn’t date them was probably gay.

And this came from one of his defenders.

I bet she doesn’t defend him now.

What a ridiculous article. It asserts nothing.
Too late dum dum. Looks like the articles already gone mainstream.

The woman that initially supported him says she is hurt and hopes that other men from that yearbook don’t treat their daughters the way they treated her.

God these right wingers are so fuked up in their heads. They actually think that men harassing and molesting women is normal behavior. The sign of a “strong man”.
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?

No. Because people don’t usually have to be solicited to remember sexual trauma let alone turn around and ask all their friends whether it happened to them

Ok. Cool story. Let's now discuss the Debbie Ramirez allegations.

She states that she was drunk, Kav did something crude, and she did not like it. The only one talking about sexual trauma is you.

Doesn’t matter what you call it, it doesn’t become any more credible
Did you see his lower lip tremble while his face did a scrunch cry?

And yet when the guy whose daughter died tried to shake his hand he gave the guy a fuk you a$$hole, why are you even trying to touch me cuz I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.

The guy is a typical Republican who has no empathy or feelings for anybody else. I’m sure when he was going off on those women he felt he had every right because he’s the right kind of person.
That’s how the Republicans justify their evil behavior. Because they feel they have the right. White makes right.

Wow what a fucking retard you are. Probably don’t spend any time with actual Republicans but know just what goes through their heads, right? “White makes right”? So there are no black rapists?

You’re a truly dumb individual if you believe any of the hogwash I’m replying to.

To be fair he probably doesn’t spend any time with anyone outside his mother’s basement
You’re kind always attacks the truth.
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?

No. Because people don’t usually have to be solicited to remember sexual trauma let alone turn around and ask all their friends whether it happened to them

Ok. Cool story. Let's now discuss the Debbie Ramirez allegations.

She states that she was drunk, Kav did something crude, and she did not like it. The only one talking about sexual trauma is you.

Doesn’t matter what you call it, it doesn’t become any more credible

Ah, so it's like I said in the first place. You don't like it, so it's not credible.

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